Counsellors/Psychiatrist/Psychologists are human beings. While they may be qualified people, there are good and bad in most professions. How many "professionals" have you been to see? You have to connect with your therapist if anything positive is going to come out of it. You obviously have not found that connection yet. It doesnt mean to say you wont.
I have been working in the welfare industry for the past 25 years and have come across the ones who have fallen through the system...the ones who the "professional" people werent able to help.....the street kids. Sounds to me you have lost all hope of ever finding someone who is sympathetic to your problems.
This may sound funny, but you probably could give a better talk than your doctor because you are the only person who knows how you really feel. You can tell a person, but that still doesnt mean they are understanding how you are feeling.
The only help I could give these kids, was to accept where they are at at that particular time. I respected their feelings whether I agreed with them or not. Some of these kids were very intelligent....they had the answers within themselves, but didnt have enough faith in themselves and believed everyone knew better than they did.
There are some wonderful counsellors out there, you just have to find one who you can relate who doesnt judge you. Just because a person has a qualification from a University, doesnt mean they have all the a matter of fact qualifications in the wrong hands can be a very dangerous thing.
The part that makes me believe that you are a pretty smart person is the statement you made about giving a better talk than your doctor. Do you realise just by making that statement you are telling me that you have the are knowing why you are feeling this way, but no-one else does....does that make sense?
You are the expert here because you are the only one who knows exactly how you are feeling. You need to find a person who will accept that and work with you on possible solutions.
I wish I could give you something a little more positive to work with, but this is the best I can come up with....I hope it helps, even just a little bit.
Good luck, and good searching, You will find that there is someone who you will relate to totally and who will be able to support you though this difficult time...Dont give up, just keep on looking for that person who you can connect with.
2006-09-11 14:54:15
answer #1
answered by rightio 6
Don't feel hopeless I know what you mean. I stopped seeing my doc. just because I felt like I could talk to any stranger on the street and get more insight from them. I was on many anti-depressants myself and they only made me feel worse. I'm now only on an anxiety med at night or as needed. I won't do any more Prozac or anything again. I found what I needed in a Bible study. I'm not one to go pushing the Lord around and shoving him down peoples throats that's just not me or how he operates. But if you want to know what worked for me it was getting into a group of Christian friends with similar problems and we had more healing through that than any therapist could ever provide. My doc actually seemed impressed with what I was talking about and didn't even know where to begin with me b/c I had done so much work already on my own (with the Lord).
2006-09-11 14:19:24
answer #2
answered by Happychick 2
Aw, don't give up. I'm in the same boat as you. I was diagnosed with bi-polar 15 years ago. I did their drugs, I talked to the people who pretty made me feel like i was talking to a brick wall.
Let me guess - are you paying the full shrink price or just the deductible on your insurance? The ones I pay full price don't do **** but schedule my next appointment.
I found out that the only person I could count on is me. I agree about the ECT. That is inhumane and i've never personally seen anyone get better by it.
Here's my take on this. Some people just aren't meant to fit in with everyone else. Some people are supposed to be sad. We don't feel comfortable in our skin. I know that feeling. I don't know how to get better, but I'm still alive. I've done some cool things in the last couple of years, even though i was totally on theledge and ready to jump. I didn't jump and I hope you don't give up.
It is not your fault. We're special people and not like in short bus people. Do what you do. **** the shrinks. They don't want to help us.
Peace to you.
2006-09-11 14:18:49
answer #3
answered by Chrissy: The Angry Typer a/k/a Mood Mole 5
I have had a major depression problem going on 25 years and I am like you, I dont think anything is going to help. I just take it one day at a time or I try to. Lately I have been being so angry for some reason. Darned if I know why. My therapist doesnt know either. BIG SIGH
God Bless You
2006-09-11 14:17:04
answer #4
answered by shirley e 7
Are you holding something back from the docs? That may be the reason. Have you undergone a battery of psych tests like the MMPI?
Had a complete physical exam?
Same thing happened with me. One day, I just got sick of being depressed and started moving uphill.
Many years later, I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.
2006-09-11 14:19:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Have you had a complete medical workup. You might have a medical problem that is inducing and/or increasing your depression
2006-09-11 17:00:44
answer #6
answered by nicole26 3
The power of forgiveness will cure you.
It's always most difficult to forgive yourself.
2006-09-11 14:17:50
answer #7
answered by T Time 6