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I am an aetheist. Believe it or not i dont dislike Christians or any other religion for that matter im just sick of people disrespecting other peoples religions.
Most religions are meant to be about loving each other.
What a load o' shite, if religion didnt exist the world would be a lot more peaceful.

2006-09-28 13:12:33 · 25 answers · asked by andycam_8 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

As you said, most religions are about peace & respecting one another but people seem to tarnish the name of their religion with their horrible actions.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: Beware! verily there is a piece of flesh in the body of man, which when good, the whole body is good; and when bad, the whole body is bad, and that is the heart.

2006-09-29 00:43:17 · answer #1 · answered by Mawarda 3 · 0 0

Actually the problem is not the religion, but the people running it, which is why organized religion does not work. There is nothing wrong with practicing a religion, but you kinda need to take your orders straight from God...unfortuantely S/He is not really speaking in those voices in people's heads. ;)

Religion, however serves a purpose, you are just being jaded and pessimistic because you have been misled by ORGANIZED religion. Read up on world religions, and come to your own conclusion as spirit speaks differently to each person, and your heart and soul (not some book or preacher,) will tell you how to worship your creator.

2006-09-28 13:17:42 · answer #2 · answered by theoriginalninjacat 2 · 1 0

I'm not an expert, but don't ALL religions believe that following their particular 'god' is the way to everlasting happiness, and that the followers of all the others are wasting their time.

Suppose this is true. Imagine the devastation of the Jews finding out that they should have been Buddhist all along. Or all the Muslims being told that being a Morman was the way forward. Ha, ha, ha.

I guess I'll find out for sure when I die, but I'll take my chances. If I do end up in Hell, it'll sure be busy.

2006-09-28 15:31:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you look at the founders of certain faiths, and not at some of the people who follow them, you will find that peace and tolerance is taught by them. It's not a surprise to find that a fallen race acts as though it is fallen. Nobody can claim that becoming a Christian suddenly makes you perfect overnight, the Bible very clearly teaches that we should aim to become better people and that God will do it if we invite Him to, but it's a painful process, it takes a long time, and we do slip up on the way. What you need to think about is not the followers, but the example of the God they follow and whether or not he is who he says he is.

2006-09-29 01:45:17 · answer #4 · answered by good tree 6 · 0 0

Simple, My God's better than your God. And, I can kill you to prove it.

Pathetic isn't it.

Christians probably feel that they have to work harder at this philosophy because their belief structure is based on such debatable issues. After all, they claim to be monothestic but they worship Father, bastard son, and holy spook, and if that's not enough, the "virgin" (??) mary as a goddess.
They naturally deny this because it would cause the rest of the world to collapse in hysterical laughter but they continue to ram it down everybody's throats.

If there is a god at all, there can logically only be ONE god, no kids, no wives/mistresses etc. Any other upstart god would be immediately killed. Of course, if the new god was stronger, then he'd kill the old one and take over.

2006-09-29 00:34:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians dont do that. Maybe a select few, but the most of us dont discriminate. If youre a true christian, you dont criticize others because of their beliefs. Right now there is alot of chaos in the world and alot of that is due to the beliefs of people. Alot of people like to point fingers to put blame on what has become of our world. Alot of people take pride in their religion such as they would their country and they get caught up in the idea. If you live in America (which is obviously a very christian country) you hear mostly the points of view of christians, though im sure all around the world people of different religions are doing the same thing that you accuse christians of.

2006-09-28 13:20:57 · answer #6 · answered by hockeyguy885 1 · 0 2

It's perfectly acceptable to disagree with other religions. No sense in pretending if you don't truly agree with them. No need to be disrespectful though. It's a myth that religion causes all the problems. Consider Hitler, what he did wasn't about religion, and the communists slaughtered millions and yet profess atheism. Even those who cite religion often use it as a pre-text to steal someone Else's land. They use God to get the public to go and fight for them.

2006-09-28 13:20:17 · answer #7 · answered by Edward J 6 · 0 0

We do not ridicule other gods. The point is, Almighty God made them all. We acknowledge the Creator rather than the created. Psalm 82:

God presides in the great assembly; he gives judgment among the "gods":
"How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

"They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

"I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.' But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler."

Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance.

2006-09-28 18:23:02 · answer #8 · answered by waycyber 6 · 0 1

Thats the main problem with religion. It like a football team actually, either you are on the green or the red supporters team. When you join one group you say no to the others. And all of us people share the exact SAME emotions, so why make things moore complicated as they allready are..Therefore is there no reason to join this club thing (religion) as I call it, if you dont need it. Those who need it are welcome in my heart . from all religions. We should join all religions at the same time. Religion separates people and where is the love in that. Love is suppose to be UNCONDITIONAL.. Right?? Ha , therefore in my opinion, its very very simple::
. It is only about love.
And to forgive.( Not for the cause of others but to make peace with yourself and to protect the love for yourself),
Hereby you have something to give to others.
I spoke to a Miracle Healer called Charles Ndifon, He said, God is
when you dont imagine it to be anything but to be it all. You will never be able to see the wind,- But you know its there when it touches something, for ex the flag in the wind. It is the same with God. Its inside of you too... so dont worry. Trust your feelings, they never lie to you. U are absolutely right its only about love. love from me and good luck in your life.

2006-09-28 13:31:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

bull everbody needs something 2 look for direction in no matter what. Christian r more then other religions. there for They think they can bully the rest aetheist 2.

2006-09-28 13:30:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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