You should ask her why she'd pick up such a nasty habbit. Tell her how unattractive you think it is that she smokes and that it's really hard for you to smell it on her.
I know you love her too much to dump her and that's understandable, but right now she's probably not addicted so quiting shouldn't be an issue for her if she really loved you enough to respect that you think it's nasty.
2006-09-25 08:30:17
answer #1
answered by Heather S 4
You have a real dilemma! If she doesn't have the desire to quit herself, there is little you can do. Evidently you have already impressed upon her the hazards of her new found dangerous habit. Also I suggest you seek other information from health and smoking on appropriate web sites to show her.
More importantly though, consider what the effects of second hand smoke will do to you. It is much more a hazard to you than to her. This is a documented fact. Plus kissing a person with smokers breath is also very undesirable.
Unfortunately you will have to have a meeting of the minds. Your situation is very serious. Eventually a decision will have to be guess is that it probably will rest on your shoulders.
2006-09-25 08:44:27
answer #2
answered by Robere 5
Yes, yes they would. When I started smoking I was at about the same as that, and now I'm smoking upwards of 20 a day and I'm only 18, and my chest is pretty bad already. If you don't quit now, the exact same thing will happen to you and you will **** your chest up big time. And your asthma will come back making things a hundered times worse. Seriously, quit before you get really hooked.
2016-03-18 01:13:58
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You shouldn't have to "convince her to quit", she should want too. I was dating a girl for a year and then she started smoking... so I know how you feel. I simply told her that "...the girl I started a relationship didn't smoke." Basically I gave her an ultimatum and she chose them over me. This flat out told me that I wasn't as important to her as I thought and I moved on. About a year later she calls and tells me that she quit smoking and wanted to get back together again... I hung up. Bottom line is, whichever you decide, there will be consequences to be dealt with... which are you more willing to accept.
2006-09-25 08:28:01
answer #4
answered by tbayxxxv 4
Stay true to your convictions... she wasn't smoking when you first started dating so don't give in. Ask her what's more important; the cigarettes or you? But be prepared for the answer.
If she continues to smoke, don't kiss or hug her AT ALL... eventually, your feelings of love will be overwhelmed by the smoke and her selfless insensitivity.
2006-09-25 08:23:54
answer #5
answered by E. Gads 4
I don't know that you or anyone else for that matter can convince her to quit. I never convinced my hubby, but tried. Now I live in a smoke filled home and breathing in second hand smoke. And my grown sons are smoking too. (Like father like son) .
Women know that smoking helps to keep their weight down. That's is why some of them smoke. But, it also adds ten years to their age.
2006-09-25 08:28:48
answer #6
answered by honiebyrd 4
You can't convince someone to quit smoking. That's her choice. If you want to be with a smoker, be with her. If you don't then break up with her. If you love her too much to dump her, then you'll have to shut your mouth and accept the fact that your girlfriend smoke, and stop nagging her about it. It's your choice. Put up and shut up, or find a girl who values her health more.
(If you have children, will she be smoking around the baby?)
2006-09-25 08:22:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes, your right she can develop some serious health problems in the future. The best you can do is talk to her and tell her how much she is harming her body and not to mention the bad breath and walking around smelling like an ashtray. Unfortunately people don't/won't change for other people they have to want to change for themselves.
2006-09-25 08:24:20
answer #8
answered by shae 6
I think the worse thing you can do is to keep bugging her about it.. that drives me crazy and makes me want to smoke more! I have a tee shirt that says: "Surgeon General's Warning: Harassing me about smoking could be hazardous to your health.... lol
You don't want to leave her cause you love her.. so talk to her.. let her know how you feel.. it's a nasty addiction.. and so on.. ask her to please not smoke around you when your indoors.. and to carry breath mints!
2006-09-25 08:26:39
answer #9
answered by thumpersheart1225 2
I hear ya. I cant date a smoker either. Tell her how you feel and if she really loves you and respects the relationship then she will do something to fix the situation. If she rather her ciggys over you then you don't need someone like that who doesn't respect yours feelings about something so important.
2006-09-25 08:24:21
answer #10
answered by Brown Sugar 1