Its wrong to have an abortion. Morally wrong and a murder which is sin. Why even discuss etiquette if you would consider murder?
2006-09-12 10:10:59
answer #1
answered by eileen 3
huggy_bunny, a baby has a heartbeat long before it is born.
To the questionner, abortion is a very emotive subject and you are likely to find some harsh words coming at you from both sides of the "debate". Ignore the harsh words - from whatever sides they are coming from.
You must come to your own conclusion as to what is right or wrong - nobody can do that for you. But you can take advice. I'm nore sure an internet forum such as this is the best place to get that advice.
It has nothing to do with etiquette and everything to do with moral viewpoint and your personal circumstances:
Some people think that abortion is acceptable to a certain gestation period;
others think it is acceptable if the baby is showing signs of serious illness;
other think it is acceptable if there is a risk to the health of the mother;
others think it is acceptable if conception came about as a result of rape;
others think it is always acceptable regardless of the circumstances;
others think it is always unnaceptable.
Take some advice from your doctors - but talk it through with your family too. Abortion can be (but not always) very difficult emotionally for a long time afterwards. The doctors will be long gone; but your family and friends will always be with you. Make sure they (or some trusting friend) know what you're going through so that they can support you through it and afterwards.
2006-09-12 07:38:52
answer #2
answered by 3
Abortion and Etiquette - not two words I ever expected to see in the same sentence. Firstly, I think mentioning the dreaded "abortion" word on here is a mistake - as you can see from the miriad of poorly argued moralistic tosh your posting has attracted.
Secondly, speaking as someone who has had to make the decision, I have to say that although other people will always have an opinion, it is your life, your body and your choice. Its a terrifying choice, but it is yours nonetheless, and anyone who makes out that it is easy is lying.
Take as much time as you can to consider your options and don't be swayed by moralistic, quasi-religious spoutings that it is murder, frankly its not. If you do decide that its the way forward for you, make sure that you get the name of a good counsellor, you may not need it straight away, but at a later date.
I chose to go ahead with the abortion, as it was not a good time to bring a child into my life, and I didn't feel it fair to give birth to a person I couldn't take care of properly. Yes I felt guilty sometimes, but mostly I feel relieved and convinced that I made the right decision for me at that time.
(Come on then the "religious" crew....have a pop at me)
2006-09-12 06:00:36
answer #3
answered by stepfordswiss 3
It's not an etiquette question.
But in case you'd like to know my opinion, I think abortion as a form of birth control is wrong, except in some very rare cases such as when the health of the mother is in danger or rape or incest. I think that women definitely have the choice about what to do with their bodies, but they should exercise that choice to decide whether or not to have sex and not afterwards. If you don't want to have a baby, don't have sex. Actually, nobody should have sex unless they're married. And adoption is a good solution for mothers who aren't able to care for the babies properly.
2006-09-15 02:10:40
answer #4
answered by drshorty 7
Having a medical procedure has nothing to due with etiquette. Behaving before during and after the procedure you follow proper etiquette regardless of your comfort.
Talking about any medical procedure in any detail is bad etiquette. In the case of this particular procedure it would be best not to mention it at all.
Remember, etiquette is about making people around you feel comfortable.
2006-09-13 11:01:30
answer #5
answered by logical_centrist 2
It's not a question in etiquette but more of a question of ethics.
It all comes down to the question of when you determine life to start. Does a brainless spineless embryo constitute as life? Many men have masturbated or used condoms. Is that stopping the life process? How do birth control pills work. Does a woman have a right to choose what happens to her body? These are just a few of the ethical questions that must be looked at before making a decision.
2006-09-12 01:28:00
answer #6
answered by Tim C 4
Improper etiquette??? Yeah,,,if you call taking a life improper etiquette. Check alternatives out to abortion.
2006-09-12 01:27:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
this is a personal topic don't let anyone tell you its right or wrong to do so as a person talking from experience at the time it was the best thing for me to do but is up to how you feel and is it done for medical reasons etc but your not going to be punished if you do it no matter what some may think. but its always best to talk thing over with the doc first and get some counselling before taking such a big step and the rules about this are different around the world here in Aust we dont always have to pay and it can be done at the hospital and i know in some places its against the law.
2006-09-12 01:33:40
answer #8
answered by Mrs M 1
If you want one, get one. Don't let anyone tell you what is right and wrong. Don't let anyone tell you that God will hate you for being a baby killer. A baby isn't a baby until it has a heartbeat. A cluster of cells is not a baby.
Just have it done RIGHT! You can kill yourself if you attempt it at home. It's worth it to shell out the 200-some odd dollars to be safe than sorry.
2006-09-12 01:23:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Etiquette???? Do what is best for YOU!!! What the hell has etiquette got to do with it?? And don't ask for opinions on this site.... I can hear the nonsense from the "religious" now.....
2006-09-12 01:27:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous