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2006-09-11 14:41:18 · 3 answers · asked by chris m 1 in Pets Dogs

3 answers

I just had a new puppy and start housebreaking.. I had other kind of breeds before, as I am having shi tzu now, there would be another steps to make. It depends on your dog and your training how it would really works.

Hope this site helps too..

2006-09-11 14:47:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I train all aged dogs. Its a sure fire way of house breaking. You can't slack or it wont work. when you get up in the morning let you dog out. As soon as it goes to the bathroom outside give him lots of praise. bring dog back in and feed it. 10 min after feeding let dog out again. when it goes to the bathroom outside praise dog again. now if you work and don't leave dog outside ,create train dog. give dog a blanket or towel, small dish of water, and a safe dog toy.No raw hide dog can choke or get twisted gut if swallows to much. When you get home, take out right away. Take out every 15 to 20 min. when time to feed , give him half hour or less depending on how long it takes to eat. 10 min. after eating take dog out again. If you stay home take dog out every 15 to 20 min. Don't use paper or training pads, this gives permission to go to the bathroom in the house. As for toys , no shoes or socks, this gives it permission to chew your apparel up. Good luck. Take this instruction and 2 to 3 weeks maybe not even that long you and your dog will be very happy.

2006-09-13 05:11:30 · answer #2 · answered by MONTANA WILD CHILD 2 · 0 0

spelling correction: shih tzus.

Housebreak them just like any other dog. Our picked it up quickly.

2006-09-11 21:46:40 · answer #3 · answered by IT Pro 6 · 0 0

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