I am a guy, and I have this same problem. Every one tells me to just be my self. But that is kinda hard cause I just got out of a long relationship.
2006-09-10 15:35:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, I (a 17 year old guy) have the same problem. I'm usually way too shy to approach someone, especially a girl, and talk to them. If I ever do, I make sure I first have a reason. The closest I've come to that is smiling at them every once in a while. If you really want to meet someone but you don't have a specific reason to talk to them, just make one. Ask them about something, maybe about school work. But seriously, what's the worst that could happen? If they turn out to be a jerk then so what? Don't talk to them anymore. But I personally would love it if someone started talking to me cause they thought I was interesting or they thought I was good looking (unless it was a guy: That would be creepy), wouldn't you? Alot of people would: people just like you. I have never asked anyone out in my life and I've only had 4 girls ask me out, all of which only furthered my mental anguish but that's not the point. I know it's hard, but just talk to people. They'll appreciate it, especially if they think you're attractive. I would.
2006-09-10 16:02:39
answer #2
answered by supershadowsniper 2
I am old enough to be your daddy, and I have had tons of experience over the years concerning women, I would say to you to just be yourself and quit worrying about fat or shy or any o that crap, being your self is being real and that will attract boys quicker.
2006-09-10 15:34:24
answer #3
answered by Iron Rider 6
HELLO! you don't get guys, you meet some guy then become a friend and when the time is right maybe he will ask you out or you may want to ask him out but to write to 'get guys'' puts out a signal your desparate and they will only have you , as appose to being with you. your choice.
2006-09-10 15:40:26
answer #4
answered by lytesdelite 5
just be your self when you talk to them and think that you have known them for a long time. try to find something that you have in common then talk about it and then just go from there.
2006-09-10 15:36:49
answer #5
answered by floyd 1
talk 2 em
2006-09-10 15:49:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
email me for the perfect technique
2006-09-10 15:32:24
answer #7
answered by king cobra 3
you will grow out of your shyness there is time for boys when you get out of school
2006-09-10 15:36:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
idk...ur just like me lol
2006-09-10 15:52:10
answer #9
answered by CutesyGirl<3 3
stick to school.......make something of yourself and then worry about men........
2006-09-10 15:33:25
answer #10
answered by carguyseeksanyone 2