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I think most well off educated people don't really have to worry about losing jobs and don't depend on the government for support so they don't care about the problems.......does that make sense to you?

2006-09-28 11:05:15 · 27 answers · asked by The Angry Stick Man 6 in Politics & Government Immigration

27 answers

I think it concerns everyone, regardless of the level of education they have attained or the income level that they have. Yes, the illegal aliens mostly take jobs that require a low skill and educational level, but they also burden our welfare system, and exploit many social services. The welfare system and the social service apparatus both derive their revenue from tax dollars that come from citizens who occupy all economic strata. Hence, illegal immigration is an issue that affects us all.

Furthermore, many educated individuals are ideological, and therefore see the ever-increasing population of illegal immigrants as encroaching on our most hallowed cultural virtues. Hence, the affluent and learned also have a vested interest in eliminating illegal immigration for the preservation of our way of life. Our illegal immigrant problem is one that affects us universally.

2006-09-28 11:06:50 · answer #1 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 5 1

It's not about loosing jobs. I live on the border and it's about drug trafficking, murder, vandalism, robbery, coyotes (Mexicans smuggling Mexicans across the border) who kill their own, women who come across to have a baby then live off our welfare and social security systems, causing fatal traffic accidents and having no insurance, and shi**ing in the spinach fields and giving us e.coli.

My mother immigrated the right way: she filed the proper papers, remained employed and law-abiding, and waited her turn. She learned English and adopted the American way of life. She loves this country and defends it's rapidly crumbling values.

Getting upset about the illegals - yeah, that makes sense to me.

Keep working hard and paying taxes to support the illegals and see how long you feel the same way.

2006-09-28 18:13:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Not true. Anyone with legal status should be angry despite if you are rich or poor. I dont even live in the USA, I live in Mexico but am an American and it still pisses me off big time. I have nothing against USA to live somewhere else. Its my right to live where I want as long as i do so LEGALLY. I am retired and I live legally in Mexico. I am still a tax payer back in the USA and I KNOW my tax dollars are used to support the illegal Mexicans.

2006-09-28 18:22:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

It makes NO sense ,but seriously I believe that who ever it effect worries about it...wheather or not rich or poor...I think we all think the same if your not ignorant!! Who wants to hear about thier ppl being put down Mexicans come here to better themselves NOT neccessarily to live off the goverment ..noone complains when the americans sit on thier asses doing nothing with 3-6 kids diffrent baby daddys and on drugs collecting welfare...thats something to talk about and worry about not who comes here to better themselves....

2006-09-28 19:22:16 · answer #4 · answered by Mamiinkcmo 1 · 2 0

If they live in a border state I bet they care. This is supposed to be the United States, but down south it's looking more and more like Mexico everyday. If we wanted to live in Mexico, we would move to Mexico. Also, I believe a lot of Americans are unaware of Mexico wanting to reclaim the Southwest US. Every American, rich or poor, should be upset about that.

2006-09-28 18:14:37 · answer #5 · answered by bekkiboo31 4 · 1 1

No, it's mainly the ones who never have to worry about an immigrant "stealing" their job. The lower class could care less as long as they can keep collecting their unemployment and welfare, and driving around their Caddy's and Lincoln's. I have said this before, I worked for the Health Dept. I have seen the type of people that come in applying for government aid. It always upset me when I would see someone pull up in a brand new car, but they gotta be on foodstamps. I came from a very poor family, but my parents never once reached out for help from the government. They weren't ashamed to work hard for a meager living. They taught me the value of hard work, and saving. My mother used to be a housekeeper at a hotel. When I was growing up she was making $3.50 an hour, my father worked as a laborer in construction. He made good money, $7.00 an hour. They never even had a threat from an illegal to take their jobs, even though they worked with illegals. We lived in a meager home that they bought, we didn't have to drive around town in a fancy car, and We didn't have to shop at Dilliards, Kmart was just fine. Plus my mom was a good seamstress. All that and they managed to save for my college education. Everybody, I tell this to is amazed. It wasn't that difficult, we ate homemade meals, alot of our clothes were homemade, and they never had a car payment. I have it much better off than what I did when I was a kid, but my daughter is learning the value of a dollar the same way I did. My daughter, who is 16, mows lawns in our neighborhood. She has yet to lose a customer because of an illegal, even though they have tried. She fights to keep her customers by offering good service at a reasonable price. Though she is 16 and has her drivers license, she is not saving her money for a car or clothes, she is saving for college. She wants to go to Harvard. The other day a person complained that his 16 year old couldn't even mow lawns because of illegals, I asked him to have his son contact my daughter cause she could use the help, but I doubt that his son really wants to work. That is the problem, Americans are lazy and think that they are owed special priveliges just because they are Americans. So, I propose if they really are serious about working, get off your butts and do it. If my 16 year old daughter can work her butt off for $20-$25 dollars a lawn, so can every one else. Quit blaming the illegals and go and take your "jobs" back.

That's another thing, your welfare argument has no merit. I worked for the Health Dept. and everyone who is on social services has to provide valid proof of citizenship. Besides that, most immigrants are here to send money home to bring their families here, they can't do that with foodstamps.

This only shows the ignorance of the general public, and if it's not that then it's racism. Nobody complained about the flood of healthcare pros that came from Canada back in the 80s and 90s and "stole" jobs in the healthcare field. No, a large majority came here illegally and some later applied for citizenship. Of course, it's easier to get citizenship the lighter your skin color.

2006-09-28 18:25:17 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 2 3

Their are people from all walks of life that want to protect their country, not just poor, but they are taking jobs from the poor and the blacks that would have gotten them at a higher wage. Undercutting is a Mexican past time. People with money are also tired of paying for their healthcare and them not paying income taxes. As a Nation we have a right to say who comes in and who stays, they don't have a right to come illegally.

2006-09-28 18:13:59 · answer #7 · answered by hexa 6 · 4 2

After reading their rants, I couldn't tell if they were poor. But they were definitely stupid. I don't have an opinion about illegal immigrants. But if these are the people that oppose the immigrants, I tend to be pro-immigrant. In other words, if the choice is between immigrants and ignorance, the migrants get my vote.

2006-09-28 18:17:03 · answer #8 · answered by beast 6 · 4 2

And the funny thing is; they hear people saying that immigrants are on welfare, they don't even know the rules of their own country. To get any type of benefits one have to be legally here, have a social security number and so on... I dare anyone to get into any government agency and ask for an application for any type of benefit, don't put a social security number and send it in... Let’s see what happen. I agree with control, and policy, but let’s remember that people who want to harm the country will come here legally, not illegally.

2006-09-28 18:18:42 · answer #9 · answered by Angel 1 · 4 3

I have noticed an inverse proporionality between education and level of hate towards illegal immigration.

2006-09-28 18:08:12 · answer #10 · answered by Manny 6 · 3 1

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