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I posted this question, and those arguing it never mention a word... and that is "hitler".... beating around the bush I guess...

I know its easy to just hit on muslims on and on and turn a blind eye to christian atrocities... and in addition, claim christianity is light and love... how can light and love create such atrocities...?

2006-09-28 07:37:29 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

link: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhgoeajeafUCWYeBL_Iei83zy6IX?qid=20060928112335AAsaoaR

2006-09-28 07:38:10 · update #1

nikki, u proved again what stupidity filled mind does: mindless rambling.. tell me about this hero whom u claim to be an atheist?...why didnt u explain? Coward

2006-09-28 07:49:24 · update #2

izzi, jewl, bang ur heads against the wall till its split in two... u can eat that sh!t

2006-09-28 08:04:59 · update #3

carol, how many sins u commited till today?... and u are a christian... Hah.. eat that sh!t

2006-09-28 08:09:26 · update #4

29 answers

Hitler was not a Christian. He paid lip service to Christians, but planned to completely eliminate Christianity after the war. Documents declassified from the Nuermberg Trials a few years ago confirm this.

People will commit attocities and hide behind religion. This has happened in many religions. Neopagans, Wiccans, and others always rant about the "Burning Times", which mostly involved misguided Christians killing other Christians. Even one was too many, but none of us alive today can change the past. TWe now know the 40,000 people who died over a 500 year period weren't Pagans or Wiccans anyway, thanks to people like Ronald Hutton. When will Neopagans acknowledge the estimated 3 million Christians killed by Pagans during the "Lion Times" of ancient Rome? Probably never.

When will the world stop turning a blind eye to the Christians who are right now being persecuted, raped, mutilated, tortured, falsely imprisoned and murdered in countries like Nigeria, Cuba, China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Columbia, Yemen, Laos, Egypt, Indonesia, Eritrea, and India?

2006-09-28 07:53:06 · answer #1 · answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6 · 0 4

It was a good thing that Pope John Paul acknowledged the bloody history of the Catholic Church...an organization that for centuries tried to ignore that they ever did wrong. Not a bad start.

There's always that easy out: "They weren't TRUE Christians", which is the "No True Scotsman" fallicy. The simplest definition is that anyone who believes in God and that Jesus was the Messiah is a Christian. Anything else is quibbling over window dressing.

Have the Southern Baptist churches apoligized for their role in perpetuating slavery in the South? Have the American churches apoligized or even recognized what they did to the Native American peoples? The conquests and forced conversions of entire European cultures?

Or perhaps we should go back further: Joshua and his rampaging armies killing everything that moved at the order of God. God slaughtering hundreds of thousands (presumably) of uninvolved people in ancient Egypt just to make a point? God drowning literally everything on Earth in a fit of pique (and failing utterly in his objective as well). This kind of nonsense is dismissed with yet more nonsense: "He's God, he can do anything he wants and it's still good by definition!"

Lots of excuses.

At least American society tries to recognize when it does wrong and makes efforts at ammends. The Abrahamic faiths will do nearly anything to avoid any kind of self-examination.

2006-09-28 08:00:00 · answer #2 · answered by Scott M 7 · 1 0

I'm not sure to the "THEY" you refer to in the question, but I will say that Christian's/Roman Catholics and the like are quick to jump on other faiths actions and belief systems if they feel like they have done something wrong, and a lot of the time they do... But they are the last to mention any wrongdoing on their religions behalf.

The lack of involvement in the condemnation of Hitler and the Nazi's in world war II, totally turning a blind eye to the suffering of MILLION'S of people, forget that they were Jewish.

If you would like an older example how about the Crusaders whom on orders from the Vatican fought there way to Jerusalem and when the battle was won, turned on the city and massacred the whole city, men, women and children, and yet when Saladin the Muslim leader re-took Jerusalem from the Crusader's when they surrendered gave them their freedom and safe passage to their own lands, or the choice to stay in Jerusalem free from persecution for their faith.

