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There is no ****'n difference !!!!!!!!! You all support the murder of innocent babies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-28 11:53:59 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

32 answers

You are using profane language to insult participants for their opinions/personal beliefs. If you did not want to know what their views are, you should not have asked the question. Now you are in violation of Yahoo Answers Rules and Guidelines., so you are being reported. Please do not email me for this reporting, because if you do, I will report you to Yahoo for harassment and abuse.

2006-09-28 12:04:29 · answer #1 · answered by Just me.... 4 · 3 3


Any way you put it.. it adds up to murder!!!

The people who are saying go to sleep or read your bible... they need to read t some information on what is happening to innocent babies.. so they realize when a heart starts to beat, do they realize when a baby's limb start to move.

I think that it is horrible for a woman to use abortion as birth control, do the humane thing and give the baby up for adoption.

All I can say to these people who murder their own children is that YOUR mom gave you the chance to live, arent you thankful of that??

Please if anyone has any compassion and morals please please just do a google search on abortion and get some details and real storys on this and see what REALLY happens...see and learn how the baby is ripped limb by limb out of its mother, read about how that some late term abortions the baby can still be born alive with a faint cry and that the doctor is not allowed to revive them and they are discarded into a trash can to DIE, please read the details on how partial birth abortion is done.. how the mother is induced into labor to DELIVER the child and the baby is turned feet first and then when the head is exposed a sharp instruiment is stabbed into the brain to kill it... these are babys are little children waitng to be born not waitng to be killed... anyone who has the COURAGE to ... please please do some research on this matter,,, just dont take the side that a woman has a right to choose... a child has the right to life ....

Please I beg you to look at some information on this, and after seeing the real truth, can you 100% say you are pro choice... please, look up some information on the web and then come back to yahoo anwers and just maybe you will have a little different insight and information before you spout off pro choice.


2006-09-30 16:36:01 · answer #2 · answered by caligrl 5 · 0 0

WOW such language, do you kiss your husband and child with that mouth?? I would think a self proclaimed Christian would be a bit more conscience of her language. I guess you would rather have the world masturbate with your "passion party" toys rather than have a real relationship with other people. I read that your husband is a frequenter of strip clubs, I guess that it makes sense that you would sell "passion party" toys. I mean really if he's having some fun, why shouldn't you? Huh - well I guess you are able to just pick and choose the pieces of the bible that you want for your own judgements - cause the last time I read the bible I understood that sex was to be for conception and any other (including sex alone) was against what the bible preaches.

When you joined Yahoo Answers did you ever READ the rules and guidelines?? Cause it seems like you didn't. Yahoo Answers is a questions and answers place designed just for that asking questions and answering them with the first hand knowledge or researched knowledge that you have to provide. However you are using this wonderful place as your soap box to put down other people. I am a God fearing person who reads the bible and the last time I read it, it DIDN'T say that Elizabeth Sweeny was an apostle or was God to cast judgment on people. My church preaches forgiveness and not to judge people for God is the only true judge. Also God gave us free will, what we do with it is determined right or wrong when He judges us, not you. Go back to Church and get saved, your hate is what God will judge you for. God bless!!

2006-09-29 11:20:48 · answer #3 · answered by I hate hyprocrites!! 2 · 2 2

Number one...it's not a "baby" until it is born. Until the moment of birth it is a fetus. Number two muder can only be on a BORN human being a fetus is not a BORN human being as it is still within the womb. There are a number of complications that happen during pregnancy that would threaten the life of the mother. yet YOU would advocate she gestate to term, and die giving birth to that one fetus...what if she had other children at home? She should risk her life giving birth thereby leaving her other children motherless? This makes you a better person HOW?

2006-10-01 23:08:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Of course there is a difference. Pro choice folks don't like the idea of abortion either but feel strongly about the woman's right to choose. This is a very important right. If taken away, women everywhere would be suppressed and end up getting back alley terminations. Please use your head.

Life is a wonderful thing but it's not always the right thing for those involved.

