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What's up with these half and half people? You know those people who say abortion is murder when the women uses it as birth control but say it's not murder if the mother couldn't afford the child or if the child had a disability or if the woman was raped. What's up with that? I mean #1, if the child would be born to a mother who couldn't afford them--who says the only solution to that is abortion? Ever heard of adoption! What about if the child had a disability? Well, my grandmother has arthritus--maybe we should just kill her and put her out of her misery! Oh wait, the child would be born with a mental problem? Well, I've seen autistic people who are the happiest people you've ever met in your life but I guess we should just kill babies who are gonna be like them. And the woman was raped? What's the difference between that and a girl who got knocked up by her boyfriend and got dumped by him when he found out she was pregnant?

Ever heard the phrase "Don't compromise what's right?"

2006-09-28 08:02:35 · 55 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

55 answers

What gets me is when people say "it's not a baby" or "it's not human." Of course it is! Have the guts to say it.

To be brutally honest, there are many circumstances where society sanctions killing, when some other concern is deemed to be more important. The death penalty and war come to mind. Yes, babies are innocent - the factors are different but the analysis is the same. Also, it's still a "killing" if the abortion is done to save a mother's life, no matter how rare that is. But almost no one would criminalize that.

The only reason I can see for allowing abortion is that I can't see the law forcing a woman to continue a pregnancy against her will, no matter what the reason. What would we do if she threatens to leave the country for an abortion - lock her up in protective custody? Not everything that is immoral is illegal.

But I do agree that the idea of "let's get rid of the unwanted" is the WEAKEST argument for abortion. Lots of folks in prisons, AIDS hospices, retirement homes, mental institutions, homeless shelters, etc. are "unwanted." I don't say "let me kill my Grandpa unless YOU adopt him, because he's unwanted!"

Take the baby out alive. If it lives, it lives. The mother gets to control her body, the baby gets to live if it can. It sounds so cruel, but King Solomon could do no better (pun INTENDED!).

The long term solution is to reduce the number of abortions by changing people's hearts and minds - the "culture of life." If Roe v Wade is overturned tomorrow, NY and California will keep abortion legal and the number of abortions will not drop so much nationwide.

I could go on, but it's a tough issue. I usually irritate both sides.

2006-09-28 08:03:33 · answer #1 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 5 4

I don't know I can't say what is right or wrong because I've never been in that situation But I can express my opinion I think if U can't afford A baby than that is no reason to get an abortion but if you know the baby will have A life threatening condition or have to suffer than I would probably get an abortion rather than watch my child suffer, and for rape I would keep the baby because the baby did nothing wrong and would part of me.

2006-09-28 08:20:58 · answer #2 · answered by honeygirland 3 · 0 0

It's a personal CHOICE and it's a very individual one at that!! If a woman knows she isn't up to the challenge of being a parent, to a healthy child or otherwise, then it is her choice. Maybe she doesn't want to go through the pregnancy? Maybe she can't afford to? We all should be able to make the choice on our own. And how can you even compare a rape victim to a girl's boyfriend leaving her?!! That is one of the most ridiculous comparisons I've ever heard!! You're suggesting that a woman who has already been traumatized by a rape should carry the rapist's fetus to term?! That's cold. If you are against abortion in any way shape or form, fine for you but that might not be fine for someone else.

2006-09-28 08:14:07 · answer #3 · answered by Shelley L 6 · 3 1

I've never heard "don't compromise what's right" and every one has a right to their beliefs and opinions, that's yours but it may not be best for everyone involved. I'm a mom and am still pro-choice. We live in america, free to think and do with our bodies what we wish. I never judge anyone on what choice they have made because them alone have to live with what they have done, period. If a woman doesn't want the baby and is forced to carry it for 9 months and give birth to an unwanted child, what kind of health would that child be in? Adoption or not, that woman is not going to take care of herself during the pregancy and the result will be a very sick baby. I've seen it many times. That or the woman or teenage girl will give birth in a public bathroom and leave it there. Pro-choice. Again, that's why we are in America. Thank you for your time.

