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If you look at it from a red indian prespective, ain't all people living in the US illigal migrant and should be removed back to England?

2006-09-28 12:51:41 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

27 answers

I am so glad that I am not the only person who realizes that the American Indians are the only people who are not immigrants to this country. This is a point that i have brought up many times. We came here, we were the terrorist, we killed them, we stole their land ,we slotered their live Stock(buffalo) then we rounded them up like animals and basically stuck them in concentration camps where we starved and demoralized them . We refused to let them have freedom of speech,& freedom of religion,We then called them savages so we could justify the fact that we treated and still do treat them like animals.We are no better than Hitler or Sudan Huhssane, The only thing we did right was when a few good Godly men drafted our constitution they established our democracy on the 10 commandments and we have ask for forgiveness. but we all need to get off our high and mighty soap boxes and face the facts. Humans without God and his intervention are horrable, mean, cruel, selfish, cutthroats, who have only our interest at heart. we had better wake up, fess up and streighten up or we as a nation are going to distroy ourselves from within.

2006-09-28 13:20:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Yeah...... ever hear the expression life ain't fair? Might makes right?

If the world were a perfect place, no one would ever impose their will on anyone else. Too bad it isn't. We live on a planet where humans are in constant competition for resources.

When the Native Americans populated the North & South American continents, they were not cohesive countries. There was no land "ownership." It was a free-for-all. The idea of human rights didn't extend beyond individual tribes. If they wanted neighboring lands they invaded them, and they were just as brutal and ruthless in killing their neighbors as the Europeans were when they arrived here and killed the natives.

It was when Europeans "migrated" to America en mass that a UNIFIED COUNTRY was established with (mostly) universal human rights and laws. Right, wrong or otherwise, this is the land we live in today, and if we are going to coexist in peace, the laws of today must apply, not some ethical idealism of what "might have been" 400 years ago had we not slaughtered the natives.

Today, immigrants that come to America must obey our laws. Period.

2006-09-28 13:32:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Heck no. When the people came in from England and many became the Forefathers of this Great Country, bought a ticket in England to come to America on a large ship. They came into ports here in America and as they stepped off the ships , there was emmigration standing taking the entry papers from them on American soil. My Ancestors was given permission to leave Norway , from Norwegian officials and then they purchased the tickets to sail on the sea. When they came to New York, or Quebec , Canada, emmigration officials were there to take their passports. They had to go through quarantine and entry. So they were let into this country the legal way. Emmigrants who don't go through Ports of Entry, and sneak in are called Illegals. So sad and too bad, as they should make plans and do it the right way. The Indian prespective is a different story. They really didn't know about port entry or quarantine. In the olden days , the emmigrants, did not want to be illegal. They aimed high for LEGAL !!!

2006-09-28 13:04:36 · answer #3 · answered by Norskeyenta 6 · 0 0

Daaaaaaaaaam!!! this question has been asked and answered to death. Sorry My ancestors have been here over 3 hundred years I am not going anywhere. I am not illegal. Their was no government or immigration laws back then for the hundredth time. And immigrants came from all over Europe not just England. And the Indians did not own all of the land back then, in fact the were also squatters from Asia. Because we want illegal immigrants to obey the law we have to go through this bullsh*t. Who made them the privileged ones. This is the United States now with the best constitution in the world, and the illegals do not have the right to come without papers and without permission. The world dose not have a right to be here with out the permission of the United States government, and it is the same law Mexico and other countries have.

2006-09-28 13:25:01 · answer #4 · answered by hexa 6 · 2 1

Indians traveled out of Russia across the Bering straight and down into Canada where they were chased out by the sue so they immigrated south enough to become Little darker in there tan , but when governments were established and boarders created everything inside those lines had been a citiazen to cross afterword without permission makes them an illegal, how would you feel if all your neighbours crossed your fences and locked doors because the land belonged to everyone at one time ?

2006-09-28 13:39:07 · answer #5 · answered by Kitten,Doc 6 · 0 0

First of all , when the Pilgrims landed, there was no immigration. My wife,s people were here, the red Indians,you put it, it was only after we had a working government that the laws of immigration were put into place. I would send all of the illegals back and make them come back the correct way or not at all. we also need the fence, national guard, and a lot of wind generators to power the fence.
Jerry R.

2006-09-28 13:10:23 · answer #6 · answered by thuletiger56@sbcglobal.net 1 · 2 0

No. The "Red Indians" had no laws regarding immigration, so anyone who immigrated to America (and their descendants) prior to the enactment of immigration laws & standards were considered citizens without question, if they decided to stay. (BTW, American citizens came from all over the world, so your assertion that they all be repatriated to England is ill-informed, at best.)

People who entered the USA following the enactment of immigration laws have been required to go through the immigration system in order to become citizens. Those who do not are illegal.

2006-09-28 13:27:46 · answer #7 · answered by My Evil Twin 7 · 1 0

No we're not all Illegal immigrants. It doesn't matter what the Native American perspective is at this point. They were/are a conquered set of tribes and where taken over when the USA was established.

I'm not from England so why should I go back there?

People born in the US are citizens of the US. Even those born of illegal immigrants. Where do you propose they go back to since they were born here.

Go put your head back in the sand.

2006-09-28 12:58:27 · answer #8 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 1 1

If you look at it that way, I guess Mexicans wont be here either then would they? and Im not sure if the Term Red Indian will get you anywere. You might want to use the term Native American.

2006-09-28 12:58:00 · answer #9 · answered by Belladonna 4 · 2 0

nicely I oftentimes communicate with them as community American because of the fact they are actually not Indian. Indian refers to somebody who's from India. i became into instructed that it is the superb term to call them. I additionally agree concerning to the Black American. i'm American a Black American of African ancestry. So Black American could be extra installation.

2016-10-15 07:58:41 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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