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If an Atheist is faced with death, would they die willingly or will they ber for their lives. Does life really matter to an Atheist. If not, why don't they kill themselves and everyone else since they think we are all going down the same road anyway? Where do they go after they die? Do they float around in the cosmos? Do they believe in reincarnation? Do they feel emotional when their loved ones die? Why did they become Atheist in the first place? Do Atheist enjoy not having hope after death and no hope for humanity? Would Atheist Become Christians if they had proof that Christianity was the truth? Would an Atheist convert into any religon with proof? Do Atheist believe in the Big Bang Theory, String Theory or evolution? If an Atheist found out that God was real after they die, what would they do and how will they feel? Do Atheist believe that anything matters? How do Atheist feel during the day? Hopeless, Miserable, Depressed, Angry, Sad, Happy? Do most Atheist have low-self esteem

2006-09-28 10:58:31 · 34 answers · asked by I am really the Man 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Nobody answered the questions!!! I just want to know! I am not Atheism! If you people can just answer a simple question maybe someone would listen to you people! But no! You people just want to say how good Atheism is without explaining anything!

2006-09-28 11:06:49 · update #1

All Atheist and Non-Atheist People that answers the question should please Stop putting down other religons ex.(Christianity, Islam...etc.)

2006-09-28 11:25:39 · update #2

34 answers

Sir, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

2006-09-28 11:01:17 · answer #1 · answered by Manny 6 · 15 2

> Does life really matter to an Atheist.

Of course. Since there is no afterlife, this time we have on Earth is all we get. It makes sense to make the best of it.

> Where do they go after they die?

Same as everyone--our bodies decompose.

> Do they feel emotional when their loved ones die?

Of course. We're humans. We form emotional attachments. We have feelings.

> Would atheists become Christians if they had proof that
> Christianity was the truth?

Yes. If the proof were actual proof and not just wishful thinking.

> How do Atheist feel during the day? Hopeless, Miserable,
> Depressed, Angry, Sad, Happy?

Depends upon the atheist and his or her circumstances, which, like yours, change from day to day. But the stereotype of the depressed and angry atheist is false.

2006-09-28 11:02:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 10 0

Would an atheist die willingly? It depends on the person and the circumstances.

Does life really matter to an atheist? Yes, it does. Since this life is the only one we will ever have, it's all that *does* matter.

Where do atheists go after they die? They cease to exist, just as everyone does, because there is no part of a human that can survive our physical death.

I think it's unlikely that any atheist would believe in reincarnation.

Yes, atheists feel emotional when loved ones die, just like anyone else.

Some atheists are atheists because they are brought up with a religion and later come to realise that it's just fantasy. Others (like myself) simply never became religious in the first place.

Do atheists enjoy having no hope after death and no hope for humanity? Well, I'm sure that a lot of us might wish that 'life after death' was more than just an oxymoron, but wishing doesn't make things true. As for humanity, we have only ourselves to rely on, and it remains to be seen what the result of that is. There's certainly no point in wishing for a benevolent father figure who clearly isn't there.

Would atheists become Christians? Of course! Couldn't a god just cause us to believe in him instantly, by religious magic, if he so wished? Would atheists become any other religion? Same applies.

Belief in big bang theory, string theory and evolution aren't dependent on religious belief or lack of it. Theists and atheists alike are capable of believing things that are supported by satisfactory evidence. Theists just happen to also believe in things that *aren't* supported by satisfactory evidence.

If an atheist found out that a god was real after they died, what would they do and how would they feel? Difficult to answer a question which, on the face of it, has no relation to reality. I suppose in my case I would want to know why he wanted all those children to get raped and tortured, for a start.

Do atheists believe that anything matters? Of course, it's human nature to think that things matter. The fact that we know life is finite, and that one day we will cease to exist, doesn't make us any less enthusiastic about living it. If anything, it probably makes us more so.

How do atheists feel during the day? Depends on the person and the circumstances, just like for theists. In my experience we're just as happy, motivated, confident and fulfilled as theists are. Atheism doesn't devalue human life, as theism tends to do.

Hope this helps... :-)

2006-09-28 11:32:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Minus well make the most out of our one life. Why commit suicide when you can have fun?

Whats keeps us from killing other people? Societies morals.

I basically think that I should enjoy my life, help humanity, leave the world a better place, pass on my genes, and make my mark on the world.

