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I have this amazing boyfriend of a year but for some reason i dont trust him 100% i mean hes nice, sweet, caring and all that good stuff but when he does little things like not call me back till the next day it bothers me. He has good reasons like my phone went dead or it actually broke but why cant he call me from the friend that he was just hanging out with? Im so used to hearing all the negative things about men and cheating and i am taking it out on this amazing guy. i need help to stop. it makes me look insecure but im really not.

i need advice.

2006-08-14 11:36:32 · 3 answers · asked by nygirlsrdifferent 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

3 answers

Well, you either have to trust him or dump him. It's that simple. It does sound like strange behavior, but until you have solid proof, then relax. It sounds like you already know you have to do this. There is no point in being a relationship if you are constantly worrying about someone. My advice is go with your gut. It is usually right.

2006-08-14 11:41:31 · answer #1 · answered by Kitty 5 · 0 0

Well the best way to get through that is not waiting on his call..go hang out with friends or go see a movie..Let him know that you arent sitting home waiting for him to call...so when he finally does he will always hear that you are busy...and then he may want to call more often..Or try this dont call him for a while..and lets see if that lightbulb turns on in that little brain of his..Then if you dont hear from him, move on and do you....Thats what I tell my homegirl when her toy dosent call her...and with all my friends...and it works every time...

2006-08-14 11:44:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

try to stop calling him.

just wait for him to call you.

maybe he needs to miss you to appreciate you

2006-08-14 11:43:54 · answer #3 · answered by lowIQ 4 · 0 0

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