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American soldiers are dying every day for what please tell me not for this country but for there conrads that is who they are dying for. The United States Government is so demoralize. Why are people joining the military and fighting for this war that has no meaning?

2006-09-11 05:28:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

14 answers

From a Gulf war VET
Iraq was in Violation of the first Gulf war treaty that he signed. He was shooting at our planes on a daily basis and refusing to let weapons inspecters in his country.. All of these are acts of war under his surrender treaty after Gulf war 1.
To this fact back in 1998 even John Kerry was talking about the need to take out Saddam. Most Democrats would want people to forget this but that was when George Bush wasnt even thinking about being president he was just governor of TX.
Why is it all the Democrats get a pass on this. John Kerry Al Gore were all talking about weapons of mass destruction long before BUSH!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-11 15:43:59 · answer #1 · answered by michael s 2 · 2 0

Yeah, that's it...it's all the FREE oil that's GUSHED into this country that makes us send more and more soldiers to Iraq every single day. Ooops, you're onto us.

Why, I just filled my swimming pool up with all that extra oil that's BEEN SO PLENTIFUL since the war began.

Sure, we're going to spend billions and billions of dollars on a war when we could have simply spent all that money to buy oil.

Makes sense. Not.

You must be young.

Oh, and pray tell, what's a 'conrad?'

One final word of advice - do NOT disrespect all the fine men and woman who have CHOSEN to join this country's military and believe in what they're doing. Who are YOU to diminish these fine brave soldier's efforts with such an IGNORANT question, asking why they're fighting a war "that has no meaning?" Just because YOU don't believe in this war doesn't give you the right to question THEIR patriotism.

I'm sure Cindy Sheehan has a spare room for you in her liberal looney bin. Why not give her a call?

2006-09-11 12:45:53 · answer #2 · answered by Cathy L 2 · 3 1

Sorry, but oil definitely plays a part in the Iraq conflict - not a total part, but a part nonetheless. There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein posed less of a global threat than many other 'despots' and tyrants who continue to cause localised mayhem in their regions, and it is also a fact that he had no time for Islamic fundamentalism or terroristm that would pose a threat to the West. The time is not right to aportion blame just yet, with so many brave souls risking their lives, but in time history will not look favourably on these events.

2006-09-11 12:43:11 · answer #3 · answered by Rokkster 2 · 1 1

This war is not about oil! It is a horrible thing our soldiers die any where, but believe me they do know what they are fighting for, and ultimately, sadly they are fighting for the lives of the worlds population. I am newly amazed daily that thinking people do not recognize this is a fact!

2006-09-11 14:59:46 · answer #4 · answered by June smiles 7 · 2 0

dont mean to make light of this subject, but this is a very good question and someone asked where is all this oil we have from the war? well, yes exxon got it and made a bundle, George Dubya was helped into his position by daddies oil partners, both bush's own oil companies, there is almost £300 billion dollars of oil sheiks money invested in america, etc,etc...

just stop for a minute and think...if america didnt have access to oil, being the greatest guzzler of it, what would happen?

not blaming americans for anything, our government is just as much to blame. its just poor brit and american squaddies that are paying for it.

2006-09-11 12:51:01 · answer #5 · answered by moominboy1982 3 · 1 3

This war has nothing to do with protecting America! All of that claptrap was debunked when the administration admitted that it was all false!

And if you want to know where the stolen oil went...ask Exxon! 8 billion barrels of oil were taken after the first part of the occupation...and the only people that had access to that was Exxon (they had the no-bid contract to take care of the oil)...who proceeded to make $100 Billion in profits the year after the oil disappeared.

2006-09-11 12:38:44 · answer #6 · answered by corwynwulfhund 3 · 0 4

Never mind the fact that Iraq was run by a ruthless dictator who has no concept of the value of human life. Never mind the insurgents and terrorist who want to outlaw dancing and peoples right to vote. Trust me, there is more to it than oil. Stop spreading this BS.

2006-09-11 12:35:37 · answer #7 · answered by Curt 4 · 4 1

Why do all the flaming liberals think that this War Against Terrorism is for oil? Grow up!!

2006-09-11 14:17:11 · answer #8 · answered by Katie 3 · 2 1

This war has a meaning - the protection of the rights of Americans to live in peace within their own country. We are not trading lives for oil - are you a moron or serious with this question?

2006-09-11 12:31:36 · answer #9 · answered by SUZI S 4 · 3 2

I'm sorry but somebody would need to explain to me just how invading Iraq has in any way enhanced the security of the US or diminished the threat from radical Islam. Is there anyone who disputes that the terrorists are far better equipped and trained now than they were before the war on terror began?

2006-09-11 12:35:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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