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a) Its all a bunch of fictional stories; told by men; written by men, selected by men, and edited by men. Its no more truthful than any other work of mythology.

b) Its accounts of history are fairly accurate, and maybe there's a bit o' truth into some of the religious aspects...but I doubt it. Its mostly accounts of people mixing what they've seen with their culture's religion. Thus, an earthquake isn't an earthquake anymore - its God's wrath.

c) I think much of it is true, and the gaps were filled in with legend. Much of history (and "fact") is written this way. Genesis may be wrong, but that doesn't mean creation didn't happen. Moses didn't live 900 years, but that doesn't mean he wasn't a prophet.

d) Its clearly the word of God, but we may have messed it up a bit w/ translation and selection. Nothing with man's fingerprints on it can be perfect, but I'm sure at one time it was.

e) It is purely the word of God. God's word has not or cannot be tampered with.

2006-09-28 10:30:49 · 21 answers · asked by DougDoug_ 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

"e" with one caveat, there are some translations that have been "messed with", i.e., the New World bible (JW's) and the bible that the Mormons translated.

2006-09-28 10:32:35 · answer #1 · answered by christian_lady_2001 5 · 2 1


The reasoning is in part of each of the other answers you gave.

The Bible is truly the word of God, but after man and his own quest for power and his own twisted translations of the Bible to form religion, though what once was actually Bible Doctrine now means something else. And also since the Bible has been misinterpreted for so long between different languages, different translations of meaning and different religions, different abuses and uses, it no longer means the the same.

To know the true translation of the Bible would require someone who is professed in the ways to interpret that, and the basis of the true Bible's meaning, before the break down, where it original started was in the language of koine' greek (common greek).

You have to understand, there is NO way God who is all powerful and all knowing, could be "mixed up" or "confused". God could not make mistakes, or not know what lies ahead or behind.
BUT there is a REALLY good chance man can be

2006-09-28 18:44:01 · answer #2 · answered by just me 3 · 0 0

The "Bible" is no more than translations of many, many scolls found over time. The authorship of many is questionable...revalations, no one knows. It is probable that John, Paul, etc. wrote many of the scrolls, but their is no assurance of that either. The first bible appeared between 300-400 AD, translations commissioned by the Catholic Church, about the same time they declaired Jesus a god. Translations ALWAYS have an agenda of the person/organization that is paying for the work. Many scrolls or scroll collections contradicted eachother, so the Catholic Church omitted what they felt were NOT advantages to their doctrine. They felt that Mary Mag did not fit in with their views, so changed here identity to that of a Ho. Realize that all these scrolls were written by old men who each had their own agenda..to be supported, housed, and fed by those around them. Views on sex are certainly tempered by age, and these writings are no exception...sort of like a Catholic priest tellin me how to conduct my marriage or raise my kids! As far as I can see, the Old Testament is a layman's guide to the un-understandable, and the New Testament is propaganda writen to gain free room and board. It is very easy to say, I am writing, but God is guiding my hand. IF I were to write and say these things, you would have me locked up!

2006-09-28 17:44:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The historical record of peoples, cities, geography as rivers mountains, rulers is accurate. Not believing the first generations of humanity lived up to 900 yrs or so cannot be disproved outside the Bible so it can't be discounted but left open at the least. The numerous prophecies in the Bible cannot be said to be fabricated since there are manuscripts or scrolls which are proof of their existence going back 2,000 yrs and beyond in line with recorded history as to their numerous fulfillment's. The Bible says that the spirit of prophecy is Jesus. No other written work in the world has any resemblance to the accuracy of prophecy if any to the Bible which shows that it is apart or holy.

Many who were opposed to the Bible and sought to discredit it historically with unbiased study have changed their minds about it after seeing the evidence for it.

2006-09-29 01:35:33 · answer #4 · answered by Ernesto 4 · 0 1

I think what people consider a fairy tale, are things like this:

