Eating even moderate amounts of oily fish, such as mackerel, salmon and sardines, may cut by half the risk of prostate cancer.
Men in China have the world's lowest rate of prostate cancer and one of the reasons may be a diet rich in garlic, shallots and onions.
A diet rich in tomato sauce, ketchup and other tomato-based products that contain lycopene also can lower the risk of prostate cancer.
Broccoli and broccoli sprouts contain a chemical that kills the bacteria responsible for most stomach cancers; broccoli also has been shown to reduce prostate cancer.
As little as half an alcoholic drink a day can reduce the risk of heart attacks (beer, red or white wine, liquor)
Edible cranberry-like berries from the autumn olive plant have been found to have up to 18 times more lycopene than tomatoes, and could also be a cancer fighter.
Longtime tea drinking may make bones stronger, and reduce the risk of dying after a heart attack.
Enzymes are essential for our health
Because of our overcooked diets, our digestion must "steal" enzymes from other organs setting up a competition for enzymes among various organ systems, "The resulting metabolic dislocations may be the direct cause of cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes and many other chronic incurable diseases." Lack of digestive enzymes, according to Dr Howell, is responsible for enlarged pituitary glands (the one that regulates all the others) and enlarged pancreases.
Because of the lack of enzymes in our food colon therapists estimate that the average middle-aged American might carry around five to fifty pounds of hard, toxic, fecal matter lodged in their colons.
Sources of enzymes are sprouts, bananas, mangos and advocados
How to fight / prevent cancer
Avoid use of sugar or products containing sugar
East maximum twice a week red meat
Eat a lot of food with fibers to clean your bowels
Eat Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts (!), cabbage, kale
and Chinese vegetables. They all contain Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) which is an important weapon in the anticancer arsenal. It initiates a series of reactions in the body that culminates in the elimination of estrogen. Limited evidence in cell culture experiments suggests that I3C can inhibit the invasion of normal tissue by cancer cells and inhibit the development of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) required by tumors to fuel their rapid growth. Sulforaphane has been shown to neutralize carcinogens before they could trigger tumors. Also they contain a chemical called isothiocyanates, which slowed down the progression of cancerous cells in rats. More here
Drink white tea, click here for more details
Use a low fat diet
choose for good fat (olive oil, seafish, raw nuts)
Take daily raw carrots, tomatoes, green beans, these all
contain alpha-carotene (more powerful than beta-carotene)
It can protect your cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, provide a good source of vitamin A and enhance the functioning of your immune system. Alpha-carotene has received a tremendous amount of attention as potential anti-cancer and anti-aging compound.
Use garlic and onions
The results of a few epidemiological studies suggest that high intakes of garlic and other Allium vegetables (e.g., onions and leeks) may help protect against gastric and colorectal cancer
(source: Linus Pauling institute)
Have a look at the Maitake mushroom
Cancer-Protective Substances in Foods
Phytochemical Food Source
Allyl sulfideOnions, garlic, chives, leeks
CarotenoidsYellow-orange vegetables and fruits; green, leafy vegetables; red fruits
Curcumins Turmeric
Flavonoids Most fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts
Gingerols Ginger
Indoles & isothiocyanatesBroccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
lsoflavones Soybeans, tofu
LignansSoybeans, flax seed
Phenolic acidsBerries, grapes, nuts, whole grains
Phthalides & polyacetylenesCarrots, parsnips, parsley, coriander
PhytatesGrains, legumes
Saponins Beans, herbs
Terpenes Cherries, citrus, herbs
[ Source: Andrews University ]
Alkalize your body
Dr. Baroody's comprehensive research and clinical findings indicate that illness and disease are directly linked to overacidity in the system. The polluted air we breathe, the chemicalized food and water we ingest are just part of the problem. Stress on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and even spirpitual cause the body to overproduce acid wastes, upsetting our delicate alkaline/acid balance.
Food that is high on alkaline:
Asparagus, Onions, Vegetable Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Garlic, Barley Grass, Lemons, Watermelon, Limes, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Papayas, Olive Oil, Herb Teas, Lemon Water and Stevia
Fruit rules
Eat sub-acid fruits with either acid fruits or sweet fruits, but never eat acid fruits with sweet fruits.