Of course I grieve when someone dies. Why wouldn't I? They're gone forever!

No reincarnation for me thank you. If I had reasonable proof, I would convert to a particular religion. I believe in science for we have proof and evidence and what not supporting our theories and laws. If I found out that God existed after I died, I would talk to him and just think of him as a friend rather than a judge mental punisher.

Of course stuff matters, why wouldn't it? We only have a certain amount of time here on earth! I'm not depressed at all. I'm rather happy right now knowing I have so many years left and so many opportunities.

My two cents.

2006-09-28 11:08:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Not all religious people embrace religion for that reason. I used to be agnostic. As I got older, the ultimate question of whether or not there is a god (and what his role with humanity was if there was one) became more and more important to me. Finally, one night I decided to give the prayer thing I shot. I kneeled down beneath the chair I was sitting on and said something along the lines of "Alright, if you are real like so many say you are - then show me some kind of sign." Out of no where an intense presence just overwhelmed me - the most intense euphoria I've ever felt... like a spiritual orgasm. It felt like a gust of wind hitting me in every direction. I've always been real skeptical when other people would talk about stuff like this. Not that I ever thought they were necessarily lying about it - but I thought it was entirely psychological and they were just convinced they were feeling something. I can only speak for myself - but what I felt that night was definitely not within the constraints of my own mind... I got my answer that night directly from the source.... and have never questioned god's existence since.

2016-03-26 21:49:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You just asked like twenty questions.

Atheism is not a religion, it is the absence of one. Hence, there is no atheistic doctrine, an Atheist Pope or an Atheist holy scripture. We all have only the lack of a religion in common. Since Creation is by definition out of the question, I suppose most if not all Atheists think Evolution is the way it happened.

And really... "do we feel emotional when our loved ones die"... what sort of narrow-minded, cold hearted, wicked question is that? How do you regard us Atheists, like soulless automatons that you could treat as you wish, were it not for the inconvenient laws laid down by your religion? At least I'm nice to people because I want to.

Sorry to all *nice* Christians, I know you hate to be dragged down by this kind of reasoning.

2006-09-28 11:20:28 · answer #6 · answered by ThePeter 4 · 6 0

I am a Christian and I do not for one second agree that Atheist are hopeless, miserable being with low self esteem just because they don't believe as Christians do. Your letter is so strong and hard against people like yourself. I don't have to agree with another belief but I do have to love and respect them. I hate the evil that a man do, but not the man himself. The Bible teaches us to owe no man anything but to love them. God loves the Atheists in the same way He loves you and I. You are sounding like the man in the mirror. I really do hope that you can grasp the love of God and love your enemies/neighbor as yourself. There are many Atheist who has came to the end of their ropes and found God at that end. I hope you can go down that road and find His love also. Love, be bless.

2006-09-28 12:32:44 · answer #7 · answered by charmaine f 5 · 0 0

Really nice way to talk about your fellow human beings! Really "Christian like" of you.

Stop justifying your hatred and fear with an ancient book.

You know your judgemental ways are just as bad as those you rail agaist. Get real.

All humans have emotions, all humans are created via an exchange of genes through intercorse and conception. Stop hating simply because you fear what you refuse to see.
Do not worry so much about the splinter in other people's eyes until you've taken care of the plank in your own.

Speculating whether or not atheists have emotions is just counter productive and simply against your own "Christian" values. I would suggest you study up on what it truly means to be a "christian" and stop hating those you don't understand.

That goes for everyone, Christian or not.

2006-09-28 11:15:00 · answer #8 · answered by DEATH 7 · 5 0

I will tell you a story.

My wife had faith. As a little girl, she went to church and prayed and believed.

However, her father was a monster.

He was a beater and would beat all members of the family regularly. She prayed to God for intervention. None came.

She went to the people of her church, the ministers and the parishioners for help. None would get involved on what they considered to be a "strictly family matter."

Abandoned by all aspects of her faith, she found the courage within herself to stand up to him and stop the beatings.

At that point, for her, she realized religion was a sham, God was a hoax and the only thing she could believe and rely upon was herself.

Emotions are emotions and are not incumbent on faith. She feels that her mother has gone on to a better place, whatever it may be.

Instead of dealing in speculation and assumptions, I suggest that you find an atheist and have an open-minded discussion with them. You do not attmept to change their beliefs; they will returnt he courtesy.

