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I have been suffering from mental illnesses(neurotic depression, bipolar, ocd, social phobia) for most of my life. I have been to more psychiatrists than I have fingers and toes and I only get worse. I have tried many different medications, given them a lot of time, but nothing helps. I am only getting worse and have told my doctor(s) that I am fed up and ready to take myself out just to stop feeling the pain. What else is there for me to do????

2006-09-28 11:19:10 · 7 answers · asked by italiana2683 2 in Health Mental Health

7 answers

Well, no one has ever come back to tell us what it's like on the other side of death. You may find it is worse there than here. Stick with what you know, and keep fighting the good fight. It is why we are here to begin with. New treatments are being found all the time....would be tragic to step out and the next day the treatment you need is found. Guess when it comes right down to it, you are the only one that decides for you what you will do and why. But I personally hope you stick it out and keep on keepin on.

2006-09-28 11:24:33 · answer #1 · answered by essentiallysolo 7 · 1 0

The best words I can offer you are that you are not alone in your suffering.....I have been suffering from OCD, anxiety and depression since childhood and I am 31 years old now. Like yourself I have been to countless psychiatrists and I have attempted therapy. The last psychiatrist referred to me as "treatment resistant" as the medications never worked on my OCD or depression. I suffered a great deal of side effects from the medications as well. One person treating me for my mental illnesses quit and never told me how to stop taking the medication I was on....I got frustrated and quit the Seroquel cold turkey and wound up with Grand Mal seizures. I now suffer from seizure disorder and I have to take antiseizure medication which has caused its' own set of problems for me.....

I have no friends and I cannot drive due to the seizures. I am raising five kids and I have a husband who does not help with my suffering self esteem.....I know your pain very well and I know what it is like to feel the way you do. It is like we are merely existing.....life lacks enjoyment and we are just walking around feeling as though we are already dead......

I gave up on prayer I am sorry to say because I feel that if God exists He wouldn't make so many of us suffer such great, unbearable pain. It is needless and agonizing......just keep surviving and hope for a better day.....I figure that anything has to be better than being dead because once you are dead there is no chance for your life to improve because you are no longer living.....Good luck and if you ever want to talk please IM me.....

2006-09-28 19:53:20 · answer #2 · answered by Cute But Evil 5 · 0 0

i've noticed one of your previous questions was about a private room for rent in los angles. did you ever think you might just be around too many people to be comfortable? have you ever tried living out in the country in a state such as kentucky, or west virginia? we lived in a tiny little place way out in the country (you couldent even call it a town. its so spread out, with no major stores, or anything.) you dont really have neighbors, and for the little time i lived there (i hated it, i dont mind people, and i kind of missed the hussle and bustle after a couple years) i lived across the street from a goat farm. and even it was a good couple thousand feet away. ( i lived up on a mountain and they lived down in a valley.) the cost of living there is much, much cheaper, you'll find food, and everything else in general is cheaper.

it gets even more secluded, (along with cheaper) if you dont mind not having running water. my husband had an aunt that lived even further out in the middle of nowhere, no electricity, no running water (she lived too far out in the middle of nowhere to get public water, she could have dug a well if she wanted to, but that was too much money back then, and the electricity would have been too expensive to run lines all the way out to her house.) she washed her clothes, bathed, and cooked using the water from the nearby creek. she had a wood burning stove. if she screamed nobody could have heard her. kind of scary if you ask me. but she had lots of dogs and chickens. so she wasnt really alone.

a person with social phobia living in L.A. is like walking barefoot on a bunch of needles. whatever you do, dont move to texas. the towns that are there, are very over populated.

to "rainbow brite" up a couple answers before me coming from someone who has anxiety, why in the world would you trust god? he made all these horrible people who are feeding the social phobia!!! people are insane.

2006-09-28 19:09:13 · answer #3 · answered by ASLotaku 5 · 0 0

Girl you need to start trusting God. Try praying or attending church or a mass or whatever religion you belong too. Or better yet try doing good deeds for others, look for something that you can be useful at. Try to look at life from a different side. How old are you? I wish you the best!! Been there done that and in some way battling that.

2006-09-28 18:32:03 · answer #4 · answered by Rainbow Brite 3 · 0 0

If you have not seen a therapist that would be the best thing to do. They can educate you further on your diagnosis and help you learn new ways of dealing with things in your life. If you get a good therapist it can make all the difference.

2006-09-28 18:42:56 · answer #5 · answered by nicole26 3 · 0 0

You have to follow some techniques. You can hear experiences from other people here http://xrl.us/optimindzation

2006-09-29 15:01:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Read the "only one" answer again, its says it all. Good luck & God bless!!

2006-09-28 18:30:15 · answer #7 · answered by irish_yankee51 4 · 0 0

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