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34 answers

Choice and will always be and always have been since the Bible times. I mean c'mon I mean that's like saying people were born to rap or steal. I mean they choose to do what they do everyone does.

2006-09-28 06:39:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Being gay is not something new. People and the media have been trying to crack this mystery open for some time. But if you do a little research, you may come to find out that there is a certain Asian country where the men actually look for other men at weddings to have a relationship or a one night stand with. And this has been a tradition. I believe it is a country that worships a deity that is both male and female. Hermaphrodites are considered holy among them, becuase it represents their diety. So, for hundreds of years these people have been engaging in sexual activities with the same sex, if this is so, then how can we just assume that it is brought on by abuse, or some environmental factor? Obviously this can be evidence that supports the idea that homosexuality is something that some people are born with.

2006-09-28 06:48:04 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I usually get excited (definitely not sexually) by gay debate, but I promise to remain calm and try to answer the question logically. I believe that there are men who should have been born a woman. I believe that this is a quirk of nature and I have absolutely no problem with this. Those who choose to play the male role in a male homosexual encounter are entirely different. I honestly believe that this is a acquired taste and I also believe that it is an extension of the school bully syndrome. I believe that the latter is an insecure individual. Because of their lobbying of government over the past twenty years or so, they have managed to have legislation forced through that gives them far more 'rights' than heterosexual people. Because of those laws they have risen to power in business etc., and as a result of that, non homosexuals are 'pretending' to be gay to gain promotion. Finally, I do not believe that any male under the age of 14 can rightfully call himself gay, as during puberty, all sorts of hormonal changes are taking place leaving the child completely mixed up. A good question Singingma, and I am glad I did not get too worked up..........God bless............

2006-09-28 06:53:00 · answer #3 · answered by thomasrobinsonantonio 7 · 0 1

This question cannot be directed just toward the gay population without implying homophobia. The question must be, "How do people develop a sexual orientation?"

The best analogy I've come across is the one that equates the experience of a rising awareness of sexual orientation with the rising awareness of handedness. Children do not choose which hand will be dominant. Most are right handed, but a sizable minority are left handed, and some are ambidextrous. You become aware of your dominant handedness when it comes time for you to start using it.

When people mature enough to develop awareness of sexual and affectional feelings, that is the point they also become aware of their sexual orientation. The majority of people are straight, a sizable minority are gay, and some are bisexual.

I have yet to meet a heterosexual person who recalls a moment of choice when they decided to be attracted to members of the opposite sex. The same is true of heterosexual people. The only choice in the matter is what to do about the attraction. There is always choice in action, although there may also be a heavy cost in squelching one's sex drive over the course of a lifetime. (One of the heaviest costs can be the difficulty in resisting an impulsive sex act, which puts the parties at risk of engaging in unsafe sexual practices.)

2006-09-28 07:27:36 · answer #4 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 0 0

I think it's both. And I also think, contrary to what they say, that you don't have to be one or the other necessarily. I think we can choose sometimes, and I think different people are wired different. I get turned on by Al Pacino, the lead detective in CSI (the older guy), Brad Pit, good looking Latino men (and fast race cars make my adrenaline go crazy)? What the hell does that say about me? I take medications now, and so I have a low sex drive, but I know when my motor gets running? At other times in my life, I was in overdrive. Our brains are made of chemicals and electric currents. And females are very emotional creatures. I think anything wouldn't suprise me. To me Al Pacino is it! He is sexy, but also a genius, and he can play so caring, if you ever saw "Franky & Johny". I don't think it's all just about sex. Emotions come into play also. If the men in my life loved race cars, why wouldn't I be drawn to that, if they were good to me? I think it's so complex! LOL. Also, if I was burnt really bad, why wouldn't I rather be alone. At least I'm in control then. People talk about sex as if the brain didn't have anything to do with it. Mya Angelou wrote a good book, I can't remember which one, it may have been "Why the Caged Bird Sings". The girl was wondering about her sexual identity because of a bad experience and she had big feet and not a small waist. She wasn't gay. But young people have questions, they don't understand about life, such as these. I had my kids read it. Sometimes a book can explain things we parents can't. Why would you want sex with a guy if it was as awful as what she had experienced, and the poor girl was wondering about herself. She was straight. We are whatever we are. But we are influenced by lots of things.

2006-09-28 07:08:41 · answer #5 · answered by noface 2 · 0 0

For only a small percentage it is a choice. I think everyone's orientation places them somewhere along a scale from strong homo to strong hetero. Those in the middle who truly have no strong orientation either way and are comfortable having sex with anyone they find interesting and attractive, i.e bisexuals, as the only ones who make a choice. Of course those who detest homosexuality are as heavily invested in it being a choice as are homosexuals in it being innate, and neither group wants a scientifically verifiable conclusion that doesn't fit their political need. I am certain that sexual orientation is not determined by religion of politics. I suspect based on most recent research that orientation has far more to do with the hormonal environment in utero that it does with a will to sin. My homosexual acquaintances knew exactly who they were before they were even old enough to be sexually active. Most of us around them knew who they were as well. Somehow I don't think all of Paul's anti-homosexual polemic in Romans 1 really evaluates a ten year old very well.

2006-09-28 06:49:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some are born gay and that is fine, if they take it with dignity. But there are others who choose gay sex, and try to draw others into it, and some even advertise homosexuality. This is against the nature.

2006-09-28 09:35:52 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You are born that way , who in their right mind would want the added hurt and aggravation, because a lot of people are not nice to gays, life is tough enough without adding another burden to it...

I don't think someone would say "I think I'll turn gay, so I can be ridiculed the rest of my life." You a born this way, and only for the grace of God their goes I

2006-09-28 06:52:49 · answer #8 · answered by laney45 4 · 1 1

There is very little innate (preprogrammed in our DNA) about human behavior. Psychologists have long determined and affirmed various stages of identity and affirmation in our development. We make decisions and reasonable or logical conclusions at times before we could even speak words, much less those words and with meaning. Homosexuality or gender dysphoria (which is the area of the transgendered folk) may be things they come to honestly and innocently, but societal norms and mores tend to discourage that, if the traditional ones of long standing are permitted expression.

During, and often slightly before, puberty there is a coelescing of sexual identity, or orientation as we commonly say. This is also a prime opportunity often explored with adult homosexuals to recruit young homosexuals. There is often this "then you are one too" tagged onto seemingly innocuous questions about reactions to this or that visual or physical stimulus. With the females, the recruiting often centers on revulsion to rude or inappropriate male behavior, driving young females not only to naturally seek solice with other females, but to then make similar associations of sexual satisfaction from females rather than males.

Homosexuals are not born, they are made. Some of them self-made, but some are simply sold a bill of goods.

2006-09-28 06:51:41 · answer #9 · answered by Rabbit 7 · 1 1

It's a choice. How can a baby be born gay when it doesn't have the intellect to understand feelings of human sexuality?

2006-09-28 10:19:41 · answer #10 · answered by bigvol662004 6 · 0 0

Gays dont choose to be gay. Who would want to choose a sexual orientation that most people ae not ok with? That most people judge so harshly? That most people are abanoned by their family and friends over? Thats like saying Blacks chose to be black and go through years of discrimination!

2006-09-28 07:21:10 · answer #11 · answered by david s 4 · 1 0

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