Do not hate that which you do not understand.

You do not have to accept it, but you have to acknowledge it without prejudice

2006-09-28 11:06:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Lots of questions, I will organize them for you.

"If an Atheist is faced with death, would they die willingly or will they ber for their lives"

There is the misconception that because they are not exposed to the subject of death as religious people are, they fear it. That is true for some but not all. Some can see death as the end of their life and accept it and the part that lives on is what they contributed to the living world.

"Does life really matter to an Atheist. If not, why don't they kill themselves and everyone else since they think we are all going down the same road anyway?"

Following your understanding of Atheists (since there is no point in living, then why not just kill yourself), they seem to have nothing to lose if they kill themselves. I would say they do have something to lose... as older generations have contributed to them living, they contribute to the generation after their own. To contribute to the existance of the human species.
Are we all going down the same road? To death yes, but that doesnt mean the end of the journey is the justification of the journey itself. Have you not heard that it is the journey that matters, not your destination?

"Where do they go after they die? Do they float around in the cosmos? Do they believe in reincarnation?"

Its not a question of where they go but that there is no indication that there is actually a place to go after death. There is no convincing evidence that there exists a heaven or hell or that the so called soul goes anywhere, or even that there is a soul/spirit.

Do they feel emotional when their loved ones die?

Yes as their love ones are part of their human experience and when they die, that experience seems to be an image of the past also.

Why did they become Atheist in the first place? Do Atheist enjoy not having hope after death and no hope for humanity?

Because they do not believe in false-hope. Hope for humanity is shown with the good will of the common people to continue living. People can see there is hope for humans when they see parents taking care of their children, when medical advances are made in keeping people alive. Those are proof that can be seen and read about. However, what proof is there of existance after death? THere is none and that is the difference between wishful thinking that there is a place to go versus seeing the proof that supports a hope. Realistic hope requires truth.

Would Atheist Become Christians if they had proof that Christianity was the truth?

Yes, I think so but be careful to seperate the historical evidence of Jesus as a prophet vesus him actually being the son of god.

Would an Atheist convert into any religon with proof?

Yes and no. Religion in general does not require proof as much as belief. I am not saying that the belief is false but that if they do not have proof, then there are other possibilities. So in this case, no athiests would not convert to any religion that has proof. Now, I would say yes if religion was equated to personal philosophy as possibly it is formed by personal experience and has logic to follow it. Whether the logic is complete is another story.

Do Atheist believe in the Big Bang Theory, String Theory or evolution?

It is not blind belief as much as seeing the equations, the explanations, seeing the facts that support it that make them support the theories.

If an Atheist found out that God was real after they die, what would they do and how will they feel?

If that happened to me, I would think that I can not be blamed for not believing in God as I was not convinced and despite what God has for me, I would take it as unjust. Reversely, if you believe in god in fear of what he would do to you if you didnt believe in him, then wouldnt God punish you for believing him for the wrong reasons? This is the Pascal wager...look it up, it is interesting but it is not based on understanding God but it is out of self-interest to believe in god.

How do Atheist feel during the day? Hopeless, Miserable, Depressed, Angry, Sad, Happy?

All of those emotions. Why wouldnt they?

Do most Atheist have low-self esteem.

No if you think that Atheists see no hope in after life. I personally feel that there is a responsibility to mankind to stay alive as a species so the things we do are in hope of perpetuating human existence.

I want to state that these are my views of an agnostic/borderline Athiest (an agnostic cannot argue for or against the existence of God) but this is more personal philosophy and it may not represent all Athiests. I am sure a religious person does not represent all other religious people as there are different religions.

I would like to point out that Athiesm IS a religion. While it seems odd that not believing in a higher power is a religion, you cannot prove that God exists or God doesnt exist. There is always that possibility. Given insufficient evidence, I think most people are agnostics but because it seems better to stand firm on one position rather than not knowing, they believe in athieism. How do you prove that there is no God?

2006-09-28 11:23:03 · answer #10 · answered by leikevy 5 · 3 1

Simply think about it this way. Pagans think there are poly Gods i.e may be hundreds, Christians think there are 3 God, some religion think there are 2 Gods, Muslims think there is only 1 God, finally atheists think there is 0 God which means no God.

2006-09-28 12:26:31 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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