What I believe is that Christians cant afford to be Hippocrates...

2006-09-28 08:03:38 · answer #3 · answered by Dumbledore 3 · 1 1

You know, your are just rattling off questions and not listening to any sincere answers. Your questions present your viewpoint and are not a true question.

About the subject you mentioned: I am a Christian. Most Christians I know absolutely acknowledge the Holocaust and sincerely remember it in a somber and sober way. When I was visiting Israel, we went to the Yad Vashem memorial. Very moving and appropriate. The Jewish people are the apple of God's eye, and most Christians take that very seriously and give it the respect it deserves. Judaism is the foundation of Christianity.

I would not classify the Holocaust as a "Christian" atrocities, as Hitler was not a true Christian, but straight from the pit of hell. You are mistaken. No bush beating. Ask a straight question.

The majority of Christians do not bash or otherwise "hit on" Muslims. Please stop using sweeping generalizations. They completely fall short and miss the mark.

You said it in your question "claim". People can claim whatever they want. People ARE their actions, that defines us.

2006-09-28 07:52:01 · answer #4 · answered by Juliart 6 · 0 2

at the initiating the Quran does no longer search for advice from with a e book yet a MESSAGE. The Message that Jesus presented. which isn't the message contained in the Bible. The bible is the Human interpritation of that message. Jesus changed into by no skill "surpassed the Gospel" HE changed into THE GOSPEL. The walking speaking message of Allah(SWT) His words were the Injeel. The Injeel isn't the bible. The bible is a e book of reports about Jesus that were replaced and edited again and again. And the Quran makes it clean that Jesus isn't the son of Allah. God does no longer favor to slump so low as to procreate. he's a author He has no favor to Procreate. And the Quran by no skill says that Jesus changed into or will be "resurected" he will go back in spite of the indisputable fact that it really is clean he has no longer died. in case you've not died you could not be "resurected" in the way you search for advice from with it. All that suggested you're not to any extent further asking a question in any respect. you do not favor to hearken to the reply. you're ranting, twisting and outright lieing about our e book to purpose to instruct your own Fataly incorrect e book. So my question is that if Christianity is so large why do not you talk about how sturdy it really is rather of attacking something you recognize no longer something about. And no matter if it really is such an impressive faith why are human beings like myself, raised non secular Christians, operating to Islam. because we've study both books and there is no evaluation. The Quran is logical and attractive and is smart, The Quran is each little thing that Allah(SWT) is. The Bible is nicely..... Human. it really is unhappy that persons sense that Christians sense the favor to make faith extra like attack politics. In Politics maximum folk have the traditional experience to work out that if a political candidate spends all his time attacking his opponent it really is because he has no longer something to grant. And if reality be counseled with faith it really is an same. once you should spend all of your time attacking different faiths it really is because you're too afraid to talk about your own faith because ultimately human beings will see the reality and run any opposite direction. in case you somewhat favor to covert human beings this isn't the thanks to do it.

2016-11-25 00:57:39 · answer #5 · answered by kuhns 4 · 0 0

I don't think Hitler was a Christian. What makes you say he was?

In any event, light and love didn't create those attrocities. Just like the Muslim radicals, the radicals who held these ideas you are criticizing didn't hold true Christian values. The Quran doesn't teach that anyone who dies in the name of Allah will have a bunch of virgins in the next life, yet that's what some of the radicals believe. Where did they get such ideas? Who knows! Likewise, the Bible teaches that all races are equal, yet some have held that one race is above another. Where did they get such ideas? Who knows! Not from the Bible, not from traditional Christian theology.

2006-09-28 07:45:54 · answer #6 · answered by Sifu Shaun 3 · 1 2

Light and love does not have such atrocities in it.

How hard is it to frame someone? How hard is it to destroy and place the blame or motivation somewhere else besides one's own evil heart? It doesn't take a lot of creativity or super-duper intellegence to do this.

