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majority of Christians are so intolerant and hateful. They conclude that freedom is bad because it gears people away from their god.

They say that anyone thats not a christian is inferior and destined for hell.

They think they are the only ones going to heavan. (Which is not true)

Their churches are known to abuse and sexually mollest children yet the majority of christians are yet to condemn such actions.

They support the killing of anyone that performs abortion and show their support for the christian terrorist gorup called THE ARMY OF GOD.

Paul Hill and Eric Rodulph are idolized by the majority of christians.

They teach children a harmful subject like there is a god and angels, and peter pan in neverland.

I didnt accuse all christians. I said the majority of christians

2006-09-28 12:29:02 · 43 answers · asked by ast5792 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

43 answers

There is an awful lot of tunnel vision in christianity.

2006-09-28 12:30:38 · answer #1 · answered by Brutal honesty is best 5 · 4 1

I don't know whether Christianity is the most hateful and intolerant religion -- but it's a finalist! So is the Moslem religion (and for the same reason! Both Christianity and Islam claim to be the ETERNAL answer for ALL sentient life ANYWHERE in the universe -- a huge brag that has to be supported by fanaticism -- anot note how these faiths plot and kill each other).

Some of the cannibalistic religions in central Africa and Borneo are pretty bloodthirsty, and so were some of the central American religions and upper-Amazon tribal beliefs. The Toltec and Aztec religions were quite dark, as was the Mayan culture.

The lust for a nuclear war over real estate in the Levant marks Christianity and Islam as peculiarly barbarous, though.

2006-09-28 12:36:39 · answer #2 · answered by urbancoyote 7 · 1 1

I don't know what type of christians your hanging out with.

I don't think your inferior, I also condemn child molestation, I think its the worst possible sin you can commit.

I don't support the killing of abortion doctors.

I don't even know who Paul Hill and Eric Rudolph are, and no one should be made an idol.

I don't believe in Peter Pan, and I don't see how believing in Heaven and angels is harmful.

I really think your basing this off a couple people you know. Plus youve never met the majority of christians.

ALot of the problem is that people call themselves Christians but don't take the time to actually study the Bible they just repeat what some lunatic is saying. Talk to a christian that knows what there talking about. Maybe it will change your mind.

2006-09-28 12:31:01 · answer #3 · answered by gq1412@sbcglobal.net 3 · 2 1

Heavens, they were an exceedingly dreadful lot of blighters, weren't they?! yet what you should keep in mind is that _all_ religions have this kind of nonsense someplace of their respective 'good e book', yet once you imagine of the cases in which they were written, then that develop into the way human beings idea - and how they were managed through shock. even with the indisputable fact that (and that i'm an atheist, so i do not care what any of the books say!) it type of feels to me that you won't be able to call present day Christians "..hateful, illiberal.. and so on", because a minimum of they allowed their faith to homestead enlightened idea and present day outlook. as an social gathering, there is a few thing about "a watch for a watch" of their Bible, yet they don't truly scoop out the eyes of sinners/criminals, compared to many middle East international locations in which flogging, putting, amputations, stoning, and so on.. are common punishments. So even with if Christians, Jews and different religions might want to have recommended barbarities which consists of those to that you refer, they have common that societies evolve and such issues were left in the distant previous - the position they belong.

2016-12-06 08:24:12 · answer #4 · answered by mccloy 3 · 0 0

The things done in the name of God by Christian's through the centuries may constitute the most violent religion of all time. But currently I would have to say that is not the case at all. I would like for you to show me a Christian who says that heathens are inferior! As far as saying that only Christians are going to heaven, that is what it says in the Bible and that is what Jesus said. It only stands to reason that if you are not going to Heaven you are going to Hell.
It sounds as though you do not think that Christians should be able to believe what their Holy text teaches them, to me you personally are intolerant and a hater of freedom. There is nothing wrong with thinking that another religion has missed the mark if they contradict what you believe to be Holy and true.

You obviously do not believe in God so I guess that it is fun to attack those that do. By the way why do you only attack Christians? What about Muslims who kill innocent people every day in the name of their Muhammad. By the way many Christians do believe that the koran is a divinely inspired book, inspired by satan to undermine the true identity of Jesus. What do you say to that?