-4 apostolic accounts of a resurrection which are all different and contradictory
-a jesus-myth which almost identically mirrors an older myth called Mithras, and clearly comes from that older mythology, thanks to the Nicaean Council of 325AD.
-a book which, in and of itself, has so many (thousands of) basic contradictions that they become irreconcilable and not capable of being dictated by a god.
-that god dictated/inspired the bible, but it is so unbelievable, ridiculous and so poorly written and communicated that after 2000 years, less than 1/3 of the people on earth buy into that crap. and, the people who do say they "buy it" are broken-up and fractioned into hundreds of denominations because THEY can't agree on how it is interpreted, what parts are to be followed and what parts aren't, what is "literal" and what is "figurative", and how it is to be ritualized and how it's god(s)/deities/lord/rulers are to be worshiped. Some followers of the bible accept only one of the testaments and discard the other one!! LOL!!!!
- a god which condones slavery, considers women to be worth fewer sheckles than men, doesn't understand what menstruation is (stating it is a sickness), claims the world is flat, claims that the sun goes around the earth and the earth is the center of all things, comes to earth to have a major biblical conversation about baking bread with feces so the bread will become defiled, lies to people, condones stoning children and others to death, incites wars between groups of his own children, designs a system whereby he guarantees that billions of his own children will spend an eternity in eternal suffering, doesn't allow handicapped/disabled/disfigured people to approach his altar, demands that his children love him and follow him "or else!", that women wearing men's clothes - or vice versa - is an abomination, that being gay is an abomination, that wearing garments blended of wool and linen is an abomination, that killing witches is an absolute requirement, eating shellfish and pork is abomination; knowing the future and yet placing everything into motion knowing full well that he'll have to flood the entire earth and mass murder millions of people for sinning, sins that he knew would occur because he already knew he future and how it would unfold... and on, and on, and on...

The bible is mythological nonsense. Nothing more.

2006-09-28 17:36:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

None of the above. You error because you limit God to human resources. God does not have to follow human reasoning. God's answer to inerrancy of Scriptures is to introduce a new element and that is the Holy Spirit. The reason Jesus said that He needed to go away was so that He could send the Holy Spirit and His job would be to guide people into the truth (see John 14-15) The Holy Spirit takes people who are genuine in their faith and using the Bible which man has tampered with and guides them past the errors into truth. Only God can do that.

2006-09-28 18:02:16 · answer #6 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 0 1

None of the above. It's a carbon copy and simulacrum of every other cult that came before it. The christian fable is as original as Microsoft products.

"It's fair to say the bible contains equal parts fact, history, and pizza."
- Penn Jillette, "Penn and Teller"

2006-09-28 17:37:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

e) without a doubt. 2Timothy 3:16 says "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness." The key word there is ALL. All, not part, is God's Inspired Word. Yes, the Bible was told by men, written by men, INSPIRED by God. Imagine if the Bible was told by Angels, written by Angels, selected by Angels, INSPIRED by God. How could we sinful humans relate to Angels, who are perfect? Answer that one. By man writing the Bible, we can relate with him because of their imperfections. We are imperfect too. You pick up Bill Parcells book, a psychology book, a cookbook, those books will only tell you about Parcells, psychology and cooking recipes respectively. However, what makes the Bible so unique is that it talks about the role the wife-husband-children play in the family. It talks about people who suffered hardships and how they endured. It talks about spiritism, Satan the Devil, God's name Jehovah, definitions of love, talks about the earth, what we should do with our life, how to live our lives, the condition of the dead, heaven, hell and the list is endless. What book can you come up with that will discuss all of these things in less than 2,000 +/- pages? You would be buying separate books for the rest of your life for the subjects that one book covers.

Unfortunately, people do tamper with the Bible, particularly by taking out God's personal name Jehovah, Jehová, Yahweh, YHWH, Elo'him, Adhoni or however your native tongue translates Jehovah. Psalm 83:18 is a good basis scripture to use to see if Jehovah is used. It is sometimes replaced with LORD, Lord, GOD, God. These are just mere titles. Jesus is Lord, Jehovah is Soverign Lord, Jesus is Mighty God, not Almighty God. Again, specificity is key. About 7,000 times God's personal name is used in Bible. I am sure you would feel insulted if people called you "hey you" or whisper to you especially when they know your name/nickname. How embarassing is that. Give Almight God respect by using his name just as you would expect people to use your name.

2006-09-28 17:56:01 · answer #8 · answered by the_answer 5 · 0 1

hmm it appears you are A all the way? my opinion is found in 2 Tim. 3:16. All scripture is inspired by God and profitable by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training and rightousness.

2006-09-28 17:34:55 · answer #9 · answered by Nikki 5 · 0 0

Its more accurate than the answers given to the court by the Clintons.

2006-09-28 17:47:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


There is some historical accuracy to it. However, there is some historical accuracy to the Iliad, but that doesn't prove the existence of Zeus and Aphrodite.

2006-09-28 17:34:44 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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