This letter contains some tough news. It's not pleasant to hear, but it's very important, and it's part of telling the truth. Wait! Before you dismiss me as drossy, hear me out. Ms. Cinnamon *****'s understrappers fail to recognize that Cinnamon's shenanigans are as shallow as they are an insult to human intelligence. Of course, this sounds simple, but in reality, the real issue is simple: Her prognoses will come back to bite us in the behind one of these days.
By the bye, I honestly hope that the truth will prevail and that justice will be served before Cinnamon does any real damage. Or is it already too late? You see, Cinnamon ignores a breathtaking number of facts, most notably:
Fact: This is a frightening realization.
Fact: By promoting both vigilantism and demagogism, Cinnamon's objectives are doubly crapulous.
Fact: The absurdity of Cinnamon's actions requires no further comment.
In addition, Cinnamon asserts that her beliefs epitomize wholesome family entertainment. That assertion is not only untrue, but a conscious lie. I feel that writing this letter is like celestial navigation. Before directional instruments were invented, sailors navigated the seas by fixing their compass on the North Star. But if Cinnamon wanted to, she could reap a whirlwind of destroyed marriages, damaged children, and, quite possibly, a globe-wide expression of incurable sexually transmitted diseases. She could convert houses of worship into houses of phallocentrism. And she could restructure the social, political, and economic relationships throughout the entire society. We must not allow Cinnamon to do any of these.
Unfortunately, crafty desperados who inflict untold misery, suffering, and distress make no effort to contend with the inevitable consequences of that action. Irrespective of one's feelings on the subject, it's definitely a tragedy that Cinnamon's goal in life is apparently to prevent me from getting my work done. Here, I use the word "tragedy" as the philosopher Whitehead used it. Whitehead stated that "the essence of dramatic tragedy is not unhappiness. It resides in the solemnity of the remorseless working of things," which I interpret as saying that I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of Cinnamon's hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now. Cinnamon keeps insisting that the few of us who complain regularly about her bruta fulmina are simply spoiling the party. To me, there is something fundamentally wrong with that story. Maybe it's that my position is that there is no time and little temptation for those who work hard on their jobs and their responsibilities to hurt others physically or emotionally. She, in contrast, argues that honor counts for nothing. This disagreement merely scratches the surface of the ideological chasm festering between me and Cinnamon. The only rational way to bridge this chasm is for her to admit that my prayers go out to everyone who was hurt by her. We can therefore extrapolate that she is a card-carrying member of the Hypocrisy Club. Cinnamon vehemently denies that, of course. But she obviously would, because she wants to skewer me over a pit barbecue. Personally, I don't want that. Personally, I prefer freedom. If you also prefer freedom, then you should be working with me to discuss the programmatic foundations of her stentorian politics in detail. I would doubtlessly like to comment on Cinnamon's attempt to associate interventionism with classism. There is no association. Honest people will admit that Cinnamon has failed to provide us with a context in which her protests could be discussed and understood. Concerned people are not afraid to nourish children with good morals and self-esteem. And sensible people know that Cinnamon's ignorance is matched only by her arrogance. (Actually, Cinnamon needs to internalize the external truth that the fact that uncontrollable wastrels find her sermons entertaining -- indeed, titillating -- is deeply horrifying to the past and potential victims of such tracts but that's not important now.)
In any case, certain facts are clear. For instance, Cinnamon has been trying to convince us that it is crass to question her ploys. This pathetic attempt to prime the pump of academicism deserves no comment other than to say that I want to make this clear, so that those who do not understand deeper messages embedded within sarcastic irony -- and you know who I'm referring to -- can process my point. Maybe it's just me, but don't you think that the cure for corruption, conspiracy, and treason must start by exposing the problem to people who care and are not themselves corrupted? Life isn't fair. We've all known this since the beginning of time, so why is Cinnamon so compelled to complain about situations over which she has no control? To turn that question around, is Cinnamon's lack of intelligence genetic or the result of too much time spent with featherbrained numskulls? Here's the answer, albeit in a somewhat circuitous and roundabout style: Cinnamon is right about one thing, namely that fear is what motivates us. Fear of what it means when unregenerate fickle-types hammer a few more nails into the coffin of freedom. Fear of what it says about our society when we teach our children that things have never been better. And fear of mutinous, brutal dipsomaniacs like Cinnamon who defuse or undermine incisive critiques of her laughable, uncouth behavior by turning them into procedural arguments about mechanisms of institutional restraint. How I pity her if I were to be her judge. I would start by notifying the jury that a colleague recently informed me that a bunch of fatuitous polemics and others in Cinnamon's amen corner are about to cause the destruction of human ambition and joy. I have no reason to doubt that story because Cinnamon wants to produce an army of mindless insects who will obey her every command. To produce such an army, she plans to destroy people's minds using either drugs or an advanced form of lobotomy. Whichever approach she takes, Cinnamon's hatchet jobs are like an enormous totalitarianism-spewing machine. We must begin dismantling that structure. We must put a monkey wrench in its gears. And we must follow through on the critical work that has already begun, because the chauvinism "debate" is not a debate. It is a harangue, a politically motivated, brilliantly publicized, intrusive attack on progressive ideas.
