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13 answers

Head to this link and see if any of the groups interest you:http://groups.google.com/groups?hs=Nc&hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=pulmonary%20hypertension&btnG=Search&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wg

2006-09-06 18:12:31 · answer #1 · answered by webdoggy2 4 · 1 0

Hmm prolly C&A chatrooms but I haven't been very active in C&A lately T_T.... I have other things to do too!!! Damn I can't wait until school's over then I can come to both for as long as I want and I can catch up with all the anime and manga that I'm behind on X_x.... I feel overworked T_T WAHH!!! Don't hate me for going to the chatrooms more- there are PEOPLE there..... that you can harass T_T.... I enjoy harassing people >:D Do you see all the T_T in that!!! Argh!! I'm crying on the inside.... really- you just can't see it @_@ It's prolly my fault for not answering tat many Q's cause I keep taking forever to answer!! I spend like 15-30 minutes per Q and right now I'm rambling on about something unnecessary... I'm sorry TT_TT Soo what was the Q again?? 0_o.... oh right I'm on chatrooms more than in C&A. =_= Anime Q: The best looking male character is uh..... there's too many!! ><'': I piiiick Zero!! From Vampire Knight =D

2016-03-27 01:06:51 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

not sure of any chat rooms...but FYI there are several drugs on the market for treating pulmonary hypertension, while they may not offer a cure, they do help with the symptoms. do some research on a drug called Flolan and also on viagra, yes that's right, viagra...studies show that it can help with the symptoms of pulmonary HTN

2006-09-07 15:57:27 · answer #3 · answered by mdel 5 · 0 0

I don't know of any chat rooms. But you could try
www.medscape.com or www.webmd.com
You should be able to find an on line chat room or group for your problem. Also try a goggle search.
Also please take the advise your doctor gives you, and take any medications that may be prescribed to you. So that your problem does not get more serious.
Good luck.

2006-09-06 18:14:52 · answer #4 · answered by Kali_girl825 6 · 0 0

This is probably too obscure to have a chat room but if you're interested in a support group, you may have more luck finding one of those.

2006-09-06 18:13:04 · answer #5 · answered by TweetyBird 7 · 1 0

i don't think pulmonary hypertension is classified as a disease, it's more of a symptom of either a lung problem or right heart failure.

2006-09-07 08:40:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try 2ndwind.org. They are a support group for both pre and post transplant patients and their families/friends. They have a forum you can join.

I have CF and had a bi-lateral lung transplant two years ago at age 37. I receive regular e-mails from another support site as well, which may be more what you're looking for. The below is an e-mail I received in May so you have an idea of what they offer:

Transplant Support - Lung, Heart/Lung, Heart

WEB SITE: http://groups.msn.com/TransplantSupportLungHeartLungHeart

Transplant Support is a supportive network for those who are pre, or post lung, heart/lung, or heart transplant. All lung and heart illness patients, family and friends will find support, resources, ideas and the newest in research at the site.

The Transplant Support Site is FREE to join and easy to do. You do NOT have to have MSN server to join. Go to the website: http://groups.msn.com/TransplantSupportLungHeartLungHeart
Click on the left or right hand side where it says "JOIN HERE or JOIN NOW". Then follow the directions.

Some of the features that are offered at the site:

The Chat Room - This is a perfect spot to ask your questions, meet others with your same heart or lung illness, discuss the experiences of those who are post transplant and help calm the nerves that occur during the transplant process. The Chat Room is a very welcoming, kind and sharing place. If you have not ever been to a chat room, this is a great opportunity to realize that the Chat Room at Transplant Support is safe and not a chat room that you will feel intimidated by. (SEE THE CHAT ROOM SCHEDULE BELOW) The Transplant Support Chat Room is OPEN 24 hours a day!
All times shown below are in Eastern Standard Time

Monday: 8pm - till EST - Host : Joanne Schum - Post Double Lung
Tuesday: 8pm - till EST - Host: Joanne Schum - Post Double Lung
Wednesday: 8pm - till EST Host: Joanne Schum - Post Double Lung
Thursday: 8pm - till EST - Host: Joanne Schum - Post Double Lung
Friday: 8pm - till EST - Host: Joanne Schum - Post Double Lung
Saturday, 8pm - till EST - Host: Joanne Schum - Post Double Lung
Sunday, 8pm UNITED KINGDOM Time - Andy from UK or
3pm EST Time
Sunday: 8pm - till EST - Host : Joanne Schum - Post Double Lung
All topic chats begin at 8pm EST. "Please be aware that the topic for that evening will be discussed exclusively from 8pm until 9:30pm" Thank you for your cooperation in making these specially planned chats an enjoyable experience for both new members and regulars.

