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I get up around7:30, take 400 mg worth of caffeine (2 pills), wait an hour, and then exercise fo 1 hour on the tredmil. I set it at a 12% incline, and walk 3.7 mph, burning a total of about 750 calories in one session. I do this twice per day. I know it's not the right way, but this is what I am going to do, my mind is already made up. I only want to know how much weight I will lose, and how soon.
Also, I had weight trained for 5 weeks, and built about 3-5 lbs of muscle. But I stopped training last Tuesday, and beginning last Sunday, I consumed about 80 cal per day ( from a piece of fruit). And Monday I began working out burning 1500 calories per day. How long will it take to deplete my muscle glycogen reserves, and start burning fat since I only take in like 15-25 g of carbs, many hours after I do my last work out session?

2006-09-28 03:22:15 · 22 answers · asked by belladiablo106 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

22 answers

You are not taking in enough calories. Your body yes needs to burn more then it takes in but what this means is a balanced portion friendly diet with at least 1200 calories and cardio daily. You are burning muscle because your body is going into starvation mood and the Caffinee is not good because you are killing your stomach when there is nothing to "coat" the caffinee from eating your organs up...
Good luck but this sounds like the worst idea yet

2006-09-28 03:25:59 · answer #1 · answered by Crystal A 2 · 3 0

How tall are you and how much do you weigh? You do know that by doing this you're going to lose all your muscle and be flabby even if you're thin? You sound anorexic and you should talk to someone. You're excercising EXCESSIVELY and consuming way to little sustenance. That will give you a heart attack by itself, but you're taking CAFFEINE pills on top of it! You should keep working out, heck, even twice a day if you want, but you need to eat more! Just stay away from sugar, fat and processed food. If you eat veggies, lean meat , whole grains and go easy on the fruit, stay away from alcohol, candy and fatty food AND work out twice a day the way you are now, you'll probably lose...well, I'm 5'3" 120 lbs , 25 years old, and I've worked out and dieted enough to know that if I followed that plan, I'd lose at least 7 pounds in the first week, maybe more. And by the way, it usually takes about 2-3 days to burn off all the carbs in your system. And if you deplete your body of carbs and only consume 15-25g a day, you'll be burning fat constantly, whether you work out or not. but if you don't eat enough, you're gonna lose your muscle and tone and that's NOT healthy!! Please talk to someone, just in case you have an eating disorder. The sooner you get help, the better.

2006-09-28 03:40:11 · answer #2 · answered by gidget 2 · 0 0

You will lose a lot of weight, no one can say how much, most of it muscle tissue( you worked hard to get it, why risk losing it) and water in 4 weeks. Remember your heart is a muscle and to restrict your calories so much is a terrible strain on it. You will probably lose some of your hair because your body needs some fat to maintain skin, hair and muscles. A piece of fruit is just carbohydrates(fructose) and will not sustain teeth or bones or anything. I have a feeling you won't listen to any advice posted here, but that is a terribly dumb way to try to lose weight! You have the right idea with the exercise but you must up the calorie intake to include protein(meat) and calcium(milk or cheese) which will also give you some fat. A bit more fruit and veggies too.

2006-09-28 04:52:28 · answer #3 · answered by lookwid 3 · 1 0

If you have researched all of this information and are actually doing this, you needn't worry about losing weight, you'll be in a hospital or dead from mal nutrition any time now.
You're obsessed and need to get yourself geared at a more realistic approach.
I see you're mind is made up, but you'll probably change it when your body realizes it's starving and starts to suck nutrition from your organs and wherever else it can find it. You will probably not lose weight, your body is smarter than your brain at this point.
Try eating 5-6 small meals a day, even if they are just a piece of fruit or a vegetable, and you're going to need protein, and continue your workouts.
You didn't gain weight overnight, and it won't come off overnight.
Your approach is dangerous to your health and well being and I suggest you seek the advice of a counselor or get yourself into a weight loss group setting (even on line is OK) and get the support you need.
Good Luck.

