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and the rest i train at home i keep having these stupid thoughts saying it will not benifite me and s*** like that but i want to keep doing it how do i keep this will power up
and when it says self discipline does that mean like waking up at 5 am in the morining to do martial arts

2006-09-25 09:38:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

isnt martial arts all in the mind

2006-09-25 09:44:15 · update #1

11 answers

Don't put too much of your time and energy in just martial arts. You aren't having as much fun at it because you are obsessing about it. It takes a long time so don't worry so much and take it slow and easy right now because the benefits are long-term, not immediate. Give martial arts its time and everything else the time they need.

Self discipline is not waking up at 5am to do martial arts. Self discipline is doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

2006-09-25 12:55:09 · answer #1 · answered by Jerry L 6 · 0 0

No, discipline does not mean waking up @ 5:00 am to train, it means that you learn better manners, respect, personal integrity.

it just means setting aside time to practice other than the time you have in class, there are a lot of people who train early in the morning because it's the best time for them to train.

you can train at any time of the day, but as long as you train you ARE LEARNING your techniques.

Martial Arts WILL benefit you. but you have to stick with it, you are Learning THE BASICS!!! but they will help you learn more advanced techniques.

look at it this way, you can't build a house without a foundation, if you do what will happen to the house? it would fall apart be unstable, unsafe, right?

the same goes for your Martial Arts training, if you don't learn the basics and build a proper foundation, your techniques will not work when and if you need it.

IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY (which seems to be the case because you keep coming up with the excuses that it's not going to benefit you) WITH THE SCHOOL YOU"RE IN, FIND ANOTHER CLASS TO ATTEND THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO TRAIN MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK.

if the idea that training in Martial Arts won't benefit you enters your mind, then train harder and dismiss the idea as quickly.

just as you said, you are a WHITE belt, a beginner, you've only been training for a month, four weeks! you're not gonna learn how to defend yourself as quickly as you learn the techniques IT TAKES TIME AND A LOT OF PRACTICE

how do you think Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Tony Jaa, and Jet Li have become such good Martial Artists?

they learned their Martial Art Disciplines and trained daily for MANY YEARS to get to the level of expertise they have in their training.

Bruce Lee would train on a daily basis in his techniques and work to improve them, and that's what YOU have to do: TRAIN TO IMPROVE.

2006-09-25 11:57:44 · answer #2 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 0 0

It is not all in the mind but that is a big part of it.

If your questioning what good it will do you then you need to ask your instructor to demonstrate or explain what the technique is meant to teach.

With a large part of Tae Kwon Do training a lot of it is in the repetition and practice. You may not recognize exactly how something is going to be used but you practice and practice until it becomes part of what you might call muscle memory or an automatic response.

As you move forward in your training you will hit a point where sparing will become part of the routine. Some of the uses for what you are learning now will become more evident at that point. At the same time, your instructor should be able to demonstrate the uses for you at this point.

As far as learning self discipline, part of this is learning to make the time for practice. Other things are learning to overcome fears or concerns and allow yourself to achive at things you might otherwise shyed away from. It's also a matter of learning how to direct the discipline you learn related to learning Tae Kwon Do to other parts of your life. If you need to lose weight it's going to take work. If you want to do well in school you need to hit the books and do your homework and so on. So Tae Kwon Do may teach you self discipline directly related to achieving ranks but the same attitudes can be applied to other areas of your life to improve your overall life.

2006-09-25 09:58:46 · answer #3 · answered by John 6 · 0 0

Martial arts will benifit you, trust me... Martial Arts (specifically Tae Kwon Do) has helped me to become stronger in the legs before i even started... now i am quite a bit stronger in the legs... Bot it not only benifits the legs... it benifits your whole body due to using every part of it (or almost every part anyway)

as for the discipline, it is partially both in the mind and body. it helps discipline the mind because it makes you focus on one thing untill it is finished... and no it does not include waking up at 5 AM to practice...

Good Luck

2006-09-25 16:47:19 · answer #4 · answered by mcdonaldcj 6 · 0 0

You should definitely work on the grammar and keep up with the martial arts. The longer you are in it, the more you will get out of it. It takes a while to see the big picture, but it will develop in its own time.

2006-09-25 10:42:10 · answer #5 · answered by nmtgirl 5 · 0 0

Martial arts is both mind and body. One without the other will not result in your being able to defend yourself. Meditating about becoming a great baseball player will not result in your becoming one no matter how much you meditate. Likewise, you could practice baseball for years, but without the right attitude you will still not achieve beyond mediocrity. To become truly excellent in martial arts you need to strive to do your best in every aspect in your life, and that includes doing your best in both spelling and grammar.

2006-09-25 12:44:15 · answer #6 · answered by Clown Knows 7 · 0 0

You learn martial arts to better yourself thru discipline and training. Also, if your with a loved one and you have to protect yourself, you will know what your doing. Take it from someone that had to do this, It comes in real handy.

2006-09-25 09:53:58 · answer #7 · answered by striden22 3 · 0 0

Learn English grammar and punctuation before you learn any martial art. A capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and a full stop at the end.

2006-09-25 09:51:01 · answer #8 · answered by ste53 3 · 0 1

Try another style or get a different teacher and if you still don't like it try another one and if you still don't like it maybe it's just not something you want to do.
In that case try a whole different sport like soccer, baseball, etc.

2006-09-25 10:00:21 · answer #9 · answered by BigKilla 2 · 0 0

Keep reminding your self why you started training.

2006-09-26 00:06:27 · answer #10 · answered by dogpreacher@sbcglobal.net 3 · 0 0

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