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And my husband and me fight constantly and we have tried everything to rekindle our love but it is hopeless. And I want to be married and have a big family but obviously it isnt going to work with the man I am married to. But I dont want to be considered an adultress. So would God allow me to divorce and remarry? And also, my husband got into trouble last year for hitting me. My husband doesnt do that anymore but still. Why would God want me to stay in this marriage?

2006-09-28 10:05:14 · 15 answers · asked by SeriousHelpNeeded! 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

The problem lies in the 3 little words you wrote "and I want". It seems you want what you want more than what God wants for you. Do you really believe God is not able to control and use your current marriage for your good? He promised (all) things work together for good for His own. Is His arm to short to help you, or is He making a mistake in your life? What is better, to serve Him all your life with difficulty but faithfully or to gain your way now but unfaithfully? God asks us in His Word "What does it profit a man if He gain the whole world yet lose His soul?" What way will gain you those priceless words from your Savior "Well done thou good and faithful servant.?" It is only in trials and temptations that we can show our faithfulness to God and our love of His Kingdom. Anyone can say they follow Christ but as Jesus says those whose hearts are stoney ground fall away when the trials come. You have a great promise from God--Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Also any who lose things in this life for His sake will be rewarded in this life and the next. Press on Christian soldier of the cross.

2006-09-28 10:24:56 · answer #1 · answered by beek 7 · 1 1

Me and my husband went thru the same problem about 4 years ago. He just up and left one day. It took me about 1 month to find out what was really going on. Then when i did i found that he had been seeing a woman for about 1 year. Believe me i completely understand what you are going thru. I was so mad, and completely ashamed of what he had did. I didn't know who to be more upset with him or her. When he left i was crushed! I didn't see how two people who was so much in love could have lost it like that. We went thru pure H*** for a year or so. We were fussing and fighting everyday of the week. I just could not stand their and let her take what me and him had work so hard to build. We had a new home, a perfect little girl. and also we had built a business together. To some it all up i took alot, but in the end it was worth it. We are still married, and as far as i know we are happier than we have ever been. I quess what i am trying to tell you is don't give up to quick. Let him know everyday that you LOVE him very much. Just hang in their, and just maybe he will see what he had with you. GOOD LUCK!!!!!

2016-03-26 21:46:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First you must ask the question, were you ever truly married. The ceremony does not a marriage make. It must be a union between three persons. It is both parties and God that have to make the marriage real. If any one of the three is not serious about that reality then the marriage is not really a marrage. It must fit this equation. 1+1+1=1. All else is not considered marriage in God's eyes.

2006-09-28 10:22:22 · answer #3 · answered by happylife22842 4 · 1 0

He would want you to stay in the marriage because you made a covenant with each other and Him. It's not the easiest thing to be married. You don't always feel like your in love with your spouse. There are times when you look at them and think what was I thinking when I married them? One thing I have learned is that you have to constantly remind your self of their positive characteristics. I know this is hard when your are fighting but it really helps. I also would recommend reading some of Gary Smalley's books. He has great ways to take a doomed marriage and turn it around. They really work too. They saved my marriage. Last but not least pray for you husband and your marriage. Pray with him if he is willing and do it on a daily basis. With God all things are possible!

2006-09-28 10:18:36 · answer #4 · answered by firefly 3 · 1 1

okay, when i was first reading this i would've answered no don't get a divorce. Your right God does not approve of divorce that's why you pray before you make the commitment to make sure that he's the 'one'. Now, reality- he's hit you. Enough said. The only reasons God gives to divorce your spouse is adultery or in your case abuse- if it was as small as "we're not in love anymore" then no. But that's not the case- I would say pray and seek God for his guidance. I answered your question in a round-about way only because i don't believe i should be the one telling you do get a divorce that's between you and God. God Bless and i hope you make the right decision.

2006-09-28 10:18:22 · answer #5 · answered by faith 1 · 0 1

First I'd ask if you've both tried counseling. If not give it a shot. If that doesn't work and all the fighting continues, the best thing to do is split up. God doesn't want you to be in a miserable relationship, but He'd want you to try everything possible before breaking up. There is more than just physical desertion. There is also mental and emotional desertion.

2006-09-28 10:34:21 · answer #6 · answered by mocha5isfree 4 · 0 1

People have no comprehension of what marriage is about anymore. Rich or poor, sickness or health, so on and so forth... If you want to break your wedding vow, you are free to do so.

But if I were you, I wouldn't bother giving your word to anyone else. I'm an atheist, and I can tell you that much.

It has nothing to do with god. But if you want the biblical answer, yes, what you're talking about is a sin.

2006-09-28 10:14:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Another reason religion sucks.

You are prevented from finding happiness with someone else, out of fear that a mythological being will punish you for not spending the rest of your life in a miserable relationship with someone you don't love.

I hope other theists remember this account when they pose Pascal's Wager in the future, but I am sure they wont.

You want an atheist's advice? If you aren't in love divorce, and find someone who makes you happy.

Apparently you have both mutually fallen out of love. Get over it and move on.

2006-09-28 10:26:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well, you just answered you own question for one thing. Jesus said not to divorce. I dont recall him saying as long as you are happy. That should be enough. But in case it isnt, lets also try this. This sillyness about GOD wants you to be happy. Okay. Does that mean if you are happy robbing banks or raping kids, he wants you to be happy in that? No. If you want happiness, then you have to do as he tells us to really acheive happiness.

Next, just how responsible are you for the situation you are in? What kind of spouse are you, honestly? Maybe you and he should not have married, but you both made that choice, so deal with it and do what you promised God and commited to one another to doing.

The only reason these things seem to hard is because everyone wants to do what they want, they just dont want to think or feel or beleive they are wrong or bad by doing so. If you have to try to justify things or present cases for things, you are already admitting that you know you are wrong, you just dont want to feel like you are or be viewed as being bad by others.

God said what he said. It isnt up for your debate or like. Divorce if you want, but then you are bound to either reconcile with your husband or remain celibate. Again, God said these things. So I dont think it matters what you or the rest of us think. What he says and meant is what does.

2006-09-28 10:22:17 · answer #9 · answered by Mr. JW 3 · 0 1

Actually the Bible has several answers on this one: divorce is fine, divorce is fine as long as someone is cheating, and divorce is okay if there is physical violence.
Truthfully, it shouldn't matter what some book says.
If he's that bad, get out before you end up hating life in a loveless marriage.

2006-09-28 10:13:59 · answer #10 · answered by adphllps 5 · 1 1

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