Not a problem :)
2006-08-14 10:56:37
answer #1
answered by Owlwings 7
If you both feel comfortable with each other, than what is the problem? I have been in a relationship with a man that is 15 years older than I am.I met him when I was only 16, he was 31.Sure there was some conflict on both sides with our parents.But once they realized how serious we were about each other, everything else worked out.And we are still going strong, and happily married.We have been together for almost 23 years.
2006-08-14 11:00:44
answer #2
answered by Marna S 4
There is alot to deal with and the conversations will be a little restricted. For example, he has experienced a whole 8yrs more and stuff he remembers would be before your time ie: movies,music,toys,etc. as well you may want to live a little. You are heading into years he has done already and its not as exciting to him. I myself, I am 29 and wouldn't date any female under 25. I have and it was difficult. For one thing you are not even drinking age. yeah h can go to the liquor store for you but you could not sit down with a bottle of wine at a nice dinner. It may be okay if you are not drinkers but if he is it can be frustrating. Those are the cons and it has worked in the past but those are some things to consider.
2006-08-14 11:02:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The social rule as being acceptable is (for a man) divide his age by half then add 7. That age is the minimum he can acceptable date in his case would be 20 and 1/2. would be the absolute minimum that peopel would cringe at. But I myself and 24 and have always dated older wome, usually 29 years old being the minimum and 38 being the top range. So go figure...
2006-08-14 10:59:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
that isn't that much of an age gap at your ages. even later in life , that's only 8 years. be careful with that destiny stuff, it can lead to some vivid imagination that will blind you. you may have been destined to meet but not destined to take the journey through life together. believing you were when you weren't will only get you used.
2006-08-14 10:59:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
TO MEET? You haven't met yet? I would definately meet him face to face first before you decide if there is a potential for relationship. I think age doesn't matter. My advice though would be to take things slow. Both of you are at two totally different stages in your lives so make sure you really find out what each other wants in life before you make any serious committment.
2006-08-14 11:26:50
answer #6
answered by SillyGoose 3
I think it's fine. But generally guys that date girls 5+ years younger are either complete psychos that end up beating you or shy, quiet guys that never take risks. There hardly ever a middle ground. Usually you can tell by taking a step back and evaluating yourself. If you're on the slutty side, he's probably a nut case. If you're on the chubby side, he's probably a virgin.
2006-08-14 10:59:36
answer #7
answered by mehhhh 1
im 19 an my ex is 27 im still in love wit him go for it girl ;) age is only a num who cares what other ppl think go wit ur heart if ur happy then thats all that matters
2006-08-14 11:00:02
answer #8
answered by my heart belongs to a sailor! 2
Not too old I think you have to cross at least 18 or more years old. Because you are taking any decisions you can't change afterwards.
2016-03-27 01:47:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
in chinese astrology they work with the number of years.
a four years difference is a right one, so any 4n years diff is a good one.
The same in occidental astrol, 4 months is a good relation, 4n months.
it is the ´trino´ relation.
months in the occid, 12 months a year
years in the chine, 12 years in a cycle...
2006-08-14 11:16:25
answer #10
answered by yaguar 2
He is obviously immature and can not deal with real women so must go after a girl. At 19 you should be concentrating on your studies/career and not so concerned if you have a man.
2006-08-14 10:58:09
answer #11
answered by lily 6