Initiating a conversation with the opposite sex is not easy. Especially for younger boys. Girls expect guys to take all the risk in approaching them, and take all the rejection if the girl is not interested. Most younger guys and girls put their whole identity on social acceptance. If they get rejected, their whole social identity is destroyed. They see themselves as a social reject and no one will ever like them anymore. Ever!
He doesn't seem like the guy who will make the initial approach. If you really want to be friends with him or something more and you are not afraid. Joke and tease him, be his friend. and most importantly, start with topics he might have a lot to talk about and make him feel comfortable.
24/Los Angeles
"premarital sex creates broken families, broken families creates broken society - a vicious cycle only you can stop."
2006-09-10 15:20:56
answer #1
answered by Guy w/ Answers 4
Outside of band, find out out what else you have in common and strike up a conversation. Work on the friendship and build off that. Those relationships last longer.
Hope this helps
2006-09-10 22:14:48
answer #2
answered by Chistiaŋ 7
Bump into him (accidently). Start up a light conversation with him. Maybe even start off with saying hi to him. It'll work like a charm.
2006-09-10 22:13:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Omg, im also a freshman, and I have a BIIGG crush on a sophmore. I can't talk to him though :p he knows i exist thouhg,
omg, about you. oh yah, just say hi! to him. good luck!
2006-09-11 22:29:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
talk about a song in class or something, if he's in marching band, hes a good catch, dont let him go.
2006-09-10 22:15:07
answer #5
answered by gesswh0 4
have you tried talking to him, start up a conversation, if you wait for a guy you'll be waiting your whole life
2006-09-10 22:14:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
what?! a freshman. on a junior?! c'mon! how typical is that?
2006-09-10 22:12:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
huh..freshman n junior...
2006-09-10 22:22:35
answer #8
answered by hisahito 5
just talk to him you big baby!
2006-09-10 22:14:17
answer #9
answered by Eryc 5