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When I hung around the mega-church, I tried to. In my singing and prayer, but it never felt sincere or real like the love I have for real people whom I have real relationships with.

I mean, I know, you say you love him, but what Im doin is getting real witch ya. Honestly, do you feel real love? Its a lot of effort to imagine love for something you cant know.

You say the spirit fills you and then you know him...know him how..by some spasm of endorphines? Seriously now, I was a part of all that so talk real with me, dont spit me back some fundie cliches "you must open your heart"...say that to my face...say to my face I didnt sincerely try...cause that what it always comes down to right..."he didnt REALLY open his heart" .

God speaks to some differently...thats the next one right? Well, thats some hell of an advantage they got, cause if I heard him loud and clear like Moses on the mountain, everything else is super easy for there....

2006-08-14 12:43:56 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Seems you are finally tired of living in a dream world.

I admire your sincerity and your search for the truth.

But can you go all the way and take the red pill? You should not be afraid to see what most of these respondents are afraid to come to terms with. They are not ready to be unplugged.

But I guess you're not allowed you to ask real questions, without getting some overused vague answer (or being called a blasphemer).

They say the truth will set u free.
[Freedom]:Compare the way u felt when u finally asked this question, to the way u felt the last time u were given a "you're not opening your heart" kind of answer.

Where do you think the truth lies?

2006-08-14 13:02:26 · answer #1 · answered by JFK 2 · 0 2

I completely empathizes with you. In environments like mega-churches or places where you know almost no one you often question why would God give us this? The answer is found in the Bible. In the early church there was usually a pastor for every 2-3 people. Can you imagine this kind of fellowship? I would recommend getting involved with a smaller church. Also, when you become involved with service, particularly that aimed at your spiritual gift/s you will see what God is really all about.

2006-08-14 19:49:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the Spirit is a person , not a force or a quantity
to be filled with the Spirit means that you are not exhibiting any carnal or "of the flesh " attributes__even in your speech.
This is very improtant today--Feeling and having the Love of God and the love for God_ it's very important ! We have to seek Him We have to seek His Love Daily and not give up You will feel it. It may be in a joyous moment of tears of Joy or other manifestations but you will feel it I don't know when.........maybe I cannot completely exlain How but it is something we should all practice___ the mega_church--the Body of Christ___ a gathering large or small can produce and host what you are talking about. Wherever two or more are gathered in His Name__ there He is, in the midst of you........

2006-08-14 19:53:57 · answer #3 · answered by goodcharacter 3 · 0 0

You pose a very difficult question to answer. It appears to me that you believe in God; you have faith. Is it a question of you not loving Him at all or just not as much as you love family/friends that you actually interact with on a daily basis? It's hard to not throw out the cliches. It's an easy default answer for everybody. The fact of the matter is, nobody knows for certain if God exists and definitely cannot even TRY to definitively tell you how to know God and how to love Him.

I feel a different kind of love for God myself. I love my family/friends with all my heart. I know, feel, believe (whatever you want to call it) that my love for them would not be possible without God's love. It is because of Him that I can feel love and hate and sadness. I would not want to live without these and for that, along with many other reasons, I love God. I love Him for giving me all I have in this life.

I hope this helped...

2006-08-14 19:58:19 · answer #4 · answered by ouoray 3 · 0 0

Your right for your question. Often times we think all we have to do is open our hearts to him. He wants more than that he wants us to do his work. Love only him and not the next hottest band. Idolism is not dead, were just blind to it. If that's not the case it's probably that we don't pray to him sincerely. Do you pray to him with a script or from the real you? he wants the real you and your real service to others. At times you won't feel it like Job did. In the end Job saw Heavenly Fathers face.

2006-08-14 19:51:35 · answer #5 · answered by bubba06 1 · 0 0

It's apparent that you interpret God in a Christian context. I don't know how one can feel or recognize the feeling of love for that kind of interpretation of the concept of "God", but for me, it's pretty easy and natural. I love existence. I love the universe. I love that I exist and that because of that I can appreciate all the beauty around me. I even love that I have the conscience and free will to reject and oppose things that I believe are wrong. I love Life and Nature. I love that which I perceive as Good, such as Peace. That's "God" to me, if that's what you want to call it. It doesn't matter to me. Could I love a vengeful, wrathful, jealous and consequently petty divine entity? No, I could not, no matter how hard I tried. And it can't be love if you have to force yourself to feel it, can it? I also don't see how such traits can go along with the concept of divinity, but maybe that's just me.

2006-08-14 19:59:01 · answer #6 · answered by Ricardo P 3 · 0 0

When I first came to Christ I felt the way you do. I just couldn't seem to understand how I was going to feel love for him, but when I had a very real personal experience with God and came to know him , truly know him, I finally knew what loving God was all about. I can't say why you don't feel love for Him, but don't let this stop you from seeking out Christ. Sometimes we feel so distant from God, but remember he never leaves us and developing a relationship with him is a continual thing. I truly feel you are seeking God,but I feel you are hurting and angry and somewhat disappointed because you don't feel that you are experiencing the kind of relationship with God you sincerely desire. Keep in prayer and in His word. Seek Him out daily with all that is in you and give it all to God. Just don't give up. God bless you.

2006-08-14 20:03:18 · answer #7 · answered by softlyinspired 5 · 0 0

I think the key for me has been to look at my life and see how he has made such a huge difference in it. I think about all he has done for me, that leads to feelings of appreciation. I guess that is feelings of love.

Sorry that you hadn't experienced that. It really isn't something that can be programed. It also doesn't mean you were deficient in your faith. We can have strong beliefs about God without always having warm feelings. That is pretty normal by the way. People who act like they have this huge emotional thing all the time I can't relate to. We have ups and downs in life and sometimes we feel close to God and sometimes we don't, but that doesn't change who he is in our lives. Our feelings don't determine truth. Hope this helps you.

2006-08-14 19:53:09 · answer #8 · answered by godsgirl 4 · 0 0

See I feel love for God when I think about how HE loved me first. Because he died for all my sins and now I know I'm saved from hell. That's a sort of grateful love. When you think about all this and you sing songs about him you sing them with meaning, dedicating them to him, that's the love I talk about. Also when you're willing to give part of your time, money, or talent to serve him just because you know he deserves it, that's the love I'm talking about. Now one thing is true: the closer you are to him the more passion you're going to feel (and you get closer by reading your Bible, praying, and praising him) but before doing all this you got to make sure that you have invited him to be your savior 100% sincerely. I hope this helps. Blessings.

2006-08-14 19:55:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How could one not
Love has not been loved
understand love
so love will stop suffering
Come to know your God
And stop all the negative thoughts
Because I asure you
there will come a time when you will go
down on your knees and Call out His
most Holy Name
So keep searching
for He is there
in the quiet
Make time for Him and come to know Him
He is waiting for you
because you have something He wants you to do
for Him
listen to Him
He is showing you something now

2006-08-14 19:52:11 · answer #10 · answered by Queen A 4 · 0 0

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