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I have looked for signs of a God all my life and whilst i see many religious people i just cannot believe. so how did you find your God and achieve blind faith?

2006-09-28 08:01:34 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

I wasn't raised in any faith although my grandad taught me there is a god, to me he was a scary old man who put a black mark next to my name in his book if I was naughty! The few Christians I met did nothing to convince me, in fact when I met my husband, he was a backsliding Christian who left the church because I would have nothing to do with it. He became didn't even mention it after a while and we didn't get married in church.
So about 4 years ago, we moved from one town to another, and the first person I made friends with told me she is a Christian, did I mind? I didn't mind, I just found it a bit sad that she should have fallen for all that rubbish at her age. We didn't talk about it much.
Then a year or so later she invited me to her baptism, on the beach. I went along because it meant so much to her but frankly found the whole thing a bit embarassing, it was my first experience the happy clappy brigade. But as the new christians gave their testimonies, I started to feel stirred inside. They actually thought they had a relationship with Jesus, that he is alive, that knowing him had given them peace. I thought about the turmoil my marriage was in and I wanted that peace. Then the elder did a talk about all the unhappy people looking for happiness in alcohol, drugs, sex etc and the amount of people who couldn't find peace and were taking anti depressents. I was one of them and this spoke to me so powerfully that I started to weep quietly, nobody knew. He said if any one wanted to be blessed by Jesus, raise your hand, and I raised mine. As I did so, I was flooded with the most amazing feeling of peace and love that I've ever felt. It blew my mind and I knew that I'd met with God. It was I simply saw for the first time what had always been true, like Neo waking up in the real world in the The Matrix. The real world had been there all the time but he had never had anyone open his eyes before, and that is what it was like. My depression was instantly healed. I stayed quiet, but I later found out that I'd been baptised in the Holy Spirit. After that I did an Alpha course and couldn't get enough of learning about Jesus and the Bible.
I don't consider my faith to be a huge leap, considering I met Jesus that day, but I know that it's wise to keep searching.
I'll give you links here to find an alpha course near you (for anyone to learn the basics of christianity, if you get a good church that is spirit-led all the better) and for the church family to which I belong.
Sit quietly and ask God to reveal himself to you in a way you will believe.

2006-09-29 02:09:30 · answer #1 · answered by good tree 6 · 0 0

God can be found everywhere. Let's simplify this. If you are truly seeking God then He will have been speaking to you in some manner.

In a quiet place you only need to ask Him into your heart and life. If you are sincere He will respond.

There is no need to use formal language, but just be yourself.

If you feel that God has come into your life then it is important to find a good church to attend. Truthfully, this is more difficult than you think, but if you try out a few different churches you will find one that suits you.

Teaching of the Bible is important for growth, and daily readings too. Perhaps just a few verses at a time starting with Matthew or John.

Remember that while there may be some bad apples (bad christians) in churches that most people are just like yourself and will help if you ask.

2006-09-28 08:23:55 · answer #2 · answered by Mac 3 · 0 1

Look at what God has given you. An earth to live on. Lungs to breathe. The sun that helps promote the air that fills your lungs. Those (to me) are some pretty powerful signs.

As for the "religious people" that you see. Do they (as the saying goes...) practice what they preach? Jesus said that people would know who his disciples were by their love for one another. John 13:34,35: "34 I am giving YOU a new commandment, that YOU love one another; just as I have loved YOU, that YOU also love one another. 35 By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.”

Who shows that kind of love today? Please take a minute and follow the link below. If you read the article that it directs you to, you will find the answer. Best wishes!

2006-09-28 15:29:09 · answer #3 · answered by Rachel B 3 · 0 0

Karl Marx said "religion is the opium of the masses". Why do you want to achieve blind faith? From my own experience, following a religion (because god always comes with religion) just gets you hurt really bad. Thinking for yourself is the only way - why rely on some mythical god for answers?

2006-09-28 08:16:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First of all I when someone says they found god, I always think to myself I didnt know he was lost. My father for the very longest believed himself to be an atheist. After many years of listening to him I realized that it wasnt he was an athesist of god. BUt that he was an atheist of religion. There are no sighns of god in this world to indicate a belief. The only one that exists is in your heart.
But you cannot see what it is you dont feel. You see my father and myself was so against the hypocricy of man, that we felt how could they form a ultimate religion of god. God is a word to illustrate faith. Faith is not something that can be illustrated in a way that everyone will understand. So dont look for conventional methods of god. Look for the unconvential, the ones that make no sense, the unexplained. Then you will recognize that god is the unexplained, and is that faith alone that will bring you closer to who you are, and you yourself as a complex emotional being is unexplainable as well. I wish you well

2006-09-28 08:12:51 · answer #5 · answered by fryedaddy 3 · 1 1

You have to look into the scriptures

JOHN 17:3 says that taking in knowledge of the only true God and the one he sent Jesus Christ results in our gaining everlasting life. So, taking in accurate knowledge is how you find out about God.
Also, I have faith in God but it is not blind faith - it's faith based on the scriptures. When you examine the scriptures they prove true to you and you have a firm sound basis for your belief.

If you want me to introduce you to my God, the only true God of the bible - then please email me and I'll show you where to look in the scriptures

2006-09-28 11:12:10 · answer #6 · answered by New ♥ System ♥ Lady 4 · 0 0


I don't know what you mean by signs of God?


Jehovah doesn't ask for blind faith,

(read Heb 11:1 Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.

Check out this we site:


2006-09-28 12:25:56 · answer #7 · answered by TeeM 7 · 0 0

read, ponder, pray. for me I read the scriptures including the Book of Mormon then I pondered what it said in it to see if I could except such things, which in some cases is hard for me being an extremely logical person, then I pray to God and asked if what I had read was true. At which point I actually felt more at peace then i have ever felt in my life. Start with the OT though, if you can except that there is a God then read the NT, if you can except Jesus, then read the B of M which talks about the same things except says that christ came to the americas after his resurrection because like he says in 10:16 "and other sheep i have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."

but don't accept it from me, and don't accept it from anyone else, read it, ponder it, and pray about it, it is only between you and God no one else depends on your beliefs so don't depend on theirs

2006-09-28 09:01:01 · answer #8 · answered by JL 2 · 0 0

Basically I look at so many great things in the world and think to myself "these things are too wonderful and beautiful to have come about randomly, there must be something behind them" and that is why I believe in God.

2006-09-28 08:07:21 · answer #9 · answered by monkeymanelvis 7 · 0 0

Do what maximum Christians do, carry an idolic image of God and Christ around your neck to place your faith in and to illustrate to the international which you're Christian. It worked nicely for the Jews whilst they created a logo of God on the foot of Mount Sinai.

2016-12-12 16:51:42 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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