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I'm told that all sin is equal in the eyes of God, so it seems that once you're born, God has it in his mind that you deserve to go to hell, because you're born a sinner, and as soon as you start thinking, you start sinning. It's a catch 22 - You're given life, then told you that you don't deserve it cause you're so evil.

2006-09-28 01:52:28 · 31 answers · asked by WHITE TRASH ARMENIAN 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

Yeah, talk about getting blamed for something you didn't do...and the guilt and fear of a condemned soul can keep the faithful focused on their religion...it's a pretty successful system.

2006-09-28 02:03:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's all about a war between the devil and God... The devil is convinced he can keep you evil. Your mission in life is to prove God right by staying on his side no mater what is thrown your way. The devil uses everything he can to try and rally up people to prove God wrong. The devil says no one will love God and that he can get them all to love him (the devil). The real fact is that yes we are born with sin, however, since our God is very loving and forgiving, it's more about forgiving yourself. Once you do that, all you can do is try. God sees if your trying or not. Trying is not.... smoking one day and trying not to do it again tomorrow....the kind of trying I am talking about it really having it in your heart to quit smoking...and then quitting smoking for good...You can use your own example...I'm trying to throw a rough idea out there.. But you have made a good point. We were born with sin and it kinda makes it pointless for us to have to prove something when this is the life we were given...why should we not enjoy it (smoking, drinking, etc.) However we must prove to be on God's side int he end if we are to go to that wonderful place we do deserve. I dont't know if I answered a question or just told you my opinion...but I hope that hepls you some if not at all. Take care....

2006-09-28 09:00:40 · answer #2 · answered by kjkisinger 2 · 0 0

A baby is born in sin but not counted as a sinner, a baby cannot sin because they do not have the ability to know right from wrong. The nature of man is to sin but God sent his son to provide us a way out from the curse of sin that we caused on our self.
Because of sin, we are witnesses of the reality of sin and what it does. That is why God had to die to redeem us and he will come again and save us and rid the universe of sin, sinners and the devil Satan forever.

Before there was sin, no one knew really what it was it was just a bad thing. But sooner or later it would arise and Lucifer initiated it and therefore in God's infinite wisdom sin is allowed to be played out so that the character of God will be seen and that all the warning before was warranted.

Sin will never again rare its ugly head because God will not allow it again and we wont either because we see what it causes.

Even God had to pay for sin by the death of His only son, which was no ordinary death - no man or woman on earth every had that death - he died for the world everybody who died already died for themself.

2006-09-28 08:57:46 · answer #3 · answered by Damian 5 · 0 0

God does not condemn us for not being perfect, he condemns us for sinning when we know better. All sin is equal in God's eyes because right is right and wrong is wrong....no exceptions.
When you are born God gives you a choice......be a sinner or not.

The difference is sinners and Christians is that a true Christian will discontinue the sin when they realize it is happening and ask God to forgive them.......a sinner just doesn't care and therefore is condemed for their acts.

2006-09-28 08:59:41 · answer #4 · answered by howdidiknowthat 2 · 1 0

All sin is not equal in the eyes of God. The Bible clearly states that some sin is deadly - mortal - while other sin is not. It would be absurd to think that God would deal with a rapist or murderer the same way He would deal with a petty shoplifter or liar.

God doesn't condemn us for being imperfect. He freely gives us all the grace we need to rise above our imperfections and live lives of virtue. We condemn ourselves when we refuse that grace and place our own will above His.

2006-09-28 08:58:22 · answer #5 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 0

We were not created to be imperfect. We were created in the image of God. Therefore, we didn't know sin. Until Eve and Adam acted on the temptation of sin ... that is when we became a sinful creation which then brought sin into the world. God does not condemn us. There is no condemnation in those that love and obey God's Word and plan also, that believeing in His Son Jesus.

