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all my life i was taught that God created earth and adam & eve, and from them came all of us. but as i got older, other thoeries were presented to me like "the bing bang theory" or how "monkeys evolved into cavemen". i hated so much to think that there could possible be another answer to how we came about. i want so much to believe in God, but then i see shows on the history channel about how Jesus never died and he went on to become a King in Europe and had children and so on and so forth. When my mother would tell me about God and Jesus i thought it was proven fact that they did exist and they were the reason for everything but then i see shows and read books about how they "think" Jesus didn't die. or they "think" he had children. I want 2 believ in only God but how can i if nobody even knows the real truth. it made me comfortable 2 know that there was one creator & that he loved us and cared for us and that one day, when we die, he'll B there for us.i hate 2 think that we're alone.

2006-09-28 06:00:39 · 35 answers · asked by iluvzmibebe 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

Your question shows that you a thoughtful person. God is real but expresses in different ways and fable and fiction is one way. Jesus used parables (stories) to explain Truth. It is not necessary to believe that what is said in the bible is literal Truth. Much of it is fiction. What the Bible points to is yourself and your relationship to God. That is the message of the Bible. It is not so important to believe that everything is literally true in the Bible. God is real and your relationship to God is real. Keep that in mind.

2006-09-28 06:07:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

That would be faith my dear. Take it from me, and don't let some one else decide what you believe in. All that stuff on the history channel is not as acurate as they make it out to be. At that time warfare was everywhere. And one side effect to that was burnings. A lot of historical documents were probably ruind during the countless wars. Remember that not everything you read in the bible might not be true, but at the same time scientifis fact isn't reliable either. Contmplate things. Put together your own theories. You can believe in god without believing in Adam and eve.
In sunday school we all were tought about how God watches over the earth right?
Well there is a whole universe, maybe God created it all, Maybe each planet has a different God.
These are things you should contimplate on. Life.
Also try researching on different religions. Each religion has a different story of how we were created. You'll find it all very interesting where all the religions cross with the bible.

I know your comfort was shaken when you heared all the other theories, that is why they say ignorance is bliss. You were so much happier not knowing. No one will ever know the real answer. That is why there are so many holy wars.
Good luck in finding peace.

2006-09-28 06:15:47 · answer #2 · answered by danksprite420 6 · 0 0

As a christian, living a christian life don't you KNOW there is a God? We must know there is something above us that has the power to influence our lives. Something makes the sun rise, something hods up the earth, something keeps the earth from being hit with comets.

But still like you I had the same questions when I was younger. I felt like, how do I know for sure there is a GOD? seems as if preists, parents, or ourselves didn't have the answers we wanted. But then one day I got it.

BIBLE means, Basic, Instructions, Before, Leaving, Earth. God only gave us the basics in the bible. He couldn't explain everything (The bible is thick enough) so God put the most important parts in the bible, like he said he made the earth in 7 days, of course it wasn't made in 7 days, it was more like 7 million years, but imagine how long it would take God to explain the complaxities of the universe.

So to answer ur question everything on the discovery channel isn't true. I always wonder how do they know Jesus didn't die? How do they know he was a king? All there years that have gone by and now in 2006, they feel they "know" something. I think scientist make educated guesses and put it on T.V . I watch the specials too, but I look at it as an opinion. You never know. They may be right but does it make a diffrence? Are we going to no longer be christians because Jesus was a King?

And the last thing I'll say is God tells us to have blind faith. You can't have blind faith (that's believing in God without even knowing if there is a God) in him if there are answers to every question. Those with blind faith will receive Gods ultimate reward.

God tells us, to be still and know that he is God. And since he is really the only person who defiently does know how the universe was born, weither or not we really did evolve from monkeys, how deep the ocean is, ect.

I am going to shut-up and know that God is the one and true master of the universe, and that we humans, who he created, really know nothing, especially about Him.

It's like ur dog trying to figure you and everything about you out. His brain just can't process it and with God neither can we

2006-09-28 06:25:49 · answer #3 · answered by lamikashi 2 · 0 0

It's understandable there will be questions about the Bible, God, why we're here, etc. Most of us are taught a specific religion as being the only proper one while we're growing up. Many will keep it up without question. Some of us will question why this and why that, and will make decisions later that will be in conflict with what we learned. In the end, it's really about faith, which is believing even though we do not have absolute proof.
I grew up Catholic, went to Catechism, did all the traditional things, and was an Altar boy for a brief time. In my 20's I questioned many things the Catholic religion practiced. I searched information why those practices were done, such as Easter, Christmas, and so forth. I found that many items practiced were not Biblical, but were incorporated into the Christian religions so that more "pagans" would convert. In the end, I stopped going to church altogether, but I still believe in a Supreme being of some sort. I do not believe we're an accident.
Think about this....it's hypothetical.....suppose there's a giant bowl. You then throw in lumber, wiring, glass, concrete, etc. In other words, everything you need to build a house. You then shake and spin this bowl. You hit it with lightning, heat, cold, and you check on it from time to time for millions of years. Do you think you'll ever come up with a house? Never! In the end, you'll need "intelligent design." Life is so much more complicated than a house. Hope this keeps up you faith in some great power.
Why we're here is still a question. Maybe it's for biblical reasons. Maybe it's reincarnation. I wish I could answer your question well.

