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I need inspiration. I am getting desterate as I have lost 5 stone and haven't been able to lose the last 2 stone (14lbs) for about 3 years, as I have had some operations and haven't been able to exercise. I can exercise now but not as heavily as I could before. I would appreciate real experiences of how much you lost, what eating and exercise plans/methods you used.

2006-09-28 06:26:40 · 27 answers · asked by sandie 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

27 answers

I've lost 20lbs in 2 months on a low carb diet. Also using Dandelion Root extract to help shed the water weight. You have to drink a lot of water, around a gallon (3.8 liters) per day, but it works. I haven't done any exercise or anything, just all the walking I do around the office.

2006-09-28 06:34:24 · answer #1 · answered by j.f. 4 · 0 0

I had a very similar experiance, I lost 3 stone and then plateaued. I have the advantage of having a sister who is a clinical nutritionist but the thing that really helped was not a diet or even exercise plan it was when she said… “you already know all the tricks, it comes down to burning more calories than you eat try changing one thing a week”, set yourself a challenge like walking for 10 minutes longer a day, or swimming (remember 8 hours sitting at the desk burns all of about 600 calories!!!) and my biggest tip is don’t compare yourself to other people make small changes so you can work out what works for you. BTW I am now only about 5lb away from losing the final 2 stones… don’t give up! Good luck

2006-09-28 09:14:09 · answer #2 · answered by Cary 1 · 0 0

I eat fruit when i want to snack. I eat every 3 hours and wear a step counter. I also do exercise Durning commercial breaks. 3 minutes is a average break so you do that 5 time that is 15 in 1 hr. How you can add to that by making the exercise hard. A simple on is step ups. On a Small stool step up on it then down and do this slowly for first commercial then fast second on then slower for 3rd. Just make your self sweat and it will feel great at the end. I did 500 step ups last night. Good luck!! Oh and don't drink your calories drink water. You will see a huge difference very soon.

2006-09-28 07:19:54 · answer #3 · answered by Denise 1 · 1 0

First of all, it depends on what your GOALS are. If you want to lose weight then you can go about that a few way's. Remember this: 1 pound of body weight = 3,500 calories of food. Weight Training breaks down the human body, Cardio training condition's the human body, but it's proper food intake that will make the real-difference: Anybody can exercise, that's not the secret, it's food control ( portion size, well balanced ) that will bring you to your goal's. I train clients all year long. I teach only 1 way: We do everything as FAST as we can in under 30 minutes. I had woman that were a size 16, they went down to a size 6 in 71 days. So the secret is HOW you train. U have to stay active all week long if u want to see a difference. Some people don't lose weight at all in a week, if that happens ( they are doing something incorrectly)

2006-09-28 06:36:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well my gd friend if u want to lose weight you have got to get rid of all the negetive thoughts in your head. Make it somethig daily instead of sayin why bother say something like yep i no i'm goin to lose 2 stones in the next two weeks. I used to b really big. I kept a food diary and at the end of the week i examined everything i ate. It was the way i could see that i was'ent eating gd things. Then i stared to eat thigns like whoelmeal bread and semi skimmed milk. I lost lots of weight and i joine a weightwatchers club. You can go onto there website and they will tell u where ur nearest club is

2006-09-28 09:29:18 · answer #5 · answered by Temilola S 2 · 0 0

I have tried lots of diets, most successful being WW but I have always gained it all back. This past July I went through 5 sessions of Hypnotherapy --- I was very skeptical but desperate. I have since lost 25lbs without much thought. The therapy has allowed me to exhibit immense self control. I eat about 1/3 of the portions and no snacks. No foods are off limits so I don't feel deprived. It has so far been brillant!

2006-09-28 09:44:35 · answer #6 · answered by Elizabeth M 2 · 0 0

I've heard that a good way to help lose weight is to drink green tea, I've started drinking it recently and I think it's helping (although also eating healthily and doing occasional exercise).

I think the best sort of exercise is the type you can enjoy and have a laugh at the same time so it doesn't seem like a chore!
Salsa dancing!

2006-09-28 10:16:53 · answer #7 · answered by treacletopper 1 · 0 0

i don't know if u want to try the product that i am selling on internet???? It costs AU$30 per bottle for one month supply. I am on this product as well and i don't have any side effects. I was 55kg a week before and lost 5kgs in 2 weeks. I've got good feedback from all of my clients and they all stay in sharp now. u can contact me if u are interested. I always look up for good diet pills that works and introduce to the people who wants to be slim as i was fat when i was young. i understand how painful everytime when u look at the mirror and u see all the unwanted fat hanging around u.

2006-09-28 17:35:39 · answer #8 · answered by king 2 · 0 0

ive lost 5 1/2 stone in 3 years all i did was eat what i wanted but halfed the portion of everything i ate.

2006-09-28 06:31:08 · answer #9 · answered by s j 2 · 0 0

Iv'e resently just finished a diet. Its a liquid diet so everything you would normally eat you just juice it down and drink it, you do this for 100 days, it worked for me and ive lost 3 1/2 stone. Every thing is worth a try, but remember not every diet works for every1.

2006-09-28 06:44:14 · answer #10 · answered by flowerpott80 1 · 0 0

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