Have you considered talking to your husband about scaling back how much you work. Being at home usually teaches economizing skills. You would pay less taxes if you worked less so you may have a greater take-home income than otherwise. This obviously won't make up the difference in earnings, however. Economizing helps. And, if money is really the issue, figure out what you NEED to make and changing to a part-time job or job with less hours.
Do you have kids in daycare? You won't have to pay that and you may even be able to work less and opposite your husband so you can eliminate those costs entirely when you are working.
It can be done. I did it myself! It just takes a change in how you do some things.
Kids don't understand about parents needing to work. They put up with it beause it's what they have to do. That old analogy that if YOU are happy, your kids will be too is simply NOT true. They need parents around and guidance. You are deciding that you will make a sacrifice instead of them making a sacrifice and that's pretty noble.
Nobody ever said they wished they had spent LESS time with their children.
2006-08-14 14:37:10
answer #1
answered by BeamMeUpMom 3
I think that you should go back, if your an RN then I know you have worked hard to get where you are! I think that once you go back and get into ur job again the all the stay at home feelings will go away. Spend as much time as you can with ur kids but dont give up the career that you worked so hard to get. Your kids will understand and allow their dad to be the father that he needs to be... Your not the only parent you know let him help you because a lot of people don't have that help around! Good luck and hope that ur injury gets better!
2006-08-14 13:53:09
answer #2
answered by sweet_kaylie_on_the_way 2
Is it possible you could stay home with the kids until they get a little older and then you could go back to work? I am a stay at home mom and I honestly can't see myself anywhere else. We have had tight times before, but we always manage. I think you should go with your heart and do what you feel is best for you and your family, weather that be work or stay home. I would definitely sit down and see how your hubby feels about things and what he thinks. If nothing else, and you can't stay home full time, maybe you could work something out so you can at least be home part time?
Best of luck to you and your family! You sound like a very caring mother!
2006-08-14 13:37:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I too was a working mom who turned to stay at home mom. I am now back to work and wish everyday that I could stay home. If this is something that you truly feel passionate about and can afford talk to your husband. You just might be able to work it out. Maybe you could work part time to still have some contact with the outside world. Then you can have the best of both worlds. Your children will only be young for a short time. Enjoy the time you have now ,because before you know it they will be grown.
2006-08-14 13:42:13
answer #4
answered by Jackie G 3
I would tell your husband. You're married...you need to be honest, right? And if you feel like you need a little bit more than, "Honey, I don't WANNA GO!!"...LOL...do a little bit of calculating first. The drop in a second income, what are you willing to give up (ex. getting nails done, eating out, etc.), the possibility of taking in more children to supplement the income loss, maybe look into a dayhome? Believe me, those people can make TONS of money if they're good at it. Plus the benefit of homeschooling your children...wow. Just promise to keep your RN license active, so you don't lose all your hard work.
Good luck! I mean it!!
2006-08-14 13:36:41
answer #5
answered by lauriejustlaurie 2
How did you homeschool while you worked? I personally think that your feelings are very natural and understandable. You could probably power through the feeling and go back to work but I think you are getting a deeper sense of satisfaction being a full-time mother. There are many RN's in the world but there is only one mother of your children...you! And you are the best thing that could happen to them. I think you should be honest with your husband and hopefully money is not as important to him as well-adjusted children.
2006-08-14 13:36:07
answer #6
answered by Cybeq 5
Follow your heart! There is a reason why you want to stay home with your kids. If you can't afford to, try to just work part time around your husbands schedule so he can be at home with the kids when you are at work. I stayed at home with my children for seven years and I would never regret that time or want it any other way.
2006-08-14 13:34:20
answer #7
answered by wellbeing 5
if ou are in a position ifinancially to stay at home then do it
you wont ever be able to get back these years
i worked full time.. .now they are in school and i have changed my hours so i can drop them to school and pick them up...
so much i missed out on
maybe stay home now... see how you feel and try to get some part time work a bit later
even after having one day off from work i never want to go back... i love being at home... but i do get over it
but definately chat with your husband and see what he thinks...
especially if the kids are so much happier... usually brings a lot of peace to the family home
good luck
2006-08-14 13:35:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
..If you can afford to live just with one income, you should discuss your feelings and your wish of staying at home with your kids, I am sure he will be supportive of your decision, since is for your kids well being. About the feeling...is perfectly natural, and as all other feelings after time will pass, but then you might be unhappy and the guilt will start to make its way to your mind and heart. Talk to your husband, I am sure he loves you and will understand and support your decision. Good luck
2006-08-14 13:39:19
answer #9
answered by fun 6
Try to work an off shift, part time, so you are home when kids are home/awake. Try calling your kids on your luch break, or plan special time with the when you get home. You should still talk to you hubby maybe you two can work somthing out together.
2006-08-14 13:43:33
answer #10
answered by wildfiremmm 2