2006-09-28 06:19:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there is a really good book out I'd like to recommend called the case for Christ. by Lee Strobel. He was the legal editor for the Chicago tribune and a research journalist and a former Atheist. He embarked on a journey to see whether or not their was credible evidence to support the claims about Jesus. Scientists are pretty much leaning towards a big bang theory which again suggests a beginning. If there was a beginning there had to be a cause. Don't be surprised about the attacks against Jesus they are part of a long line of theories that have come and gone by people who are uncomfortable with the notion that we may be accountable for our behaviour. There are some other good books i would like to recommend by former Berkley Law Professor Phillip E. Johnson They include Darwin on trial and overcoming Darwinism. Lee also wrote another book called the case for the creator in which he questions reputable Scientists in various fields about evidence that has caused them to question evolutionary theory as it is taught and evidence that seems to point towards a creator. (Note the Davinci code is simply a modern day conspiracy theory hoping to cash in on a controversy). There are plenty of good books that easily refute these claims.

2006-09-28 06:15:16 · answer #5 · answered by Edward J 6 · 0 0

Truth isn't always going to make you happy. Think of how it would feel to be told the truth that you have cancer. At the same time, you need to know that truth so you can make informed decisions, and eventually feel better.

That said, faith is a very personal journey. And Christianity is such a big tent--there are many who believe in Jesus but don't take all the stories literally, and who don't demand that you believe an entire bill of goods without question. Apart from Christianity, there are other ways to believe in God.

Since you still believe, pray to see what you need to know. Pray to understand the world around you. You are growing up, so pray to believe in a grown-up manner that doesn't require your being told merciful and comforting lies.

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things." I Cor. xiii. 11.

2006-09-28 06:12:15 · answer #6 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 0 0

It's amazing how many compromising answers I detected. Don't ever compromise your trust in the Bible. It really is flawless, regardless of what man thinks. Who do you want to believe, God when He says He created in six days? or man who's been finding ways to try to deny almost since our beginning a few thousand years ago? The only reason anyone denies anything in the Bible is bc they take some outside authority over the Word of God. They trust man's opinions and interpretations of history over the word of the being who's been there the entire time. Remember, those scientists weren't there for those suppose billions of years, the use assumptions to get those dates.

I have assumptions, too, but mine is that God doesn't deceive us and that the Bible is flawless bc it was authored by Him through men. You put the word "think" in quotations. Remember that, it's man's opinion. Don't ever take man's word over God's. Adam and Eve tried listening to someone else, and that didn't turn out very well. I'd recommend answersingenesis.org. They have a staff of Ph.D. level scientists with a number of articles and books you can read and buy. They can help you find answers to your questions.

Remember Romans 1:22,23
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and traded the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things."

2006-09-28 06:23:27 · answer #7 · answered by STEPHEN J 4 · 0 0

Don't let those people and book sway you away from God. The devil has a new way to get people. Keep on believe in God baby he is real and he cares about all of us. Those authors and directors are working for the devil might not believe that but its true.Jesus is real! He has brought me a long way I can tell you something and you would say only God can bring you though such things. I have a friend that is in a Ethic class and she say she is surround by people who are not christians and that hard on her. There was no big bag and we didn't not come from monkey's. God created us in his own image, he is beautiful and so are we. Think about it are we cover with hair no! I don't think so. My friend says that they put down any christian theories when she speaks about Jesus and God. But she said she will stand up for God and Jesus as long as she lives. Don't let those books and movies change your Christianity.

2006-09-28 06:17:59 · answer #8 · answered by cattitude1970 2 · 0 0

Christianity is very confusing and a nearly complete myth. If you want to know the truth about God read the Koran. I had many of the same questions and misgivings as you. I started looking into Islam out of curiosity (why do Muslims want to kill everybody?) but the more I studied it the more it answered all of my spiritual questions. The Torah (old testament) and the Koran will show you the true nature of God.

BTW did you know that Algebra and the University system and most advanced engineering came from Islam? Islam does not exclude science.

2006-09-28 06:09:23 · answer #9 · answered by Perry L 5 · 1 0

I also have question about the bible sometimes but that doesn't make me stop believing in my God. People are going to say that Jesus died and Jesus had children because they don't know him as their Lord and savior. The Bible say that we are not to take from it or add anything to his word and people do that all the time. It's the devils job to get us all confused and tangled up in these questions because he knows his time is limited and he wants as many lost souls as he can. The only thing I can tell you is just try God out for yourself He says in his word that he'll never leave you or forsake you. He loves us so much, he even know the amount of hair on our head. So just trust in him, ask him to come into your life and see how his Holy Spirit will begin to manifest in your life.

2006-09-28 06:24:54 · answer #10 · answered by Singingmama 2 · 1 0

We are not alone. I am Christian and and am also a woman a science. Do u think that the "Big bang Theory" could be let there be light? Or do you think that the "Theory of Evolution" could possibly God's way of trying to pick his favorite monkey, and stumbled upon us. In life, there are going to be times that you will start to question the existence of God. I know that he is a real thing. He did not become a king in Europe because there are shows on the History Channel, A&E, and the Discovery Channel that tell you sereval different stories on Jesus. Please know that you are not alone. I do admire your faith, and I think that's what count. I believe in God the father Almighty. Stay strong in your faith.

2006-09-28 06:09:16 · answer #11 · answered by danicolegirl 5 · 0 2

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