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Among many other things, when I'm in bed my cat 'claws' any area of exposed skin to force me to lift the duvet up, she then walks inside and 'claws' me again to make me lift both my knees up and so create a 'tent', she then happily snuggles down and goes to sleep.

2006-09-28 11:39:02 · 39 answers · asked by A True Gentleman 5 in Pets Cats

39 answers

My Boootsie is 3 and a real hoot! She will stand on her hind legs and reach up and pat my arm or shoulder when she wants my attention while I am reading or watching TV. She will meow and I will ask what she wants. Sometimes she has a toy and wants to play fetch. I throw and she goes and sometimes slides on the tiles into it for a ways. She will always bring it back. If she lays it too far away to reach I tell her to "get it" and bring it to me if she wants me to play and she will! She also wakes me in the am by patting me, licking my hair,walking on the answering machine to make it talk and then after I put it where she couldn't get it, she started getting on the computer so the screen comes on! She will pick up my glasses to give me because I put them on first thing. If she really wants me up and I am not ready or it is too early she will butt me like a billy goat trying to push me out of bed! She always wins because she is too cute doing these things.She says Mama, and whispers when my grandkids are asleep,and does the grnacht sound noise for birds when she sees them. I will tell her bird and she will say it and look out the door at the bird bath! When I say see the kitty she looks out of the door. She doesn't know she is one also! I could write a book on her. One other great thing and I will quit! My cat Baby is a gray long haired 1/2 Himalyn 1/2 whatever and she saved me from a peeping tom! I was reading in bed one night about 3am and the cats were laying on the bed. All of a sudden Baby jumped up and ran to the window and was growling. Then she ran to the living room and jumped onto a table and growled and then came back to the bedroom and checked that window again before she settled down! The cats had pushed the curtain back so they could see out and someone had decided to look in! I have never had a cat growl like that before and I have had cats for 54 years now! She sounded like a big dog!She taught Bootsie to do it also!Great question and sorry about the length but she is special! There are many more things that she does!!

2006-09-28 12:31:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My cat comes into the bathroom with me whenever I go in the bath (if I don't let her she howls like a banshee outside the door) and does circuits around the edge of the bath while I'm in there. She bites my toes when she gets to the foot end, then starts another circuit.
She also bites my hands and feet at every available opurtunity.
One of her funniest weird behaviours though is when
she carries a bouncy ball to the top of the stairs (we have an uncarpeted varnished staircase) d lets it go so it bounces all the way down then chases it so she can take it back up and do it again.

2006-09-29 05:27:35 · answer #2 · answered by Emma B 2 · 2 0

Mine does the same as you - it's part of the bedtime routine. He'll want to come to bed, and asks for the duvet to be lifted up. He'll then snuggle down, start kneading my thigh, and purr his little head off until he overheats, and jumps out of bed.
He also has this disturbing habit of licking plastic bags - and then leave his tongue sticking out. It's particularly gross when you don't realise he's been doing it, and then pick up a licked bag.
He loves sitting in the bath (empty, of course!).
He also rushes around the house like a dervish before and after going to the toilet, just to let you know he's been.
And, finally - if he wants me to get out of bed to feed him, he'll start combing my hair with his claws. If that doesn't work, he'll carefully place one claw on my lower lip and burble it - that always wakes me up!
Now, please bear in mind that I didn't train him to do any of these things - he's a rescue cat, and I've had the priviledge of being his human for the past two years. He's utterly adorable, and gives lots of love; he just has a few quirky habits!

2006-09-28 20:15:27 · answer #3 · answered by bouncingtigger13 4 · 0 0

I am hard of hearing, almost deaf, and my cat gets me up when I don't hear the alarm clock. OK, she also gets me up when I DO hear the alarm clock and just want to lie in bed another minute or two!

She jabs me in the face with her front paws and, if that doesn't work, she gets by my side that is farthest from the side of the bed I get up on, braces her feet against me, and pushes for all she is worth. Since she weighs 15 pounds, this is quite effective.

Then she runs toward the bathroom, with backward glances at me to be sure I am following. Because I have to walk with a cane and cannot get down into the tub or stand for the length of time it takes for a shower, I have a shower bench. She hops up on that and meows until I get on the bench with her and turn on the shower. She sits there quite happily as the water comes down, getting almost drenched, and works on grooming herself for the next several hours.

Couples enjoy showering together. Well, so do my cat and I!

2006-09-28 12:07:34 · answer #4 · answered by Serendipity 7 · 3 0

My cat also likes the duvet tent but when I wish to go to sleep she grudgingly comes up in the bed and lays alongside me. She also sits on the dining table and demands food from my plate. Maybe by indulging her, I am the one with the strange behaviour.

2006-09-28 12:41:12 · answer #5 · answered by Clive 6 · 0 0

At night I leave the bedroom door open. Kika comes in sometimes to watch me sleep, when I open my eyes she runs off like a crazy duck and in the other room I hear her jumping in and off the window to come running back in to the bedroom again. She usually repeats this for about ten times.
She's also a big poser. When she notices the camera, she takes position.
Also she likes to hide behind things. I act as if I am looking for her, but cannot find her. Then when I pretend to be ignoring her, passing past her hiding place, she jumps in front of me.

2006-10-01 05:47:31 · answer #6 · answered by Louise 2 · 0 0

This morning my cat went into the neighbors yard and started clawing the 'For Sale' sign in the neighbors yard. I guess she didn't want him to move??? She also comes up in the night - when I am sleeping - and will paw at my hand unitl I pet her. She is always 'inspecting' cars. If the window is open she will jump inside it and look it all over. Making sure it is up to her standards I guess.
She paws at doors unitl you let her into 'inspect' them.
The other one has the worst habit of always being in the way. I think he wants to be sure you notice him, becuase wherever you go, he is right there in your way.

2006-09-28 12:15:05 · answer #7 · answered by helpme1 5 · 0 0

My cat is a Maine Coon & loves water. When I can't find her she is usually sitting in the kitchen or bathroom sink! Also, she puts all of her toys in her water bowl & loves to play w/ them when they are soaking wet. Not too fun when she drops a soaking wet toy mouse on my bare leg at 3AM. (I guess it's better than a real mouse though!) >^..^< Oh yea, whenever I flush the toilet, she runs like hell into the bathroom & puts her front paws up on the toilet seat to watch the water go down! she's a very silly girl!

2006-09-29 12:55:57 · answer #8 · answered by babydoll 3 · 1 0

My cat is a 3 year old bengal. About a year ago i was ouside and I noticed him hovering over next doors drain grid, urinating. After he had finished, he walked over to a small bucket which my next door neighbour uses to collect rain water. He then put his two front paws inside the bucket and swilled them round, as if he were washing them. I've noticed him doing this more and more over the last year, and he even does it after he's been playing in the soil, etc...

2006-09-28 11:54:32 · answer #9 · answered by DaMonk 2 · 2 0

Mine bites my feet in the morning to get me out of bed for feeding. If I pull my feet under the duvet. She works her way to my fingers and then the last resort is the nose. If I'm slow in the kitchen she keeps biting the back of my heels until her food is in her bowl. I wish I had let my child feed her in the beginning as she had so wanted to do.

2006-09-28 11:43:49 · answer #10 · answered by Tabbyfur aka patchy puss 5 · 1 0

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