Drink loads of water the day before. eat loads of starches and carbohydrates. Eat bread before the festival. This will help absorb alcohol and prevent it from burning your stomach lining!
2006-09-11 21:12:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
How does an athlete prepare for the Olympics? By running his *** of, if thats his discipline. Go forth and consume by good man, gradually up your intake to near god like levels.
At uni I went from 7 pints a night to 18 in my first year, I've quit drinking heavily now and I get drunk really easy because my body isnt used to it.
Its tempting to go crazy at a festival, the first one i went to I only lasted 3 hours. Just drink slow and enjoy your beer and get some legendary German snorkers down you, I cant get enough brats when Im out there!
2006-09-12 10:41:32
answer #2
answered by graeme b 3
Get a big Breakfast at the start of the day, start out on lower strength beer if it's an all day session be sure and keep nibbling food with the beer and wait till night before going on the heavy stuff.
2006-09-12 03:10:27
answer #3
answered by ? 5
Just because your going to a beer festeval does not mean you need to go to excess. Enjoy some of the local foods and sausages. Be sure to drink water and have some bread too.
2006-09-12 01:03:56
answer #4
answered by Irish Girl in Cali 3
Start to drink extra pints of beer each day until you are familiar with drinking lots of beer, Also try drinking beer at room temperature.
2006-09-11 21:14:20
answer #5
answered by Tam 2
Don,t drink to fast, Take your time as its along day, about every 3 hours drink a bottle of water , This will help you form getting to pissed, Eat fat tie food, This will also help, And one more thing carry a bag in your pocket in cast your sick, Have a great day !!
2006-09-11 21:23:49
answer #6
answered by David B 1
Its a matter of pacing yourself and not getting carried away. Eat every 2 hours or so and make sure you take in the fair that is usually around, it gives you a chance to shed some of the alcohol.
Most of all enjoy yourself and stay upright.
2006-09-11 21:18:28
answer #7
answered by Monty 4
eat eat eat............... you are going to get so full. but you have to eat if you are going to be consuming the amount of beer i think you are going to be consuming. also make sure you are drinking a lot of water too because you will get dehydrated from drinking so much beer.
2006-09-12 08:22:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
get plenty of practice in before hand so u build up what u can withstand eat plenty and remember to take some asprins or alka seltza with u for the mornings
2006-09-11 21:17:23
answer #9
answered by kj 5
Eat quite a lot, this will cushion the beer.
2006-09-11 21:13:31
answer #10
answered by Courage 4