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Nitric oxide (NO) is a poisonous gas, how can it helps dilates the blood vessels and makes the heart healthy?

2006-09-08 02:18:16 · 6 answers · asked by dodadz 4 in Health Diseases & Conditions Heart Diseases

6 answers

nitric oxide dilates blood vessels, and temporarily increases blood flow to blocked arteries. this helps if you have coronary artery disease.

it also can help people with weak hearts through means too complex to explain here.

it doesn't 'make the heart healthy'. it just helps to compensate for certain types of heart problems.

nitric oxide in small doses is not poisonous. It was used as an anesthetic ['laughing gas'] before more effective anesthetics came along.

nitroglycerine is related to but very different from nitric oxide.

2006-09-09 21:26:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I would have to go for the dynamite body. If I wanted an extra $200 a month, I'd simply look for a better job. But a dynamite body would take a lot of work and restrictions to get to. Definitely the body....

2016-03-17 10:36:40 · answer #2 · answered by Gail 4 · 0 0

Bleach is also poisonous, but is still found in the normal human body as a defense against microbes. NO works through chemical signaling in the muscular cells of the blood vessels to relax and open the small arteries.

2006-09-09 15:15:36 · answer #3 · answered by J 4 · 0 0

Hello, benny!
What you can do to prevent heart disease?
By the breathing device simulator TFI.

Simulator delivers people from chronic diseases,
ensures real prophylaxis, including 100 % protection from heart attacks and strokes
Why illnesses leave?-because breathing device TFI expanding arterioles to a normal condition, restores normal blood supply of all the cells of all the tissues of all the bodies of our organism. Consequently, they start functioning normally; pathologies disappear.
Asthma, insomnia, allergy, diabetes, migraine, arthritis, hypertension,ishemiacal illness of heart... These and other diseases arise frequently at the senior age.
But why they arise? The matter is that small blood vessels begin gradually to constrict after 25 years old because of hypodinamia and stresses and this results to improper blood supply of the cells, and then to all these diseases! The high blood pressure (or hypertension) have all chronically sick people.
Most prabable outcome for the man being seek with hypertension is stroke or myocardial infarction.
The physiological researches of healthy and chronically sick people tell that the last have one common feature - low concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in blood owing to increased breathing level - Chronic Hyperventillation Syndrome.
The low concentration of CO2 in blood results into spasm of microvessels (arterioles) which leads to metabolic disturbances. Let us consider the possible consequences of that.
The constriction of micro-vessels of the brain is the cause of bad brain's blood supply. It is the source of such illnesses as dizziness, insomnia, migraine, a memory weakness. All these symptoms inevitably leads to stroke in the long run.
Constricted micro-vessels of heart is source for arising the various illness of heart because cells of heart muscular (i.e. myocard) and coronary arteris don't get normal oxygen supply. In most cases in is the source for myocardial infarction
The constriction of micro-vessels leads to increasing of vessels peripheral resistance. For this reason the arterial blood pressure is raised , the heart exertion is much increased, thus heart pain evoke. On this background the casual stress may provoke infarction or apoplectic stroke.
What about drugs people are using for treatment chronic diseases? The main defect of all drugs and recipes is but one - they gives temporary relief only.
Worst of all - all known drugs can't influence on source of chronic diseases !
Are chronic diseases really incurable? Not at all! Special physical training, Joga, or Buteyko's breath method may help, but they are very wasteful of time and not always available.
Special breathing device TFI helps to restore the normal conductivity of blood vessels in 5-6 months with much less expenditure. It is the best remedy for treatment hypertension. The easy breathing procedure with breathing device lasts only 20 minutes a day, without any unpleasant sensations
Breathing device TFI uses method of physiological training of the whole organism. Medical investigations of the people having used this method give fancy results: the organism 50 - 60-year's people begins to work almost as at 25-year's !
You will be helped necessarily by a breathing simulator TFI. Site www.fhal.ru, read, think, if is question - write: healing@fhal.ru
I wish all of you full recovery and many long years of healthy life, Boris P.

2006-09-10 10:55:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

when moistur is introduced to the carrier it rleases a gass into the blood streamm and expands the vessels . It does cause a little explosion just enough to jolt the heart.

2006-09-08 02:21:57 · answer #5 · answered by Kathleen T 2 · 0 0

Vasodilator gives heart more blood supply.

2006-09-08 03:58:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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