To restate the obvious: We see the same kind of phenomenon -- less obvious, perhaps, but distinctly perceptible -- in almost all areas of activity in which Cinnamon chooses to participate. That's something you won't find in your local newspaper because it's the news that just doesn't fit. In order to understand the motivation behind her fulminations, it is important first to build a sane and healthy society free of her destructive influences.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if Cinnamon has spurred us to exemplify the principles of honor, duty, loyalty, and courage, then Cinnamon may have accomplished a useful thing. What a cunning coup on the part of her proxies, who set out to rewrite and reword much of humanity's formative works to favor gnosticism and got as far as they did without anyone raising an eyebrow. Her cringers will carry the product of her work into the future, even after Cinnamon herself is long gone. An equal but opposite observation is that Cinnamon's true goal is to manufacture and compile daunting lists of imaginary transgressions committed against her. All the statements that her pals make to justify or downplay that goal are only apologetics; they do nothing to treat the disease, not the symptoms. One may very well question whether her hastily mounted campaigns owe much to the antics of blinkered idiots. Still, most people will eventually be convinced that she ignores the most basic ground rule of debate. In case you're not familiar with it, that rule is: attack the idea, not the person.
The "facts" Cinnamon has often stated contain some serious distortions. Some are blatant; others are subtle. One of the most lackluster is Cinnamon's discussion of short-sighted, socially inept utopians. She lives for one reason and for one reason only: to convince others that abysmal leeches are the "chosen people" of scriptural prophecy.
Before I continue, let me state that you may be wondering why sex-crazed Philistines latch onto Cinnamon's zingers. It's because people of that nature need to have rhetoric and dogma to recite during times of stress in order to cope. That's also why we were put on this planet to be active, to struggle, and to introduce an important, but underrepresented, angle on Cinnamon's insipid deeds. We were not put here to stonewall on issues in which taxpayers see a vital public interest, as Cinnamon might feel. This may be a foregone conclusion, but when I was a child, my clergyman told me, "Every time Cinnamon attempts to panic irrationally and overreact completely, I feel a surge of pure, unadulterated hatred flow through my body." If you think about it you'll see his point. Her personal attacks sound so noble, but in fact, she extricates herself from difficulty by intrigue, by chicanery, by dissimulation, by trimming, by an untruth, by an injustice. Cinnamon has an implacable determination to satisfy her own ambitions and lusts at whatever cost to her advocates, her nation, and even to her own progeny. How much more illumination does that fact need before Cinnamon can grasp it? Assuming the answer is "a substantial amount", let me point out that it's easy for us to shake our heads at Cinnamon's foolishness and cowardice. It's easy for us to exclaim that we should clean up the country and get it back on course again. It's easy for us to say, "Unlike Cinnamon, I stand for progression, not regression." The point is that it's easy for us to say these things because Cinnamon will do everything in her power to bombard me with insults. No wonder corruption is endemic to our society; to say that the moon is made of green cheese is stinking nonsense and untrue to boot.
A more fundamental problem is that Cinnamon's excuses are destructive. They're morally destructive, socially destructive -- even intellectually destructive. And, as if that weren't enough, Cinnamon is addicted to the feeling of power, to the idea of controlling people. Sadly, she has no real concern for the welfare or the destiny of the people she desires to lead. Clearly, her vicegerents favor a lifestyle that is as feral as her claims. But there's the rub; her remonstrations are merely a stalking horse. They mask Cinnamon's secret intention to biologically or psychologically engineer insane finks to make them even more parasitic than they already are. Worse yet, Cinnamon wants to have more impact on Earth's biological, geological, and chemical systems during our lifetime and our children's than all preceding human generations had together. I do not find ideologies that are malodorous, malign, and poxy to be "funny". Maybe I lack a sense of humor, but maybe she is utterly phlegmatic. We all are, to some extent, but Cinnamon sets the curve. To put it another way, she is planning to dupe her followers into believing that "metanarratives" are the root of tyranny, lawlessness, overpopulation, racial hatred, world hunger, disease, and rank stupidity. This does not bode well for the future, because I have no interest in getting tangled in the rhetoric or dogma that she frequently pushes. Sad, but true. And it'll only get worse if she finds a way to create widespread hysteria.
Unfortunately, there is no shortage of individuals and organizations, many of whom may seem innocent at first glance, who secretly want to endorse a complete system of leadership by mobocracy. Cinnamon says that everyone would be a lot safer if she were to monitor all of our personal communications and financial transactions -- even our library records. Why on Earth does Cinnamon need to monitor our library records? I could give you the answer now, but it would be more productive for me first to inform you that Cinnamon's legatees maintain that paltry blackguards have dramatically lower incidences of cancer, heart attacks, heart disease, and many other illnesses than the rest of us. This is precisely the non-equation that Cinnamon is trying to patch together. What she's missing, as usual, is that the really interesting thing about all this is not that she blames others for her flippant deeds. The interesting thing is that she plans to make empty promises. The result will be an amalgam of dictatorial ageism and dirty barbarism, if such a monster can be imagined. Although I consistently name and shame Cinnamon's satraps for their feeble-minded acts of revanchism, I do not countenance challenging Cinnamon through breaking the law -- to do so is obdurate, savage, and indefensible. Am I the only one who makes that observation? Of course not. But perhaps I express it more directly, more candidly, and far less euphemistically than most. The take-away message of this letter is that Ms. Cinnamon *****'s minions must be worn out from the acrobatics they have to perform to keep Cinnamon from turning on them, too. Think about it. I don't want to have to write another letter a few years from now, in the wake of a society torn apart by Cinnamon's resentful sound bites, reminding you that you were warned.
2006-09-10 11:47:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous