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I've been off work for 8 weeks with severe asthma....I have oxygen, nebulisers and steroids at home. I'm under a thoracic consultant to find out what is wrong. Anyone got any ideas on how to get some temporary relief as I'm so fed up with being stuck in attatched to oxygen......also need some boredom busters !!!
If anyone else has bad asthma how do you relieve symptoms / cope?? I'm only 25 and really want to get back to work xx

2006-09-14 23:59:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

12 answers

I can't give you an instant relief method, but I do know of ways to bringing it down. There is a few things I found out about asthma that was interesting. My late wife had cystic fibrosis and asthma, so I constantly looked around for ways to ease her breathing. Here are a few simple things I found out. Gel toothpastes can trigger asthma attacks, so get rid of gel and go back to paste. Coffee can help relieve attacks, but if you have too many coffees it can trigger it. Get rid of rugs and cats, if you must have a pet, there are some shed-less dogs. Don't go outside on smoggy days. Just a few things that I learned, good luck, I know how badly oxygen sucks, sorry to hear that you are on it.

2006-09-15 00:08:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I am so sorry to hear of your suffering. My 6 yr old daugter has severe asthma. I have developed it after a black widow spider bite. What i have found that works really good is the allergen air filters for the furnace. A good air purifier. Not one with OZONE this actually makes it worse. You dont have to get one to cover the whole house but make sure it covers the main room that you are in. If you do have animals petco sells a dander remover it comes in a spray and a baby wipe. It is great we keep 6 ferrets with no problems. You might also try a humidifier. If you go to weather.com you can see what the humidity levels are in your house, just to make sure no molds or anything are growing. Hope this helps and good luck to you.

2006-09-15 00:18:37 · answer #2 · answered by MistynMini 1 · 0 0

I have severe asthma and COPD, my latest bout has been going on for 10 weeks, I am on nebs every 3 hours, with ventolin mucomyst, I also have Seretide Intal forte and Spiriva, Ciproxin and Dexamethasone,none of these are working so in the next few days I will be going to hospital foe I.V treatment and physio this is the only thing that will help, I do lots of reading and crossword puzzles, hope you get well soon, take care

2006-09-15 00:23:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I feel your pain. I've had asthma for 14 years now and have seen several doctors. The truth is, there is no known cure for asthma at the moment. But the symptoms can be prevented. It really depends on what causes your brother's asthma. Mine is usually dust and hot weather. But I think the universal method is using the control inhaler.

I cured my Asthma the natural way?

2016-05-14 11:14:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It soundsl ike you have things under control to some extent. Being sick for an extended time is no fun. Boredom busters would be reading, listening to music, having company in (if they forget to wear perfume)
I hope they get this sorted out for you. Longer acting asthma medicine is a good thing. Singulair and Advair are possibilities that your doctor should talk to you about.

2006-09-15 01:41:04 · answer #5 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 0 0

Many cases of asthma that I have seen are because of fungal overgrowth in the body. This is the most common cause but I have seen but there are too many too list. Diet and environmental causes top the lists. If this is a fungal overgrowth, you need to starve the fungus. Avoid most starches and NO milk products at all. Also stop eating things that are simple quickly absorbed sugars such as in juices. The fungus in your intestines loves these foods and spreads quickly thoughout your body if you eat high amounts of them. I have had several people say that they had some relief from taking Pantathenic Acid and some from an excellent multivitamin. Note that the best vitamins if you choose this way is USANA or Douglas Labs. Also I forgot...zinc is also helpful to many people.

2006-09-15 00:27:59 · answer #6 · answered by dream.michael 2 · 1 2

I was very bad with asthma about 20 years ago. Had to be rushed to hospital several times. What made a difference to me was changing my diet. I cut out all processed foods, ate proper bakery whole grain bread, stopped eating anything made with vinegar like pickles and cut salt right out. It took a time but made one helluva difference.
Also, I got rid off all the carpets and curtains in the house to make it easier to keep dust down and sleep with the windows open all year around and use only synthetic bedding.I wash my pillows once a week and the duvet once a month.

2006-09-15 01:12:33 · answer #7 · answered by fenlandfowl 5 · 0 1

I have severe asthma too. I'm on Singular, Albuterol, and Advair. I have had to miss work too because of a severe attack. I just laid around the house, slept, read magazines, and played on the computer. My doctor did tell me once that black coffee can SOMETIMES help stop a bad attack. It has helped me a couple of times.

2006-09-15 00:10:44 · answer #8 · answered by Marenight 7 · 0 0

I'm badly asthmatic and if it gets really bad i try to drink coffee, i no it sounds weird (and tastes horrid) but it works wonders for me.
boredom busters: well u may think I'm weird but like to read and stuff when my asthma is bad coz it doesn't strain your body at all therefore cant set off an attack :D

i hope this helps and hope u feel better soon coz i no for a fact that its horrible not being able to do anything coz your afraid u will have an attack but don't worry I'm sure u will be fine. good luck

2006-09-15 07:33:07 · answer #9 · answered by star_janyie 2 · 0 0

I know a lad who described himself as "a professional asthmatic". He stumbled upon a relatively new science, which is now taking the world by storm (tens of thousands of scientific papers written about it already). Within 18 months he ran the London Marathon ... with a time that makes me puke! Just kidding.

The science itself makes so much sense, and it doesn't involve drugs and chemicals - strangely that puts so many people off. Drop me an e-mail via my profile and I'll give you a call if you like. Alternatively, make a note of my profile in case you try all the usual stuff without success, contact me any time you like at a later date. I will work with you to get results.

Bear this in mind if you are not having any real success;-
"If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting"

Good Luck!

2006-09-15 01:41:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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