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I think people can speak what ever language they want. BUT anyone in America should be able to speak English. We should not have to cater to other languages. We should be able to conduct business in English and not have to have translators available. When I go to other countries I do not expect everyone to speak English for me. Immigrants should assimilate to the American culture and language, after all why did they come here if they do not want to be American.

I am going to do a speech on this topc and would like to hear some opinions on WHY people should speak English, and HOW speaking or not speaking English affects us as a society.

Thanks for your input.

Just to clarify, I am not against immigration, only illegal immigration and those who want to come to America but act like they are still in there old country. If they want to be in there old country then go back. If you want to be in America then act like it. You chose to be here, no one is forcing you to stay.

2006-09-28 11:51:49 · 33 answers · asked by ladybug 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

33 answers

I love this question and have read many fine answers. While "Balloon" comes across too angry, he/she does make good points. However, I think they missed the main point.

If I visit France, I would expect to have to learn a little French. Even if it is only "I'm sorry, I do not speak French" or "Do you speak English"? The same with any other country! Learn enough to get by. If you have not attempted to learn some of the language, people (in general) will avoid you. If you make an attempt at it, they will try to help.

The USA was formed primarily by the English, this was the language which took. In time, English has morphed into a modge-podge of many languages. It will continue to change!

Business owners know that they have to make money to stay in business. To do that, they must cater to the people who live in their community. Thus, they hire people who can speak other languages. Their signs sport 2 or more languages because they know that not everyone speaks English.

There are a number of people in my community who are willing to teach others the language, often at no cost. A great many are willing to learn English this way. And, perhaps, at the same time, have the opportunity to learn something of another language.

Get used to it folks! English will probably continue to be the "Official Language" in the USA, but in order to get along, we are both going to have to give a little. That is until the USA becomes North Mexico. ;-)

Great question!

2006-09-28 12:35:26 · answer #1 · answered by Ol' Sasquatch 5 · 1 0

I speak English, French and Spanish. I have spoken 3 languages all my life. I believe every citizen of the United States of America should speak English, at least well enough to get by. It just makes life easier when you can communicate with the people you live and work around. I cam from a trilingual household, I believe people should hold on to their mother tongue but also learn to speak the language that is spoken by the majority of people in the country where they live.

2015-05-25 06:23:35 · answer #2 · answered by David Gamble 1 · 0 0

You know one day I wouldn't be surprised if Spanish didn't become our second national language and it's ridiculous... Everyone tells you to learn spanish because one day you will be unable to conduct business and not know it. I know that this country is a very diverse nation but never before has the question of language came up until our percentage of spanish population increased... And I hate when I buy a product in the united states of AMERICA and it has english and spanish on there... Even our local news station has a seperate channel for people to watch the daily news in spanish...

2006-09-30 11:23:14 · answer #3 · answered by momoflexi 2 · 1 2

Studies show that English proficiency is a generational phenomenon. The first generation has a hard time, and speak poorly, and mostly their native language, the second generation usually speaks English well, but still holds onto the mother tongue, and by the third generation English is comfortably their primary language and the mother tongue often forgotten. It is then the third generation that often complains about the current crop of first generation immigrants who can't speak the language, with little or no knowledge of the hypocrisy.

Maybe instead we should all adopt a real American language, like Iroqois, or Navajo.

And before criticizing someone's language skills, you might want to work on your own. It's "still in their old country" and "in America than act like it"

2006-09-28 12:04:46 · answer #4 · answered by William M 2 · 4 4

I'm glad you called the preceding a question - otherwise I might have confused it with a soapbox speech rather than a question. That said ...

People need to speak SOME language in common and around here it's english. The reason we do is that the only difference between "us" as a group and us as a bunch of strangers is communication and commonality of interests. If we can't even communicate with each other then in a very real sense, our ability to form a society is diminished and that diminishes the strength and securitiy of our society. We're in grave danger as it is of sliding further and further away from "us" as Americans and into "what can I get out of it" mentality. Like sharks. Bleh. Language matters a lot. Same with naming your kids and some commonality of dress.

2006-09-28 11:59:14 · answer #5 · answered by All hat 7 · 4 1

I agree with everything you wrote.

United we stand - divided we fall. This is not the Divided States of America. One of the most important things that unites us is a common language.
There is a place in the downtown area about an hour from where I live that used to cater to brides. Mexicans started buying/renting all the houses in the area and no one in the shops spoke English anymore - IN THE USA.
We stopped going there and so did a lot of people. Over 75% of the bridal shops have moved or closed now.

2006-09-28 11:56:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Because English is our Language. and people should be made to learn it when they come to live in this country. it should be made the official language. When you go to other foreign speaking lands you would have to learn there language why should it be different here

2006-09-28 12:48:34 · answer #7 · answered by Belladonna 4 · 2 0

Because that's the language spoken in America. You can't effectively communicate in any country without a command of that countries language. If you are going to live in any country you should learn that language, otherwise, you will be the loser. It's just common sense.

2006-09-28 12:03:16 · answer #8 · answered by rhymingron 6 · 5 1

I believe all foreigners should have to speak English in America and ALL American kids should have to LEARN another language in school. :D

2016-03-26 21:53:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a bill right now that is close to being passed that will make English this country's official language,it will be passed along with the fence bill.A vote is expected later this evening.

That ugly clown is so full of ca ca its a wonder he wasn't flushed down the toilet.at mickey D's,where he probably works part time.You call yourself anything that you want.We are Americans,the world calls us Americans,the entire damn world clown.You are really showing your ignorance as usual,under the guise of an education.

2006-09-28 12:03:08 · answer #10 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 4 0

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