I have a deaf great dane puppy and the people who had her couldn't keep her fenced in, I have had luck so far but would it be wise to post a sign or does that sound silly? they said one dat she backed traffic up and was laying in the road with cars honking at her and yelling at her but she is deaf.
11 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
one day...sorry
09:30:38 ·
update #1
dumb...o.k. I need a sign, I can't spell...lol
09:42:49 ·
update #2
I think a sign is a great idea, as well as on her collar tag..
there are many great sites for training a deaf dog..email me if you need them
2006-09-11 09:35:29
answer #1
answered by Chetco 7
I would post a sign. I don't think any measure to try to protect your pet is a bad idea. Plus, it will be helpful for postal workers and delivery people, and visitors, to know she's deaf. Make sure you've got a really tall fence that she can't get under or over...wood fences are difficult to climb. My dog will actually climb chainlink fences....but most can't climb wood ones. There are websites that will tell you how high your fence should be based on dog breed.
2006-09-11 09:36:08
answer #2
answered by talented mrs v 3
we have a deaf dog and we have invisible fencing. we used flags to teach him the perimeters. He knows his limits when outside alone and we do not have to worry about him going into traffic. He is 5 years old and very lovable. We use a flashlight to get his attention if he is in front of us, other wise he responds to hand signals.
2006-09-11 09:41:15
answer #3
answered by Joyce G 1
Yes, definately let people know that your dog is deaf. Get a fence around your place, and keep a good eye on her when she is outside. Its not dumb sounding its good to know you're caring for your dog.
2006-09-11 09:36:15
answer #4
answered by Sky 5
my dog is deaf...usually he doesnt go into the street, but after i saw him in the middle of the road blocking traffic from both sides, we decided to keep an eye on him when he goes outside...a fence is a good option, or a line...
2006-09-11 09:33:14
answer #5
answered by stephaniech24 3
you can i had a white boxer and he was deaf he did the same thing i dont think is dumb it just allows you to let others know you care about your dog and you dont want anything to happen
2006-09-11 09:34:23
answer #6
answered by wildchick519 2
I don't think anything you do to protect your dog is dumb. By all means post a sign.
2006-09-11 09:32:30
answer #7
answered by Lee 2
OOoooo um....
I guess dont do anything about it. Unless she gets out!
Thats a tough one!!
ps you dog is NOT dumb!!!
a sign is actually a great idea!
They should make one.... I didnt find one online!
Good Luck!
2006-09-11 09:33:28
answer #8
answered by mlara1222 1
I am all for the signs and stuff. anything to help a pooch. of course, people think i'm alottle off my rocker anyway, but i support your idea!
2006-09-11 10:22:55
answer #9
answered by Queen of the Dachshunds 5
I would not post a sign it might welcome intruders but your dog should wear a tag or id indicating that she is deaf.
2006-09-11 09:40:02
answer #10
answered by Forever 6