Healthy diet, good cardio and some weight training and you'll be dropping that weight like nothing and put on muscle!. But you have to stick to it, and there is no quick fix other than liposuction. Which i definately don't recommend, you can do it on your own without the need for that, but it will take work and time.
Eat healthy, that's the most important thing you can do, and live a healthy livestyle.
Weight Training and Cardio. 20-30 min a day in the morning before breakfast at best heart rate for the person (can have a physician tell the person what's the best heart rate for loosing weight during cardio and if you keep within 5-10 points, you're on the mark or you can get an average idea by this formula (220-bodyweight)x(.75)). If you're not doing cardio in the morning before breakfast, then do it 2-3 hours after a meal, not earlier, and spend about 15 or so minutes doing light weights, doesn't have to be heavy weights, just light weights, lots of reps, then go do cardio for 20-30 min. Anything over 40 min is overkill and can cause overtraining, which will defeat the purpose.
If you do cardio anytime besides morning before breakfast, it takes your body 20 or so min to start burning fat, that's why do the weight training first.
Cardio could be fast walking, cycling, running, treadmill, whatever is your favorite aerobic activity. If you do it at your recommended heart rate, you won't feel as exhausted after doing it and you will be burning fats, if you do it too far above the heart rate recommended you're burning sugar, too low, you're not burning anything.
Also, drink alot of water, 0.6 ounces times your body weight. I know it's alot, but everything is based on water in your body.
Another reason for weight training is not to put on muscle, but to tone, however, you also burn alot more fat during cardio if you have some muscle.
Fix your diet, if you're eating 2k calories per day, roughtly 230 carbs, 250ish protein and 15-40g of fat you're on the right track. However it's also best to spread it out between 5-7 meals, roughtly every 2-3 hours appart.
Your body NEEDS fats, protein, carbs and calories to function, going onto a crash diet will cause your body to go into a catabolic state where it will eat muscle and store fat instead, you will loose weight, but most of it will be water weight and muscle weight and that's bad :) You don't want that.
Now that you're getting the weight off, to put on muscle on your stomach will be easy, do 6 sets of crunches and 6 sets of leg raises every day or every other day if you're doing some other weight training excercise on those days. If 6 sets too much, do 3. 12-25 reps, depending on how much you can do. The best way to put on muscle.
Great books, have alot of info on diets, health, meal plans, alot of good nutrition info, work out sets, everything you'll need to get back into great shape. I used it and still am using it, got best results through the book.
2006-08-14 21:03:44
answer #1
answered by Roma 82 2
Eat more frequent meals but in smaller portion.Drink a lot of water(1-2 liters a day). It makes your skin glow and helps “flush out” bad things in your body.Have a combination of grains, dairy, and fruit for each morning.Don’t put salt on your food and exercise at least 3 times a week.Eat a variety of foods. If you eat the same thing every single day, your body will feel restricted.Enjoy the things you eat. Food is your nourishment, not your enemy.Eat healthy snacks and veggies.If you’re on a diet, have one day where you can eat anything you like. That way you won’t feel left out on other stuff.
2006-08-14 21:09:53
answer #2
answered by television9 2
First of all get rid of all your no no foods,and start on a diet with the right kind of meals with small portions.Start fast walking in the morning and do some bike riding.This is a great way to help lose weigh.If you drink alot of milk,start just having one 8oz glass a day,and some legg lifts will help tighten your stomach. Just eat right and keep up with your exercises,and you will do find.
2006-08-14 21:12:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If your not fat but just want to shape up, do what is FUN. Team sports, aerobics sessions, jogging, dancing madly around. And do whatever you choose as often as you can.
2006-08-14 21:44:10
answer #4
answered by The Splendour 1
eat halt
do 3 times a week exercises
takes time sometimes
2006-08-14 21:04:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
read the weight mass index and find out on this site
2006-08-14 21:10:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
don't eat too much cup of rice during lunch time will do to supply your daily carbo needs....then you can just munch on viands during evenings.....then again....don't eat too should be moderated....match it with proper exercise....
i deally you should lose 3 lbs per week.....
2006-08-14 21:09:01
answer #7
answered by Mike_Cruiser 3
Wire your mouth shut.
2006-08-14 22:22:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
practice healthy diet and regular exercises
2006-08-14 21:06:00
answer #9
answered by maggotier 4