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Here's what I do know. Let's go back a few years. In 1969 I was in the military and was told " We will never leave Vietnam, We will stay the course". I was still in the military on that April 75 day when the USA military ran like scared dogs away from Vietnam. We lost. Now fast forward to 2005 and 2006. The President says " We will never leave Iraq, We will stay the course". I ask all you people this..." Any bets on what day the military will "again" run like scared dogs like we did on 29th April 75?" Say what you want but "we" ( The United States) will lose the war in Iraq. OH!! By the way. CNN just reported the new Iraqi Government wants "Islam" to be part of the new Iraqi Government. How about that. Isn't that something. Way to go warmongers!! The Iraqi people also said they believe it's ok to attack and kill American troops. ( 60% all for killing Americans )

2006-09-28 11:25:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

10 answers

What he wanted was to incite the enitre Muslim world against the entire Western world. Of course, since Muslims are such a peaceful group, that is a really hard thing to do. (that's why it's taking so long)

Once he achieves complete discord between us and them, there will be an all out nuclear war. That is planned for Dec., 2008. The goal at that point will be to keep him in office, since you obviously can't unseat a world leader during a nuclear war.

When we launch the nukes, we will finally be able to take out every country that has ever pissed us off for any reason:

The entire Middle East
France (we just don't like them)
North Korea
Australia (they talk funny)

I'm sure there are others we will be adding to the list. After all, when it comes to the rest of the world, they are either with us, or against us. Anyone against us gets nuked back to the Stone Age.

You have to think on a bigger scale than you are right now. Then you will truly be "erudite."

2006-09-29 10:27:27 · answer #1 · answered by Namtrac 5 · 1 0

I'll tell you what, this war would be over in a second or two if we started fighting a war instead of hiding behind the "law of armed conflict". The law of armed conflict was made to keep two opposing armies from comitting acts against humanity such as genocide, and bombings of Churchs and Hospitals. We are allowing these insurgents to operate out of Mosques and civilian homes while killing our own people. We cant go into those places and stop the insurgents becuase of people back home complaining that it will violate their rights and we would be comitting war crimes. News flash, they're already comitting war crimes by using their own people as human shields and then blowing them up.

Secondly, when we do go into a mosque or break into a terrorists home, we have stupid people back home complaining that the terrorist need rights and that the poor terrorists are having their lives taken apart by war criminal Bush.

The reason were losing the war in Iraq is because of ignorant people who think they know whats best for the Iraqi people and that if we treat terrorist as civilized people they will leave us alone. If we continue this course of appeasment and self richeous (sp?) nonsense then I bet we will be pulled out of Iraq before the job is done. However, if we start fighting a war against terrorists and stop fighting with one hand tied behind our back, I bet this war will start running a little more smoothly. (well, as smooth as one can expect a war to go.)

I see you asid you were in the military, I thank you for your service despite your comments. I also notice you didnt say where you served, only that you were in the military during vietnam. What did you do?

2006-09-28 11:47:20 · answer #2 · answered by whylekyotee2003 3 · 1 1

Oh we will lose this war. And in the worst way possible I might add. We have used and overused the last of our credibility, our finances our military and our second third fourth fifth and so on chances with the world. We own roughly 4% of ourselves now, we've spent the last few decades selling ourselves as a nation to all sorts of countries and bureaucracies. There are businesses in China that can single-handedly uproot and topple our economy if we piss them off and that's not even including the rest of China and the corporations in it. They are why we will never have to worry about Korea attacking us. China is a huge threat to them, and the Chinese are not stupid by any means. They will protect their property and their investment before they let some mediocre third world power just off their borderline bomb it to hell. We keep on starting things we have no hope to finish we'll be lucky if someone gets smart enough to withdraw the armed forces before it's too late to make that an option. The American empire is in it's last throes of existence here. We hit the point of no return quite some time ago, and in our ignorance and pride assumed we would always bounce back. We've got thirty maybe 35 years tops until we collapse into ourselves.

GOD bless the very few American morals that still stand, the principles that were trampled and are being trampled, the liberties our founding fathers so foolishly entrusted us to carry on and accomplish, and the fond memories of the one great shining hope that expired oh, so long ago.

2006-09-28 12:40:51 · answer #3 · answered by Rick R 5 · 0 2

Since no terms were clearly defined as to what our benchmark would be to declare victory, no victory will ever be achieved. When no clear objectives are delineated as to what constitutes the defeat of the enemy, how do we know whether we have truly defeated our enemy? The answer is, we don’t know. It is this strategy, of keeping the US citizenry in the dark as to what is meant by victory that allows Bush to continue to mismanage this war with virtual impunity.

Eventually we will withdraw our troops, while leaving Iraq without a stable democracy, and therefore potential victim to another future tyrant that is just as bad or worse than Saddam Hussein.

2006-09-28 11:30:29 · answer #4 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 2 1

Uhhh, the last US troops left Vietnam in 1973. In 1975, when the North Vietnamese army entered Saigon, the US embassy was evacuated, there were a few dozen Marine guards providing security for this process, but no troops.

Are you sure you are a vet? You seem to not be aware of some rather basic facts....

2006-09-28 12:51:54 · answer #5 · answered by choppes 4 · 0 2

The answer to your question is yes, Bush wanted Iraq to be in turmoil. When the mid east is riled up then the price of oil goes up, hence record profits. Bush is an oil man and knows this. Cheney is a oil man and knows this. They and their friends are reaping the rewards of this terrible and criminal war.

2006-09-28 11:31:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Bush is a very smart man in the sense he has good intentions and he knows what needs to be done, HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO DO IT. He should let someone else do it. Like trying to help Israel but asking the UN that hates Israel to support them? Good idea, bad plan.

2006-09-28 14:22:43 · answer #7 · answered by gook_mother 2 · 1 1

I don' think this is the way Bush wanted this war to go. His approval ratings are down the drain and he is not doign a good job trying to fix it, I think there were other objectives and he did stuff against the wishes of teh nation and I guess now he understands.

2006-09-28 12:18:19 · answer #8 · answered by scshah123 2 · 0 2

Since you say you are a vet, you must know why we "ran from Nam".
The Democrat Congress cut off funding to the military in Nam.
(You shocked me when you said you were a vet. You always seem to hate America, hate our military, and want us to lose, I thought you were a Muslim. If you are telling the truth, from now on I will just overlook your questions no matter how hateful they are to our soldiers.)
I notice that you say you were in the military. You don't say you were in Nam.

2006-09-28 11:35:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The chimp doesn't know what he wants. He does what he's told.

2006-09-28 11:33:27 · answer #10 · answered by spongeworthy_us 6 · 1 1

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