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My neighbors dog is a Pit Bull and the sweetest dog I've ever seen. I just can't believe all the hype about all these mean pits in the world. I trust this dog around my children. Maybe its like they say its according to how a dog is raised, and taken care of. If the parents of a baby pit are mean to it, it would probably be mean, right????????????

2006-09-28 06:36:00 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

29 answers

having owned and rescued pits I have seen the breed after being fought and dying lick the rescuers face...does this sound like a monster?this breed is a loving,loyal animal and deserves to get recognition for all the good they do as therapy dogs and one example is a little 3 legged pit we had ...he was found with his leg mangled and beyond help,it had to be amputated...he went on to recover and get his title as therapy dog and also was the one the humane society used when they did demos at schools.....there are people that breed just for aggression and they need to be stopped!!!! this breed does not deserve to be looked at as horrible "killers"..the owners need to be fined,jailed and never allowed to own any dog again!!!! as for a remark made by heather r...their jaws DO NOT lock!!!!! this is a big myth !!!!! hope this helps....

2006-09-29 14:22:58 · answer #1 · answered by Ronni F 3 · 0 0

A dog is only as good or mean as it's owner chooses to make it. That does not just apply to pit bulls but to all breeds of dogs. I volunteer at a local animal shelter that gets a lot of pit bulls in and I have yet to come across one that was truly mean. Most of the pits that I have met are the sweetest dogs and well as some of the easiest dogs that I have helped to train. The wrap that this breed gets is completely unjust and the ones that should get the bad wrap for the few that define that masses get away without a second thought. I say from now on before you judge a dogs personality take a good look at their owner because maybe then you Can see the cause.

2006-09-29 17:59:40 · answer #2 · answered by nksneakers 2 · 1 0

Pit Bulls are the same as any other breed there are good ones and then there are bad, the thing is sometimes it is the owners who make them that way or the breeders who breed them that way and then it can be the dogs themselves, I have been around several and thought they were extremely sweet dogs with alot of heart and love to give. There are different reasons as to why dogs become aggressive, pitbulls don't like other dogs of same sex and this is their nature, they can also be prey driven also their nature, these can be such dangerous dogs because they have the ability to do serious injury to other animals and people if they do attack and yes they can kill other animals and people. They have a very high tolerance to pain and therefore it would take an act of God to get them to release once they bite, that is why they can be so dangerous, but there are so many out there that are lovely and the sweetest of dogs. Any dog can be aggressive it depends on the level of that aggression, pit bulls just can take it farther than other breeds do to strength and will. They are all heart, take it or leave it, and you have to respect them for that.

2006-09-28 17:25:10 · answer #3 · answered by out4justicenwv 2 · 1 0

Just like any other breed of dog... There are some great and some awful ones out there, but most are somewhere in the middle and relatively good dogs. Far too many people out there don't see this gray area. They either say they are all evil monsters or say they are all just the greatest dogs ever, neither of which is true.
To say if you raise a dog right it will be a good dog is not always true. Just like treating a dog horribly will not always make it mean either. If this were true it would answer the nature vs. nurture question pretty easily wouldn't it? Some pitbulls are subjected to atrocities you can't even imagine and somehow are still very sweet lovable dogs, others are raised in caring family environments and are turn out very aggressive. So really there is no definitive answer to your question.

2006-09-29 14:52:44 · answer #4 · answered by Matt O 3 · 1 0

Pit Bulls are great dogs if raised properly, and that holds true for any breed of dog. Dogs are a product of their masters and environment. Unfortunately Pits are exploited more than other breeds for the strength, so you are constantly hearing bad stories. If you took another breed and turned them into a fighting machine you would have the same out come. Pit Bulls are naturally loving loyal dogs who will do anything for their owners (including fighting), and if they completely banned them the scum of the earth will find another breed to use. I have a Pit Bull that is the biggest baby, and I also have a young Lab that terrorizes the Pit night and day. Never once has our Pit ever shown agggression to him or any other dog. My young nephews also terrorizes him and he can not get enough of them. I have had experiences with other breeds that were not so pleasant, I do not blame the dog or the breed I hold the owners totally responsible.

2006-09-28 15:25:45 · answer #5 · answered by TritanBear 6 · 1 0

I don't like to generalize, I don't label any breed 'good' or 'bad', every dog is different, every owner is different.

I do wish that pits were regulated, for their own good. Not everyone can handle or should handle a pit. Idiots get these dogs and either train them to be mean and don't train them at all. There are so many responsible pit owners in the world, who have kind, loving dogs. But because of the idiots out there are dealing with breed specific issues.

I blame a lot of it on the media, when was the last time you saw a POSITIVE pit story? They don't do those... and because of that people base their opinions on what the news feeds them. It's stupid.

I am a nurse and have been lucky enough to meet pits as therapy and search and rescue dogs.... Not all of these dogs are the blood-hungry-man-eating-killers they are made out to be.

2006-09-28 14:07:49 · answer #6 · answered by Nikki T 4 · 2 0

A few weeks ago I did not have an opinion on that. Now I am very very afraid of them. My 12 year old came running into our home yelling that the dog (pit bull) was eating the horse. My neighbor owns 2 horses and the other neighbor owns a horse, the pit bull had gotten out of his cage and attacked the horse. The pitt bull, did not stop until the horse had no flesh left, with his owner yelling the stop command and everything. The animal control officier tht came here did not shoot the dog, but did the horse bc it was in so much pain. go figure that one out. The pit bull is still alive and if it ever ever comes out to play on my yard, hes a dead dog

2006-09-28 13:45:28 · answer #7 · answered by elegant 2 · 1 1

Any dog can be mean just like any dog can be sweet. If the dog was raised right it will be fine. A lot of people abuse their Pits or train them to fight. This is not a good idea. Pits are very strong and very immune to pain. If brought up around children and other animals since puppyhood the dog will be well behaved and very sweet. Pits are known to be naturally agressive but they are loyal to their owners. They aren't bad dogs at all. Bad dog means bad owner...

2006-09-28 15:12:58 · answer #8 · answered by ROCKER_CHICK 2 · 1 0

My fiance has a pit bull and she is the most loving, sweetest dog. She is actually more docile and more behaved than my dog! She is great with kids and being around other people and dogs. But...at our last house we rented the landlord wouldn't let us have her because she is a "pit bull". And he let me have my dog. To hell with that. So we had to keep her at his mother's house for 7 months. Now we moved and our new landlord doesn't have a problem with her at all. So we have both our dogs again. But isn't that strange???????? He took one look at her and said we couldn't keep her at the house. I don't get people. Don't blame the breed, blame the owners. I've learned that living with our sweet pit bull, Sadie.

2006-09-28 13:54:15 · answer #9 · answered by Mae 3 · 1 0

Pit bulls are great dogs, and have a horrible reputation, as no one ever reports on the well behaved ones out there. Bad news travels fast, and this is a perfect example of it. I had a pit who was the most gentle thing (although he had no idea how big he was-thought he was a darn lap dog). He died of old age, and from birth to death NOT ONE TIME did we ever have a problem out of him, other than the givens of potty training and teething.

2006-09-28 13:43:03 · answer #10 · answered by polishedamethyst 6 · 0 0

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