2006-09-29 01:01:19 · answer #5 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 2

Each pregnant girl/woman will do what she has to do. In our countries only the insane murder their babies. A viable fetus (after 2 trimesters) should never be aborted unless the mother would die elsewise.
Who ever heard of a mentally healthy woman "wanting" an abortion? If they have an an abortion it is their only choice and need to have it no matter what, they have come to the last (regrettable) choice they have..
Only women and girls should be involved in this conversation and there is no need " ****'n " type of words in the conversation.

2006-09-28 12:15:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I am pro-choice

it is each person's individual choice and I don't think others have the right to challenge another person in this decision. If someone thinks it's murder, then it's fine and dandy-go ahead and have an opinion, but don't except the entire world to roll over and do nothing but accommodate your views of "life".

We are each different and will live different lives, we make decisions everyday. I don't think you can really condemn a person without knowing them and you cannot generalize the entire population of women that have chosen to abort a child as "a s.lut who didn't use birth control"

If you don't believe in abortion then just don't have one, but REMEMBER THIS birth control is never 100% effective 100% of the time.

As for the people who suggest adoption, let me suggest this nice piece of literature that you can read and re-evaluate your claim. It was written by a 3rd Generation Adoptee and it will defiantly open those sleepy eyes of yours.


The Girls Who Went Away The Hidden History of Women who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe Vs. Wade by Ann Fessler

2006-09-28 11:55:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

One thing I dont understand. The same people that are for abortion will fight just the same. Why cant you all just agree to disagree, instead of having a fued like the clampets.

I dont agree with abortion either, but fighting isnt going to make it any better. I believe that once that baby is concieved its a life, that needs nurturing and growing, I dont believe that theres a reason for abortion, but I also think that We as ADULTS, need to realize that fighting is childs play. We need to save the children, not be children. Honestly there is no reason for your outburst. You should be ashamed.

Realize that the ones that are for abortion have a right to their own opinion. Just like We do. And to outcast them and judge them for what they feel is so very wrong.

Im sure that you dont like to be judged, so why do you do it to someone else. I know I hate the fact that My likes and dislikes are judged.

People as long as We live, we can either be adults, and realize that everyone has their own ways of doing things, whether right or wrong by your standards is irrelavant.

To Me it just sounds like your acting like the very children you want to save when you go off like that. Havent you heard the phrase, you get more flys with honey than you do with vinegar.???

Since when did yelling your opinion at other ever really make a damned bit of differance. To Me it would seem that you would get more people to talk to you, and that it would give you a chance to be able to comfort and give the person ideas on how to prevent abortion from happening instead of yelling at them.

I know if I was a teenage mother, and someone yelled at Me about me thinking about having an abortion I would go elsewhere. I wouldnt need to be yelled at. I would need a shoulder to cry on and talk things over. Maybe clear My head. How many pregnant women do you know that have their hormones out of whack because of the pregnancy.

Seriously if you want to make a statement you need to think about how you bring it acrossed.

2006-09-28 12:05:45 · answer #8 · answered by Enigma 2 · 2 4

I hope your views are not from a religious point of view. If so, do you think that language is acceptable under GOD?

Just a hint of advise, if you want to get a point across, you might want to think about changing your tactics.

BTW - I am also anti abortion

2006-09-28 20:50:12 · answer #9 · answered by olschoolmom 7 · 1 2

I do support abortion. There are women who are forced to abort their pregnancy due to medical reasons (where if they continue the pregnancy, their child could end up with perminent brain damage which could eventually kill the child anyway, or if they continue the pregnancy it could kill them and the child).

And what about rape victims? They didn't choose to have sex and get pregnant, it was forced on them.

2006-09-28 19:07:42 · answer #10 · answered by Kikyo 5 · 0 2

I am SO AGAINST it... I think if you are adult enough to have unprotected sex than you are adult enough to deal with what comes along. Also why are you going to kill something so innocent what the hell did the baby do to you..Your the one that messed up not the baby. SO IF YOU DON"T WANT IT let someone adopt it do you know how many people out there can't have babies and here you are killing them because you have unprotected sex. THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-28 16:39:27 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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