2006-09-28 03:32:10 · answer #4 · answered by Cinderella 4 · 2 0

If you keep that up, you will die of malnutrition. Ants consume more than 80 calories per day. You should take in no less than 1200 calories per day, and spread that out over 5-6 meals per day. This will keep your metabolism up and you can accually burn more fat than not eating at all. If your body doesn't have enough calories from food to burn as energy, it will somewhat shutdown and will tap into whatever it can in the body for that energy, mainly muscle and organ tissue such as bone. It will preserve the fat cell for emergency use. So even if you are "looking skinny" you are still going to be "fat". Eat healthy. You are on the right track with the exercises,

2006-09-28 03:29:14 · answer #5 · answered by Dr. Chiro 3 · 0 0

If you continue to only take in 80 cal / day you will soon not be capable of working out at all. Your body needs certain nutrients and vitamins to thrive. You do realize that you are going to lose muscle as well as fat with your current routine. You'll see results faster ( and more safely) if you do it the correct way and eat a proper diet and follow a good exercise regiment.

If your mind is already made up to do it the wrong way then why are you asking for advice?

2006-09-28 03:28:20 · answer #6 · answered by tollerx2 2 · 1 0

You are doing an awesome job.... Make sure you keep up with your calories...1000 is too little and your body will go into starvation mode and stop losing the weight. I do not know if you can lose that kind of weight in that short of time but you will come damn close. You are doing good with the water, water makes you feel full and it flushes your body. Make sure you eat lots of bananas, apples and raisins. While raisins do have a lot of sugar, it is a deterrent for eating "fatty sweets" and it is a natural colon cleanser... KEEP up the good work. I am doing to same as you too.

2016-03-26 21:16:11 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Your body will go into starvation mode and stubbornly hang onto the weight. You can lose the weight without doing this terrible thing to your body. I lost 30 pounds in one month and I kept it off. My husband also did this, and so did my best friend with similar results. And you don't have to kill yourself. Try an alkaline diet. It works VERY FAST and you'll be healthier and happier than ever - unless you have a death wish. You said you were resolved to do this - but I pray you'll reconsider honey. It's not worth the horrible consequences to your body.

2006-09-28 04:28:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

honestly... why dont you just join a gym? Get a personal trainer.
Tell them your goal. They will work it out and give u tons of knowledge about losing weight.

But.. what your doing is starving and overworking yourself.

your body needs muscle to burn fat. for every pound of fat you lose and every lb of muscle you gain

you approximently burn 350 calories A WEEK..... AT REST!!!NOT WHEN YOU WORK OUT!! when your sleeping or watching tv.

so imagine.
getting on a weight lifting/cardio / diet program.

and lets say you gain 10 lbs of muscle and burn 10 lbs of fat.

You will burn 3500 calories a week AT REST!

because if u do what your doing... if you dont die... you will 1st of all bloat up. THAN when you lose weight by having your body eat itself since it has no nutrients to feed itself. you WILL gain that weight all back.

But to get it off and keep it off AND look tone and sexy, not freakin bony and flabby... since u will have no muscle to tone ur skin.

i work at LA fitness as a sales counselor and i talk to alot of smart trainers and even the sales counselors have to learn info about fitness.

Some of the trainers right now have muslim clients and most of them are fasting at the momment.

All the trainers say its way too dangerous to train them.

just trust me on this

and if u live in california and want a good price on a gym membership just email me and ill help you out.

2006-09-28 04:12:57 · answer #9 · answered by UCLAfanforlife 1 · 1 0

It won't matter how much weight you lose..only to the ones who have to carry your coffin. You're crazy and will be in hospital with a matter of days. You can't burn off calories that are'nt there. Give up this stupid plan before you end up dead

2006-09-28 03:28:39 · answer #10 · answered by Taylor29 7 · 2 0

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