And would you make it retroactive? In other words would you strip the citizenship away from anyone, no matter what age, born to illegal aliens?
30 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Immigration
Twizz - Where exactly did I say that I was in favor of this? This is a topic I never really see addressed and I was wondering what people thought about it. And for that you call me an idiot? Anyone else agree with Twizz that I'm an idiot for even asking this question?
11:06:20 ·
update #1
It will take constitutional amendment (as was done a couple of years ago in Ireland) to stop attributing American citizenship to all non-diplomatic children born in the 50 USA states. Citizenship by birth in territories (PR, VI, Guam ...) is statutory.
(Native Americans were "protégés", not citizens, until 1924. But that was on the basis that tribes were deemed independently sovereign.)
The Supreme Court has said that one cannot revoke a person's nationality without his consent, or retroactively. It would take a constitutional amendment for that too; and to revoke it retroactively would be against international law -- although domestic law prevails over international law, it would be a major statement by Congress that the US does not observe international norms.
2006-09-25 11:06:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I would change that law in a heartbeat. The only way I would make it retroactive, is that if they are not 21 when the law is enacted, it applies to them as well. If they are over 21 and NOT a productive member of society, then it applies to them as well. I would also make it a requirement that they and their parents leave immediately.
2006-09-25 18:50:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I'd stop it. Legalizing illegal immigrant children is a major reason they come here in the first place.
I would not make it retroactive. I would simply end it today.
2006-09-25 18:07:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes I would like to see the law changed if your here illigally then your children are not citizens but not retroactive. We live by the law.
2006-09-25 17:58:55
answer #4
answered by region50 6
Yes retroactive.
2006-09-25 18:05:26
answer #5
answered by ericscribener 7
our government is letting the 14th amendment be interpreted in a way which is was not was put in the constitution for the blacks not mexicans. so yes, I feel anyone born to 2 illegal parents should NOT have citizenship, race, sex or creed should not be a deciding factor.
I also feel strongly that the 14th amendment should be repealed to stop the farce from ever happening again.
2006-09-25 18:04:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think it should be changed to at least one parent being American.
I don't think people should be allowed to rush in and have a baby just to make them American.
No, it shouldn't be retroactive.
2006-09-25 19:27:08
answer #7
answered by sister_godzilla 6
Illegal immigrants are breaking our laws by being here and their offspring should not become citizens simply by virtue of being born on U.S. soil!
2006-09-25 18:14:54
answer #8
answered by barelyhere1960 2
That just paves the way for you to lose your citizenship one day down the road - be careful of what you are propseing
2006-09-25 18:00:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No. If you can't be a citizen by being born in a country, what CAN you do? Also, arbitrarily stripping citizenship from a significant portion of the population probably won't go over very well. You are an idiot.
2006-09-25 17:58:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous