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well i tell ya , the only thing that really makes sense to me at this point is that 55% of the bible is incorrectly written.
not many of us can read the actuall language!
it makes no sense for GOD and jesus to be the same being!
jesus wasnt crazy! he didnt pray to himself.
he even prayed and had blood sweat from him! he was so afraid to die. yet the father wanted him to do it and jesus wanted to do it to obey GOD and to save all of us fools!!
i know many other prophets existed in the old testament, others raised the dead etc too, but jesus is special!! i honestly think /believe him to be GODS son! he was with GOD from the beginning.
i can only feel that parts of our bible..king james is wrong.
one minute he says he is a servant and talks to the father, another time he is GOD.
PLEZZZ it makes me want to never read anything again!!
yet i ordered the recovery versian bible from www.biblesforamerica.org
lately all i do is torture myself! one day i think one thing and next!!

2006-09-28 15:41:07 · 17 answers · asked by grasshopper 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Mekayla is correct!!

2006-09-28 15:44:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all one God, yet have three separate personalities with separate roles. Jesus submits to the will of the Father even though He is equal to the Father. John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." If you keep reading it's clear that the "Word" refers to Jesus. So He was both with God and God at the same time.

If you don't trust the Bible, then your beliefs are based on what exactly? Your own wisdom and knowledge?

Try getting a parallel Bible and reading several translations side by side. I think you'll find that the differences between the translations aren't that significant. You can also get an exhaustive concordance and start looking up the original meanings of the words. While this won't give you a full perspective on the languages, it will help you to see how words are translated in different contexts and how that affects meaning and understanding.

2006-09-28 22:50:53 · answer #2 · answered by happygirl 6 · 0 0

I believe what the Bible says about Jesus. It calls him the Son of God--not God. People who believe in the Trinity try to make Jesus into something that he never claimed to be. I agree with you that Jesus did not pray to himself; he prayed to someone who was higher than he was--God. At John 14:28, Jesus said that his father was greater than he was. If Jesus is God, why does the Bible at Hebrews 12:2 say that he is sitting at the RIGHT hand of the throne of God in heaven? No where in the Bible does Jesus claim to be God. No where in the Bible is Jesus referred to as "God the Son", as Trinitarians claim. Although Jesus said "I and the Father are one", does that mean that they are the same person? When a man and woman get married, the Bible says they are "one flesh". Does that mean they have become one person? Of course not! It means they are in agreement; they are one in purpose. The same thing applies to Jesus and his heavenly Father, Jehovah God. See John 17:11.

I agree with you that Jesus and God are NOT the same being.

2006-09-29 03:55:36 · answer #3 · answered by LineDancer 7 · 0 0

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Incarnation of God's Son reveals that God is the eternal Father and that the Son is consubstantial with the Father, which means that, in the Father and with the Father, the Son is one and the same God. The mission of the Holy spirit, sent by the Father in the name of the Son and by the Son "from the Father" reveals that, with them, the Spirit is one and the same God"

2006-09-28 23:02:47 · answer #4 · answered by Mamma mia 5 · 0 0

You dont have to rely on King James. Look at the original languages and it is true (eg Deut 6:4 where it says that thereare 3 gods onely.

2006-09-28 23:53:33 · answer #5 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 0 0

OKay, take a deep breath and sit down before you start hyperventillating. In the beginning was the word, and the word was GOD. God sent His only son, Jesus to be born of a virgin and to die for our sins....the word made flesh.Then when Jesus ascended into Heaven he breathed the holy spirit onto the disciples to be with them and be their comforter. Email me if you do not get it and I can give you exact scriptures for each.

2006-09-28 22:47:12 · answer #6 · answered by mortgagegirl101 6 · 0 0

The Trinity - God in three persons, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. The Godhead, all three one Spirit but have different purposes.

Father - Creator
Son - Savior, Jesus who was God incarnate
Holy Spirit - Comforter, God in us

Like - ice, water, steam - all water but different. I hope this helps.

2006-09-28 23:05:04 · answer #7 · answered by jworks79604 5 · 0 0

I highly reccomend you look at jewish belief, by jewish standards belief in jesus as god, messiah, or anything more divine than any other human (we are all divine in a sense, ...) is polytheistic and/or idolotorous.

or as a more moderate thign that you might find deeply interesting, is the book/Program called "A Course in Miracles" basically it alledges to be jesus channeling through this woman, and explaining what he really meant, and how things were misconstrued,.... it teaches that jesus intended himself to be a role model for people, not worshipped, or anything like that.