If people have it in their heart to kill, steal, maime, and destroy and don't want to be accountable for it, they can create some delusion that they're on a mission from God. But they're not truly following Jesus. If they are abusing people or other living things and saying they are following Jesus they are liars. What is the motivation for every abuse and every murder? The motivation is hatred. 1 John 4:20 says, "If a man says, 'I love God' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?" Those who say they are causing human suffering in the name of Christ have been entertaining some serious delusions. The scriptures say that God is love (1 John 4:8) and that love works no ill to its neighbor (Romans 13:10). So it is the Word of God that makes the contrast.

That's why we stick with the Word of God and don't believe every thing that comes out of every one's mouth. We go to the Word, and if what they're saying and doing isn't lining up with the Word of God, then we know not to give credence to what they say.

2006-09-28 08:02:11 · answer #7 · answered by Carol L 3 · 0 2

we are not responsible for what our ancestorddid! However, Hitler was not a christian, no matter how many times the muslims insist he was. He practiced witchcraft often.
The world is supposed to be more mature and wiser now, but Muslim terrorist groups still answer any imagined slight with violence, and the mojority of muslims support them by simply saying or doing nothing against them. In act, many openly support the violence against Jews and Christian as right, since the quran tells them it is so, just as the german people did 70 years ago. It has nothing to do with lightand love, but everything to do with religious control of whole countries by fear, much like the Fundamentalist Christians are trying in the US

2006-09-28 07:49:23 · answer #8 · answered by judy_r8 6 · 0 2

riddle me this:

If someone decides to manipulate a good belief and uses it for their own means and to get people to further their own evil cause... does that make the Belief wrong, or does that make the person who manipulated it wrong?

The answer is - the person who manipulated the Good Belief was wrong. The history of Christianity in europe is filled with some not so great stuff. And that is not because christianity is bad or wrong. It is because power-hungry, Bad people saw that the church was in a position of power at that time, and therefore used the beliefs of the church to furthur their own means. Just because a bad person perverts the ways of God, it does not mean that God ever taught something that was bad. It just means tht there are horrible people out there.

Christianity is a good religion that has taught many people to live moral lives spent helping those around them. The same can be said for many other religions - including islam ect. The religion teaches good things, but bad people see it as a way to control people and further their own means, so they manipulate it and some of the people in it to do things which are contrary to what that religion teaches.

All your statement proves is that the christian church has often been led by power-hungry, evil people. True Christianity is about tolerance and love. Anyone who goes against that is going against christian doctrine, and therefore is not following it nor are they a true christian. They are merely a jerk dressed in a christian robe.

Hitler used religion and perverted the scriptures to convince people to follow his cause and perecute the jews, just as al'quida (i cant spell that word!) terrorists pervert the teachings of their Gospel to persecute Americans... Religion is a powerful thing - everyone should be careful to make sure they KNOW what they believe so that they dont get caught up in someone elses evil plot.

I hope this answered your question. God did NOT command any of the crusades to happen. They happened because of corrupt popes who manipulated the followers of the church further their own means. Just because somebody says "God said so" does not mean that God actually DID say so.
What is the point of asking a question if you will not even consider the reasonable answers given in response.

And you talk about US beating around the bush?! You say we beat around the bush, and yet your question has been answered at least 5 times and YOU REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE ANSWERS. who is the one who is supposedly closed-minded here again?

You are a CONTRADICTION. you talk about "light and love" like oyu know all about it, and yet its obvious to those who answered your question and then whome you have responded to so rudely that you are obviously lacking both those atributes. grow up.

2006-09-28 07:59:16 · answer #9 · answered by Jewlbaby 2 · 0 2

Why doesn't WHO acknowlege Christian Atrocities?

The Catholic church has. Pope John Paul II took a lot of heat from millions of people for making public apologies for the wrongs of the Catholic church.

A few Protestant denominations have as well. But not Church of England. Responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people.

2006-09-28 07:44:02 · answer #10 · answered by Max Marie, OFS 7 · 2 1

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