2006-09-28 12:46:36 · answer #5 · answered by T & A 1 · 1 1

Christianity is not a religion. A Christian is simply a believer. All Christians are not hateful and intolerant, this can also be said of all people. To a true Christian freedom is not bad, nor is it to the One True God, because He gave us all a free will. The Idea of Christianity is to gear people away from thier gods and show them the truth.

2006-09-28 12:39:27 · answer #6 · answered by Ricco 1 · 2 1

FYI- Christianity - ain't a religion, per se.

And to answer your question - No, that would be Judaism. I've lived in Israel and they were the most racist people I ever met by far (this does not necessarily apply to american Jews)...

Actually they believe they are the only ones going to heaven, not the Christians (ergo, the chosen people) and believe they are superior to everyone else. Christians are supposed to love their fellow men, who are all God's children.

Oh sure, some Christians are pretty hard core and ignorant, esp in the US, and believe that you have to accept Jesus to have eternal life. As a Catholic, we have our issues but most are pretty accepting and don't live by the letter of the pope, but are raised with the general idea to love your neighbor as yourself which is the bottom line. Catholics certainly aren't perfect, but tend to treat people pretty well after having this ingrained pretty early (along with that Catholic guilt thing).

2006-09-28 12:38:17 · answer #7 · answered by pectorette 1 · 0 0

No I did not know that. But I do think this post is probably one of the most hateful, intolerant, ignorance infested posts I have responded to in a long while. I am a Christian and none of those things apply to me, with exception of teaching my children about God and angels. Do you not tell your children about your beliefs? I am quite angry because I cannot believe someone would be so unnecessarily derogatory simply because they think they know all about Christianity. However, Jesus has taught us to Forgive those who slander us so I wish you well and hope you will find peace somewhere.

2006-09-28 12:47:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I disagree vehemently. Everything you have enumerated underscores the despicable behavior of Christians, which does not necessarily mean that Christianity is bad or deleterious. You should not disparage an ideology or faith system because the followers cannot abide by its lofty precepts. An authentic Christianity; one that is followed by only a minority of professed Christians, is one of the greatest catalysts for good that has ever existed on this planet.

2006-09-28 12:29:44 · answer #9 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 2 0

You speak for Christianity, but you misrepresent it.

Christians hold that everyone (Christians included) have sinned and do not deserve heaven.

Christians think they have received a gift that will allow them to be in heaven, and they want you to know that the gift is available for you if you want it. how awful.

The majority of Christians neither abuse nor molest, and in fact are the only ones protecting the children. Islam and Hindu dress their children for war and murder them as collateral damage, no problem.

No church has molested, only impostors who have infiltered the church. Molestation is horrifying and hated by the church.

Christians turn out by the hundreds of thousands to provide disaster relief, to build hospitals, to feed the poor, to shelter the homeless, to repair the damages, to love anyone who wants it, Christian or not.

Christians offer free choice, and with it, the just consequences.

Christians do not ever support the killing of abortionists, nor of the unborn children. Extremists claiming falsely to be Christian conduct such accts and are readily condemned and judged by all of Christendom.

No Christian idolizes nor respects Hill or Rudoloph.

Islam however, dances in the street to celebrate the murder of innocents. Islam teaches to abuse women. Islam teaches to deceive if it benefits the religion. Islam teaches sexual immorality such as the enslavement of 70 virgins as a reward for cowardly murdering.

The Army of God carries food, blankets, medicine, love and truth. How about the army of Allah?

Christians practice not only tolerance, but love for people of every faith, and sacrifice their own money and property and time to help people regardless of whether they are Muslim, homosexual, buddhist or whatever...

Islam teaches to destroy and to hate, because the god of Islam is Allah, and his angel is Abbadon.

2006-09-28 12:42:42 · answer #10 · answered by Just David 5 · 1 1

First get your facts straight. i'm a christian and some things you say were never taught to me or any christians i know.... Second, there is a diffrence between Christian and catholics, catholic priests are known for molesting children not Christians...Third, this is the most absurb thing i have seen all day....

And i belive Islam is a very hateful religion because, muslims are almost the only people who go around with bombs strapped to themselfs blowing up themselves and hundreds of other innocent people.

2006-09-28 12:52:26 · answer #11 · answered by sr 2 · 1 1

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