2006-09-28 08:56:03 · answer #6 · answered by CuriousGirl 4 · 1 0

He doesn't, when we ask for forgiveness and admit we are sinners.
When I was full into sin, I thought the same way. Why do we have free choice- will, but can not use it. But that is not what God is saying at all. Yes you have free will, but your free will should not be used to hurt others and yourself.
Yes, you can sin, but sin leads to death, if not physical in that moment, it will lead to spiritual death.
Until you understand that God is for you, not against you, you will never truly be free and alive.
No ones life is perfect, and Christian's lives are no different, the difference is however; I know my Redeemer lives- and that my Saviour is for me.

2006-09-28 09:11:04 · answer #7 · answered by IN Atlanta 4 · 0 0

We are born with a sin nature, that's true. BUT, one is only responsible for that nature once they reach the age where they can consciously commit an unpardonable sin. Some people never reach this age (too young or too mentally undeveloped) - they would not be held responsible, as God is just.

All sin IS equal in the eyes of God. However, you're missing one very vital point - there is only ONE unpardonable sin. Fortunately, the unpardonable sin is one of omission rather than commision: to refuse to accept that you are a sinner, to refuse to accept that Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection from the grave is the only thing that can save you, to refuse to repent of your sins when accepting Jesus as your Saviour, and to refuse to confess Him to others. By refusing God's "out" clause, you basically accept His judgement.

Yes, God is love, but God is ALSO righteous and just. Most people want to forget that God will not allow sin in His presence. This is why we need a mediator: Jesus Christ. He allows us to enter God's presence in prayer and is the ONLY substitute acceptable to God for our sins (as He was the only One ever born on this planet to live a sinless, perfect life).

Most people also forget that Hell was NOT made for us... it was made for the Devil and his angels (other devils - most people call them "demons"). We are sent to a Devil's Hell because there is no other place to judge us. God didn't PLAN for humanity to sin, but we originally CHOSE that path. He simply had to make room for us to accept the judgement of refusing His Son's sacrifice - by judging us along with the Devil and other devils.

In fact, the Bible even says that God is not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance! It's not God's ultimate plan to send people to Hell, but some people are so dead set on living their lives THEIR way, that they in essence push aside the love of Christ Jesus in order to force their way into a Hell that isn't even made for them!

Basically, the question is flawed because you're insufficiently informed. I hope I've been of some help.

2006-09-28 09:07:19 · answer #8 · answered by English Master 1 · 0 0

That's because everyone goes to hell upon death, just as Christ did. But first, hell and hell fire is not found in the oldest scrolls. They were added later. Everyone does and goes to the grave. Christ could not do anything until he was raised, not even visit the fallen angles to pass final judgment on them. There they remain until the first or second resurrection. If you are born again, than you will be raised as a spirit, like Christ, so that you can serve as an overseer in heaven. Everyone else gets resurrected in the second resurrection of Revelations. They either get raised to judgment or everlasting life on earth. It fully depends on their heart conditions, as to which it is. If to Judgment, just like the fallen angels, they are informed of the judgment and than cease to exist, even in the minds of those living.

Yes, every human is born to sin, but it is a choice as to whether it is incidental sin, or willful sin.

2006-09-28 09:19:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus did not come to earth to condemn,,written in his own words..he came so that we will live..the enemy is the accuser of man not God,,read the word and know..God will punish all mankind in judgement, when Jesus comes back to gather is children. Good or Bad which side will you be on..the Lord is not a respector of person,what he does for me,, he will do for you..He loves you so much but have you gave him the time..All sin is the same in Gods eyes,,Is that what you mean..you listen to many people start listening to the Lord..

2006-09-28 09:01:07 · answer #10 · answered by I give you the Glory Father ! 6 · 0 0

It was by our choice that we became imperfect. We ushered in Sin and Death (original sin). What would have happened if Adam and Eve apologized to God, then and there in the garden and asked for forgiveness with contrite hearts? Are we humble enough to accept this and seek the forgiveness and reconciliation we need?

God Bless,


2006-09-28 08:57:36 · answer #11 · answered by ManOfPhysics 3 · 0 0

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