2006-09-28 23:06:33 · answer #8 · answered by RW 6 · 0 0

Well, sweetie, you need a course in history, and in particular, bible history. In it you will learn that the bible (OT) is just a collections of writings, of myths that were important to a tribe of people (Jews) in the middle east beginning more that 5000 years ago. The bible we read today, has been changed, re-written, altered, added to, and subtracted from whenever it was politically helpful by who ever was in power in what ever country it was being held. Remember the only people who could in Western Europe up to the 1450's or so were Catholic priests--- the masses of workers could not read -- there were no books until the printing press was invented. (Google Printing press+History --- great reading) Thus, bibles were copied by scribes, who would put their own little twists to it. And the translations always had difficulties --- lots of languages have no periods, or capital letters, and words just run together.... (One classic example is:


Now does this translate as: he is now here or
he is no where)

Reading Egyptian Heiroglyphics is rather like this (Went to Egypt in 2002 -- spent 5 months taking a course so I could read the stuff in the Cairo Museum and on the monuments.)

And only the wealthy could afford a bible.
The NT is as well,--- a collection of works rewritten many times over, translated many times into various languages with incorrect translations of words. Did you know that there was a gospel according to St. Philip? It isn't in our bible? Why?

Christianity is a copy-cat religion, sweetie. The idea of a triad, (father, mother and son) is an old idea, the civilization nearest to the mid. east that had this idea was Ancient Egypt -- Osiris, Isis and Horus. Google that, and read the story. In the Book of the Dead -- the collection of prayers necessary to be said at certain times during the mummification process for the soul of a person to get to the next life--- many of the prayers were copied into christiantiy word for word..."Tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death....." Right out of the Book of the Dead (It's correct name is: Words For Going Forth By Day). All of the Beatitudes -- right out of Egypt. And the Nicene Creed a compromise that about split the church apart in the 300's. (Google that one too)

Historically, there were many men, both before Jesus, and after him who claimed to be the man promised in the old testament. Those who believe he was, are called fundamentalist christians. Those who don't are called buddhists, shintos, hindus, agnostics, mystics, spiritualists, and a pile of other religions and non-religions.

As for when the parts about jesus were written, most were at least 30 years after his death, and some if it 150 years after his death. John Kennedy was killed only 40 years ago, and with computers, rerunning of old films, analysis of old photographs, no one has all the answers yet. Why would you ever think that the events of 2000 years ago, witnessed by starving shepherds,(the mind does funny things on an empty stomach) and translated from Aramaic (the language jesus spoke) to Greek, to Latin, to Coptic, back to Latin, to German (where the printing press was invented) then to Old English, Middle English, Modern English to American would be very accurate????

Most of us who have gone thru what you are going thru long ago came to the conclusion that truth is in the eyes of the beholder and that god talks thru the language of DNA. Leonardo said it best: God is in the detail. And then that brings the next question: What is god?
For many, who just aren't into the supernatural stuff, god is the smile on a child's face, the energy of a young baby horse running beside his mother in a green field of tall grass, the warmth of a puppy, the skill of the surgeon who can cure cancer, the artistry of a painter who can pull you into his painting, god is the music of Mozart, played by an orchestra, the drama of Bach's double violin concerto.... god is in us all....

(If you wish to know more about what is know of the historical jesus, go to Discovery.com, and buy some of their videos on the subject. For less than $100, you can find out what would take a few courses in college to find out, and in a nicer, easier format..... Good luck sweetie. )

Helpful? Need more? write me.

2006-09-28 23:33:37 · answer #9 · answered by April 6 · 0 0

the Trinity is a mystery, you want God in a box. Gods ways are not our ways and yet we are three part beings as well, mind body and soul.
But since we are not Devine, we cannot separate out three natures at will.

Jesus IS God, He said so time and time again. accept it

2006-09-28 22:46:18 · answer #10 · answered by SETFREEBYJESUS 4 · 0 0

Not me! it's very abvious that Jesus and God are compeletly two different facts.

Jesus said: "Listen O Israel: the lord our God is only one"

Jesus said: "why calling me good? and there is no good except God"

Jesus said: "my God! my God! why haven't u forsaken me" (that's very clear)

1st commandment: you shall not take other gods before Me (God)

2006-09-28 22:44:28 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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