Worms live in and lay eggs in grass and meat, among other less likely places. This means that just by walking through your yard or bringing a honking pork hock (yes, there are more parasitic worms in pork) into your home, you bring in a statistical risk for parasitic worm eggs.
Eating flies will cause "maggots", not parasitic worms! lol! Don't worry about that. The digestive system is inhospitable to them. Here's the most likely reason: they caught worms from fleas. Fleas transmit tapeworms to indoor cats, and fleas can more easily cling to you and your loved ones than worms can. Your pets could have caught worms this way even from places like the vet's office, or from rodents carrying fleas that snuck through your home. Rat fleas, especially, are disease vectors. At one point, rat fleas carried the plague across Europe -- and they still carry it under the streets of Boston!
To explain better than I could why the two are related, I dug up this nifty "fleas and worms" Q & A:
2006-09-11 20:38:10
answer #1
answered by Em 5
Worms In Cats
2016-09-29 07:33:33
answer #2
answered by ? 4
As already pointed out... probably you carried the infection in from the outside :( I know it's unpleasant, but that's the case.
My doctor has me do profilactic de-worming of my (younger than 1 year) kitten monthly; I read that it should be less often for an adult cat, so I am going to ask him; my kitten is indoors-only too. We aren't, so we can bring in fleas, worm infections, whatever. Sometimes if you bought cheaper food (it may happen, once in a while), I think there could have been infection there too.
Just get Prazimec-C (1 pill per 2.5 kg of body weight) - that's what my doctor recommended; it's about the equivalent of 1 pound for the two pills, where I live. Tiny pills I find easy to give to my cat too.
For profilactics, I would de-worm the other cats too, just in case. I would think it's easier to cut it down once for all of them, rather than have another cat need it later...
2006-09-11 20:35:43
answer #3
answered by AlphaOne_ 5
How Do Cats Get Worms
2016-12-11 19:19:43
answer #4
answered by ? 4
This is a very common problems. Cats can get worms from eating fleas. These worms live inside the cat forever, or until they are removed with medication. Tapeworms reproduce by shedding a link from the end of their long bodies. This link crawls out the cat's anus, and sheds hundreds of eggs. These eggs are injested by flea larvae, and the cycles continues. Humans may get these tapeworms too, but only if they eat infected fleas. Cats with tapeworms should be dewormed by a veterinarian. All of your cats need to be dewormed.
2006-09-11 20:41:57
answer #5
answered by blues 2
I would suggest worming all of ur cats asap, and also worming urself and ur family at the same time. Yes people, we CAN catch worms from animals, as embarrassing as it may be to some, it is one of the many joys of owning pets. Also, cats are only born with worms IF the mother was infested during pregnancy!
2006-09-12 03:48:38
answer #6
answered by psycho_moo69 3
cats get worms from any food they have which is not cooked .. anything they catch and eat might be why a cat gets worms maybe the others have a better amune system so they did not get worms yet .. eating fresh meat causes worms too
best advice is to deworm your cats just in case
2006-09-11 23:04:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Fleas...thats probarly how your cat got worms! Take your cat to the vet and will be able to give you some tablets, or liquid stuff to de worm your cat. And you use this stuff every month or as prescribed and your cat will be fine
2006-09-13 04:07:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Worms are highly contagious and therefore you must get all of your cats wormed at the same time. They can be transmitted by infected feces, fleas, or even simple contact with infected cats.
2006-09-11 20:38:23
answer #9
answered by Philip B 2
From fleas. Go to your vet and ask for Dronzit. They'll need to have an approximate weight for your cat. It's a pill. We worm all of ours every six months. We only have one (out of six)(yikes!) who goes outside.
2006-09-11 20:34:50
answer #10
answered by cwriter2003 3