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My parents are obsessed with my son, treat him like an infant, they sleep with him every night and want him at their house all the time. My dad molested me and took my virginity, should I worry about my little boy? My dad gives him toys and special treats every day. Will he do anything to my son?

2006-09-28 11:32:23 · 19 answers · asked by T C 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

19 answers

I'd be worried.

2006-09-28 11:39:50 · answer #1 · answered by MK6 7 · 0 0

I would say yes if your father didn't molest you.....that is crazy keep your son away...and if your mother doesn't know tell her...if you tell her and she defends him keep him from her cause she will let him be around them....your father might not hurt him but you can't take the chance....you were not the first or the last tha behavior can not be cured and can only be treated with extensive therapy and only if the abuser is honest....i think you don't want to hurt the family but you must protect your son if you don't no one will and he will hate you for not stopping it knowing that your father hurt you...go talk about it with someone that can really help a professional

kids help phone have a parent help line so check out the link and i hope nothing has happened to your son yet but most likely he wants his trust before he tries anything so he your son will be afraid to tell

2006-09-28 11:46:01 · answer #2 · answered by aisha f 3 · 0 0

why would you ask this question?? you already know the answer i'm sure. Sleep overs are done forever!!! if you allow your son 1 more sleep over at the grandparents or any unsupervised visits you are just as guilty as your dad, and just as bad as a parent as he. Protect your son, it's your job!!! it's just a matter of time before your son becomes a victim (my bets are that your son has already been victimized) you can only tept a pedophile for so long before they take actions. so you think something has already happened to your son?? they sleep with him every night? what happened to his own bed at his own home ? did you report your dad about your abuse? does your mom know about what happened to you, and is there other children besides you that you know of? you need to report this man even though he is your father because once a pedophile always a pedophile, and your son is next, if not already!!! get your child to a doctor just to be sure, then get your butt to the police station. you need to protect your son and all other children from this monster you call your "dad"!!!
p.s. Don't think your mom is going to protect your child from this man, she did not protect you!! it is your job to protect your child and others from this molester!! YOU be the one to stop this from happening to other children your dad get's ahold of. If you don't report your father, how would you sleep at night knowing you could have saved at least one child (your son)most likely more,from the same man who molested you? do you want more children to go through what you did as a child and are now going through as an adult (you were a victimized as a child but you will be a victim for the rest of your life)? Do the right thing, put a stop to this NOW!!! good luck to you and your son, hope your dad rots in hell!!

2006-09-28 11:52:30 · answer #3 · answered by Barb 2 · 1 0

Keep your son away from your father, he is a child molester and he will eventually attack your little boy. I hope that he didn't already start.

My father attacked me too, so I know how you feel...

Talk to your son and find out if grandpa been touching him funny and the fact that he is pampering him with toys this is a way to make a move on him... Please be careful with your little boy..

I am paronoid about leaving my daughter at my parents house because I do not trust both of them. My mother will protect her husband in a heart beat... She is in denial and I can't stand her for that.... (Good Luck)!!!!!

2006-09-28 11:54:13 · answer #4 · answered by Vicky 6 · 1 0

I cannot believe that you are exposing your son to that. If he molested you.. what makes you think he wont molest him? Children at four should be sleeping in their own bed anyways. You need to remove your son from the situation and seek a child counselor for him to see if anything has occured. You may have tramatized your child for the rest of his life. Youd better get to your knees and pray that your little boy hasnt been harmed.

2006-09-28 19:52:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I sure hope you aren't serious! If you're father molested you, and now you're letting your 4 year old innocent son sleep with him, then you're an idiot and should be arrested for putting that poor child in that kind of position. Get some help for you AND your family, and try to be a better father to your son. You're there to protect him, not allow him to be in harms way like that.

2006-09-28 11:52:57 · answer #6 · answered by LadyBug 1 · 0 0

I have warning bells here.....are you on your own, or do you have a partner?....if you are on your own, are you finding life alone with your son stressful?...have you told anyone about your fears?... why dont you say that you are missing your son and you want him home more...you need to be getting him used to being in a bed of his own, because he is getting a big boy now, and will be going to school soon...you must try and get into more of a routine with your son...make life at your house more appealing to your son...stories, playing in the bath before bedtime, can be great fun...have faith in yourself as a mummy...our instincts are usually the right ones... your son has to learn that toys and sweets every day is not normal...otherwise how do you make birthdays and christmas special??

2006-09-28 11:48:22 · answer #7 · answered by nosyrosy81 2 · 0 1

Child molesters don't just stop molesting children!!! What your father is doing is called grooming. He's giving your child special toys and treats to cause him to be more trusting and loyal. You need some therapy to not only deal with what happened to you, but to understand why you would trust your abuser with your own child. Your job is to protect your son--not turn him over to the same man who sexually assaulted you!

2006-09-28 11:38:22 · answer #8 · answered by Barbara G 3 · 4 0

keep your son away from your father. he is giving him toys and treats to make your son trust him so that when he trys to molest him your son won't think anything is wrong because he trust him. your best bet he he will try something and if you don't want your son getting hurt you better put an end to this now before its too late. and just in case have your son checked out. please

2006-09-28 11:42:48 · answer #9 · answered by Dr.fanny 1 · 2 0

your dad molested you?!!!....
GOD!...and you still stay with him?!!!!!!
I don't want to answer your question about your son....
I think you really need help more than asking question on this website!
so the same as your little son need!...please go and seek help with the social services....then you and your son will be a happy person.

2006-09-28 11:41:43 · answer #10 · answered by SERENE 2 · 1 0

You can not be for real.!!!!!!!! If this really happened to you how in the he#$ could you allow this monster to do this to your child? or even clam him as your farther, he should be in jail with the rest of the sick basterds that do things like that to helpless little children,
Also you need help quick for thee sake of your child, your not fit in my eyes at all to raise that child.

2006-09-28 11:54:37 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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