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They are public servants.

2006-09-28 04:19:46 · 28 answers · asked by puppet 1 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

They are lining there own big fat pockets not doing me no favours

2006-09-28 04:24:23 · update #1


They do me no favours, they are in the work that they have chosen. I did not tell them to do it. If they dont like it, they should get on their bike and find another job. They make me sick all of them. They think their lives are more important than anyone elses. When it comes to treatment of black people, well we all know about the British Police don't we? (get a clue before insulting me. i have been on the recieving end of them and their methods)

2006-09-28 04:44:04 · update #2

And Harrison N or whoever you are, you sit in your white mans middle class house, sipping wine. What the hell do you know about me and the life I live? You are the ignorant one you ****

2006-09-28 04:46:31 · update #3

28 answers

I think much of what you say is right. I dont know anything about their pay, but the police are a racist organisation. I think that they always have been and always will be because they are representatives of the British establishment.

They treat black people, their property and concerns with contempt. I have seen it because in my past field of work I have had to be in direct contact with them. The people abusing you are probably the "True Brit" brigade...need I say more?

2006-09-28 04:56:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

They perform a valuable service to the public. Consider the alternative. If the garbage men stopped picking up the trash you would be overwhelmed by trash and would be reduced to living in filth. By cleaning up the human rubbish the police keep you relatively safe.

Take your attitude, if you think they are in it to line their fat pockets you are mistaken, you'll never get rich being a cop. Most cops I know are there because they want to make a difference in their community and derive satisfaction from public service and a job well done. Most could do better financially taking a job in the private sector.

There are slackers in EVERY profession and to judge all police by the few that don't perform their job with honor is wrong.

Thats why you should be grateful.

2006-09-28 11:49:20 · answer #2 · answered by JOHN 3 · 3 1

This is just another rant from an ignorant slimeball looking to start an argument for his own amusement. If you think the police are doing such a lousy job, why don't you try it? Better yet, run for a political office and change the system for the better instead of just sitting around grumbling about it. If you think the cops are overpaid, get a job where half the people you deal with everyday want to hurt you and some would not think twice about killing you to keep you from doing your job. Then you tell me how much you want to get paid for it.

2006-09-28 12:41:15 · answer #3 · answered by Mike 3 · 1 1

Police and firefighters are underpaid,and this generation has no respect for authority figures.Not many average people would run into a burning building to save your life,or catch the robber who's armed, trying to break into your home.There are some bad apples in the bunch,as in every profession, but I think it's a very respectful occupation.I would be proud if one of my kids became an officer or firefighter when they grew up.

2006-09-28 11:35:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

really? but you purchased a computer without being robbed, you just sent a question to Yahoo Answers without someone breaking into your home and killing you, you live your life pretty safely I assume, including driving to and from places (the police ticket and/or arrest those who jeopardize YOUR safety) from being able to walk around outside without fear and the police are the reason we do not have complete chaos, review history where th police were outnumbered or not present and how we acted (riots, luting, rape, murder - Lakers win, Katrina, etc.)

Oh and the idea that they are lining their pockets...have you SEEN their paychecks for putting their lives on the line each and every day?? They go to work every day knowing they may die protecting YOU, that is why you should be grateful.

2006-09-28 11:31:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

Why do you mention only policemen? Why not our guys in the military, firefighters, etc... etc... Lining their pockets for doing nothing? You sure don't sound like someone that lives in the USA. If you do live in the United States, you had better think twice about what your saying and get educated on what these people accomplish to make sure your safe and sound. They put their lives on the line everyday of the year, on duty or off duty to make sure you have a safe environment and can enjoy your freedoms. Guys like you make me sick.

2006-09-28 11:42:25 · answer #6 · answered by AL 6 · 4 1

To the police you... no... you don't have to be grateful if you don't want to... they are public servants as you say....

Also you needn't be grateful to firemen, ambulancemen, doctors, nurses, any NHS dentists/specialists/physiotherapists support staff, dustmen, street cleaners, toilet cleaners, dog wardens, pest control, highways employees, forestry commission employees, environmental health officers, social workers,army, navy, airforce, social services, lecturers, teachers, librarians, pollution control, parks employees, town planners, building planners, environment agency, emergency planners etc. etc. etc. as the are ALL public employees..... NOT SERVANTS.... they are certainly not your servant nor mine... but are employees and users of there own services too...

And if we don't want to feel grateful to people that serve us... maybe we should also consider everyone that works in supermarkets/shops, bars, clubs, theatres, garages, factories... indeed everywhere... as they all serve someone - they are all employees...

I don't suppose I will get best answer as you probably feel ticked off! And so you should!

The question is immature and opinionated and reflects all that is bad in society these days... simply a breakdown in values and respect.

Try dealing with the crap attitudes that these people have to put up with from morons like you and see how you'd like it.... and by the way... the wages are crap too...

Have a good day

2006-09-28 11:37:27 · answer #7 · answered by Harrison N 3 · 4 1

What fat pockets? How much would you expect to be paid to approach the drivers side of a car full of armed crack dealers at four in the morning? I can guarantee you that they don't get paid enough.

Maybe your attitude would change if you were attacked while withdrawing money from an ATM, or someone broke into your house or place of business, or you were involved in a serious car accident and unable to call the ambulance yourself. Or maybe, if someone you loved was murdered, you might view them differently while waiting for them to catch the person who did it.

2006-09-28 11:31:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

The police have probably kept you from harm many times without your ever realizing it. They are always there to help if you need help.
And yes, they are public servants, but not slaves.
Anybody in one of the helping professions is a public servant, whether paid through taxes or not:
Doctors, nurses, lawyers, firemen, social workers, psychologists,
soldiers sailors, the list goes on.

2006-09-28 11:32:02 · answer #9 · answered by GreenHornet 5 · 6 1

if your kid went missing who would you call them or ghost busters ffs and as for racist give me a break they have so much political correctness shoved up their ar*es and all too often the race card is used because the ethnic person doing the crime is caught can use this and sees it as a way of getting off a crime they shouldn't be commiting in the first place

2006-09-28 12:26:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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