Sweet fruits: Bananas, dates, dried fruit, persimmons, prunes, raisins, sapote. (Some apples are sweet and some can be sub-acid)
Acid Fruits: All citrus, kumquats, pineapple, pomegranates, strawberries.
Sub-acid fruits are: apricots, berries, cherimoya, cherries, fresh figs, grapes, mangos, nectarines, papaya, peaches, pears, plums.
Good foods
Juice of wheatgrass or barley
Raw sauerkraut
Sprouted seeds
Chlorella, spirulina and seaweed
Wild rice
White and green tea
Full grain bread, pumpernickel bread, Spelt bread
Oat meal
Full grain spaghetti (cook it Al dente, Al dente is a fancy term for
pasta that's fully cooked, but not overly soft)
Eggs, 2-3 a week (have a look at Columbus eggs from Belgium)
Rice bran (low glycemic value)
Seafood, especially (wild) salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring
avoid shrimp.
Raw nuts: almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachions, hazelnuts
Eat bananas and grapes as breakfast, great sources of kalium and
Vegetables (avoid cooked carrots, corn)
Quinoa, Bulghur, Amaranth, pitabread
Beans, a great food product, if you want to loose weight replace
your rice/potatoes by beans and see what happens.
Chicken, low fat beef
White kidney beans, according to US researchers this bean can
block the conversion of carbs to glucose so less fat will be stored.
I know this beans are available in Madagascar but not sure if
they are available in Europe or USA.
Low glycemic food products. What is the glycemic index?
The glycemic index is a ranking of carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. It compares foods gram for gram of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest glycemic indexes. The blood glucose response is fast and high. Carbohydrates that breakdown slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have low glycemic indexes. For a complete database of glycemic values click here
What to avoid
Proteines in the morning, these are heavy for your digestion process.
By eating just fruit and carrotjuice in the morning you extend the
cleansing and detox process of the night. So your body has more time
to get rid of bad stuff. Always start the day with taking warm (not hot!)
water with bit of lemonjuice. This will activate your liver and remove
mucilage from your bowels.
Too much dairy products, instead of milk and desserts take low fat
yoghurt and cheese. Even beter is to replace dairy by more green vegetables, almonds and sesamseeds which are better sources of
calcium. Simply keep in mind where the cow gets its calcium from,
does an adult cow drink dairy products? No, they use green grass.
The best thing you can do is grow barley wheat and extract juice
from it. One glass contains 11 times the amount of calcium in a
glass of milk and no side effects. If you have chronic forehead
infections or colds keep in mind that dairy can be the reason. In
that case drink soymilk for 1 month to see what happens.
Coffee and tea, stick to max 1 serving a day. If you drink tea
drink it with a bit of skimmed milk so the calcium in your stomach
is not absorbed by the acid (Tannin) in the tea. Better drink
herbal teas, water, tomato juice, fresh fruit drinks (no sugar added).
Also coffee and tea extra water so for each cup you need to drink
2 glasses of water to compensate the loss. This is essential for
weight loss. Water helps your body to get rid of things and gives
energy to your cells and various digestion processes. Never drink
shortly for, after or during a meal as the water will dilute the
flatulence acid so digestion of your food will take much more time
and energy.
Red meat, red meat and sugar fuel cancer cells so eat max 1-2
times a week red meat. If you switch to vegetarian food be very
careful with shortage of Vitamin B12 which is in animal products
only and very important for your brain / memory functions.
Cereals like cornflakes, focus on cereals that have low glycemic
values so which will not raise your blood sugar, good example is
All Bran (Kelloggs). High bloodsugar means more fat storage and more graving moods and interest in bad carbs and sugar.
Skipping breakfast, your body will need more food in the evening
which is resulting in more fat storage. The best way to start is
taking for example oatmeal with lowfat milk or soymilk.
Avoid sugars including table sugar, maltose, glucose, aspartaam,
sucrose, honey. Good sugar is frutose (fruit sugar). Also have a look
at Stevia which is a plant from Paraguay. This plant replaced 60%
of the sugar market in Japan.
Too much bread, bread contains glutes (sort of glue) so better eat
the full grain version, spelt or pumpernickel and max 2-3 slices a day. You could start the day with oatmeal and east 2 slices as lunch combined with soup (vegetable, chicken, tomato or lentil soup)
Pork meat
2006-08-14 08:29:31
answer #1
answered by savioartwork 2