2006-09-28 08:17:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

While I may be pretty close to Pro Life, you are an absolute idiot (there's little doubt of it from your little tantrum) if you think RAPE is the same as a foolish girl getting knocked up by a boyfriend. You obviously have never had any kind of connection to victim of rape. And I may not wish something so horrible upon you, but I hope you grow up and gain some compassion so you understand a little more what it's like to not grow up you.
Have you ever heard the phrase: "You don't know a man till you walk a mile in his shoes"
So, little girl, while abortion may often be misused and disgusting to many of us, you don't know what leads people to that place.

2006-09-28 08:15:02 · answer #5 · answered by ACK & DJ 4 · 1 0

abortion is a very touchy thing. i don't believe in it at all.
but being raped is VERY different from being dumped. i can't even believe that you said that! anyways. as far as mental dissabilities go.....autism is one of the lightest things. what if your unborn child was severly mutated or they had such a bad mental problem that they would never speak, walk, or even be able to feed themselves. why would you put someone through that life. you live it and tell me how that goes. and if you ever get raped and forced to have the child of an agressive, perverted stranger i will be there to tell you that i got knocked up by my bf and got dumped....so i am feeling the same thing. abortion is only okay when you are raped or the baby will lead a horrible, complicated, and degrating life.
don't wish that on people.

2006-09-28 08:39:30 · answer #6 · answered by young republican 2 · 0 0

The decision to abort is one that should be made mostly by the woman, with input from the man involved (possibly) and from her physician (definitely!). I believe it is wrong to generalize about when it is right or wrong to abort; it should be a personal decision.

Also, think about what a woman should do if she is told that giving birth would endanger her life. In that case, which one should die, mother or child? What are your justifications for that?

I personally might not abort a child, but I don't think it's right to impose that opinion on millions of people.

Society as whole, is half-and-half on many things. Take for instance, murder. In the US, the sentence for killing someone is (sometimes) to be killed yourself.

2006-09-28 08:34:50 · answer #7 · answered by Dee 2 · 1 0

There is a world of difference between the woman who was raped and the one who got knocked up by her boyfriend and got dumped. The one who got raped didn't ask for it and didn't open her legs to the first one who asked her. Most of the pregnant women have had sex knowing what the consecuences are, come on most of the are teenagers too and they just OPEN their legs to anyone!!!! But a rape victim? how can you compare her with a slut? Oh woman you have issues and you know what? you are just getting too deep into this, it is a free country thanks to our President Bush (God bless him) and everyone should be able to do and say whatever the hell they want. (Abortion is still not good, your statement has just very broad comparisons).

2006-09-28 08:59:23 · answer #8 · answered by Lilly 5 · 0 0

Abortion is never right. I agree, but what if you were that girl who got raped and you couldn’t afford to raise it and you l8 found out that it has a disability? What would be going through Ur head? I don’t support it cuz it is MURDER. But there are women every day that get raped and get pregnant who are under 15. There is a possibility that if they have the baby it will kill them both. What would you do then?

2006-09-28 08:10:18 · answer #9 · answered by Samantha V. 1 · 3 1

It is unfortunate that people are met with hard decisions brought about by poor choices. Many a time, I hear of a woman or couple who decide to go ahead with the pregnancy even though they were medically advised against it due to the health of the child, mother, or possible death to one or the other. And they chose life.

It is good that we have a choice, but, again, people refuse to think things through and apply it to how it will effect their lives in the future. We humans have a tendancy to be in the "here and now" and dispell any focusing on the future. We like to drift through life, and pretend that life is only a "rehearsal".

Bottom line, life is precious and each of us only have one opportunity to live it. Why stop others from having a go of life, too? Why run away from the consequences of our actions? There are always those who will step up to the plate and take on a special needs child, so that arguement is mute.

Americans are compelled to adopt from outside the US because people choose abortion too frequently. There's no shame in putting a kid up for adoption.

2006-09-28 08:03:54 · answer #10 · answered by YRofTexas 6 · 2 2

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