Thur, June 1 - Physical Therapy - What, Why, Who does it?
Sun, June 4 - Pharmacy Programs - Many to pick from and research, this will be a sharing of the newest and best
Mon, June 5 - Photopheresis - This is an option for chronic rejection - Learn about the pros and cons
Thur, June 8 - CF Pharmarcy - For those with CF, this is a good option, learn the details
Sun, June 11 - Airplane Air - Is it bad? What can we do to prevent catching something?
Mon, June 12 - Aspergillous - A nasty bug. What treatments are out there, and what works?
Thur, June 15 - Blood Types - What is yours, how common is it? Does it make a difference with Transplant
Sun, June 18 - Bone Density - Have you had a Dexascan? Are you at risk for bone loss? What treatments work?
Mon, June19 - CF Pregnancy - Anyone done it? How did your lungs do? Is this still risky?
Thur, June 22 - CF Tobi - Pros and Cons of this?
Sun, June 25 - Crepitus - or Rice Krispies - Learn about this common experience post transplant.
Mon, June 26 - Lung Tx and Pregnancy - What is the success? Why is it risky?
Thur, June 29 - Aredia - For bone loss, this is an option. How does it work.

Sun, July 2 - Caregiver - Life as a support person, how to take care of yourself too!
Mon, July 3 - Lung Transplant - For Pediatric
Thur, July 6 - UNOS - United Network of Organ Sharing - Who are they? What do they do?
Sun, July 9 - Non Heart Beating Donor - This may return as a choice for organs. What is it?
Mon, July 10 - Lung Transplant - Living Lobar - How does it work? Who can use this option?
Thur, July 13- Oxygenation - Lets learn about oxygen
Sun, July 16 - OKT3 - an option for rejection - here is some helpful info
Mon, July 17 - Non Compliancy - What does the word mean? Are you in jeopardy?
Thur , July 10 Weight Loss, or Weight Gain - These could be part of your life pre and post tx
Sun, July 23 - Writing to your Donor Family - what can you say?
Mon, July 24 - Medicare - Let's learn together
Thus, July 25 - Munchausen Syndrome - Mysterious and strange, here are some interesting facts
Sun, July 30 - New Lung Allocation System - Now we are getting the hang of it, lets learn more
Mon, July 31 - Pulmonary Leaks - Some ways to solve, who has had these?

Thur, Aug 3 - Death and Dying - Uncomfortable topic but a good chance to share and talk
Sun, Aug 6 - Cyclosporine - Pros and Cons, side effects
Mon, Aug 7 - Bronchoscopy - what is it, name some good and bad experiences, ways to make it easier
Thur, Aug 10 - Brain Death - what is the difference from cardiac death? This is how people become organ donors
Sun, Aug 13 - Blood Test Results - Where should your numbers be?
Mon, Aug 14 - COBRA - A health insurance option, how does it work, and who qualifies
Thur, Aug 17 - Bi Pap and C -Pap, what is the purpose and how does it help? Symptoms you may need
Sun, Aug 20 - CF -Cepacia - Are there any centers who will transplant this anymore?
Mon, Aug 21 - Animal Research - Why it is needed, what is the controversary?
Thur, Aug 24 - CMV - EBV - what is your status and what does it mean
Sun, Aug 27 - Coping - Pre and Post tx coping skills
Mon, Aug 28 - Lung Tx Rejection, what options are out there, what works
Thur, Aug 31 - Donor Awareness Training - Short lesson on how to do this

Message Board - Another great way to connect to others and ask your questions that you have been meaning to ask and would like feedback from other members.

The Resources that are offered at the site continue to grow each day. You will find something of interest to both pre and post transplant recipients, and also to family members and caregivers. In the Resources you can find: Links, Medical Journals, Books, Medical Equipment, Money for Meds, Rx Programs, Support Groups, Lung Tx Centers, Heart Tx Centers.

Joanne M. Schum

Cystic Fibrosis
Bi-lateral Lung Transplant Recipient
September 12, 1997
University of North Carolina Hospitals Chapel Hill
Residence: Upstate New York
email: luckylungsforjo@aol.com
Manager of: Transplant Support - Lung, Heart/Lung, Heart

"Taking Flight - Inspirational Stories of Lung Transplantation"
Compiled by Joanne Schum
Authored by lung recipients around the world

Lungs for Life Foundation
Joanne's Bracelet, Transplant Awareness Bracelet, CF Awareness Bracelet

2006-09-07 11:01:46 · answer #7 · answered by Newlungs2004 4 · 1 0

Phillip...you need to grow up. This person has a serious ilness and you make
a laughing joke about it. It is no joke.

2006-09-06 18:44:32 · answer #8 · answered by CraZyCaT 5 · 0 0

If you log into msn.com (net) you can create a chat room for this subject.

2006-09-06 18:11:24 · answer #9 · answered by Mo 5 · 1 1

I just got anal warts, I'm Asian, and like outdoors and coffee. Is there a chat room for that?

2006-09-06 18:11:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

fedest.com, questions and answers