lmao is laughing my a s s off
lmbo is laughing my butt off
omg stands for oh my G&^ if i say it it means oh my goodness :P
rotflmao means rolling on the floor laughing my *** off some people may add a F before the a to sand for fat
btw is by the way
bf is either before or boyfreind
gf is girlfriend
imo is i imagine i do not get where the o comes from:P
lol is laughing out loud
brb is be right back
afk is away from keyboard
and if you see someone type a :P or :) or :D those are sideways smile faces yahoo answers does not let you use smile faces and for people like me that use them all the time i have to type them out
:D is a big toothy smile
:P is a smile with its tounge hanging out
;) is a winking smile
: )) is a laughing smile
:) is a normal smile
:( is a sad smile
:(( is a crying smile
those are the ones that i use all the time - i just asked a freind this same question like a week ago :P
i hope i helped! :D
2006-08-14 03:30:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
@ - at
- standard deviation, for a sample
- standard deviation, for a population
- infinit
AC/DC - alternating current/direct current
ACO - Australia Calculator Operation
ACOS - arc cosine
ASIN - arc sine
ATAN - arc tangent
acme - make me
ACT - American College Test
ANS - answer
AM - amplitude modulation
AM/PM - ant meridien/post meridien
AFAIK - as far as I know
AG - Alonzo Gariepy; inventor of an alternate set of Assembly mnemonics
ALG - Algebraic Mode, in HP49G
AP - Advanced Placement (test in the USA)
AKA - as known as
AUR - Advanced Users Reference manual
ACT - American College Testing Program
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Exchange
Batt - battery
BBS - Board Bulletin System
Bcc - blink courtesy copy
Bit - binary digit
Bint - Binary Integer
Bios - basic input/output system
Bps - bits per second
Brb - I will be right back
(c) - copyright
Calc - calculator
CAD - computer-aided design
CAS - Computer Algebra Systems
CAT Key - Catalog Key
Cc - courtesy copy
CD - compact disk
CGI - common getway interface
CMPLX - complex
C.O.D - cash on delivery
COM - communication port
.com - commercial domain
Co. - company
Comp.sys.hp48 - name of the main HP48 newsgroup
CRC - Cyclic redundancy check
CRT - cathode-rays tube
CU - see you
CU See me - see you, see me
DB9 - data bus; 9 pins connector
dd/mm/yy - day/month/year format
D.C. - District of Columbia
DC - direct current; direct conection
DEF - Define
DIL - Dual in line
DIN - Deutsche Industrie Norm (German Industrial Norm)
DIP - dual in line package (used for integrated circuits)
DOS - Disk operating system
DPI - dots per inch
DS - double sided
DVD - digital video disk
DM - Deutch Marks (german marks)
DNS - domain name system
DNB- Do not Disturb (used in ICQ)
DCE - data communications equipment
DTMF - dual tone mean frequency
Etc - et cetera; and so on
Eprom - erasable programable ROM
Email - electronic mail
E.E. - Eletrical Engeneering
e.g. - exempli gratia; for example
Eng. - engineering, engeneer
Engr - engineering
EQW - Equation Writer
Ex - example
EXP - exponetial
FCC - Federal Comunications Comission
EQ LIB - Equation Library
FAQ - Frequently Asking Questions
FAX - fac-simile
FM - fraction mark ,frequency Modulation
FNT1 - font type 1
FNT2 - font type 2
FROM - Flash ROM
FTP - file transfer protocol
FYI - for your information
FV - future value
G - Stands for graphic
GB - Gigabyte
GCF - greatest common factors
GCSVWR - Geocities SiliconValley Web Ring
GD - Goodies Disk
GUI - Graphic User Interface
GNU - GNU's not Unix; proper name of a set of programs that run on UNIX
GPL - Gnu Public License
GMT - Greenwitch Mean Time
HD - hard disk
HP - Hewlett Packard Company
HP48 - the HP48 G/GX or HP48S/SX calculator itself
HP48-L - the Majordomo mail list for HP48 users
HP48s - HP48 series S and G
HPCC - HP Calculators Club
HPGL - HP Graphics Language
hpfb - HP48 for beginners! - home page
HTML - Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP - Hypertext transfer protocol
HWG - HTML Writers Guild
Hz - Hertz
IMHO - in my humble opinion
In - inches
I/O - input/output
IR - infrared
IRC - internet relay chat
IRAM - Internal RAM
IROM - Internal ROM
Info - information
IC- integrated circuit
i.e. - id est; that is
IP - Internet Protocol
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
J - joule
K - kilo; usually also means kilobytes, for short ex. 32k RAM
Kb - kilobit(s)
KB - kilobyte(s)
KBD - keyboard
KML - Keyboard Mapping Language
L.A. - Los Angeles
LAX - Los Angeles
LCD - liquid christal display
LIB - library
LISP - list processing
LN - natural logarithim
Math - mathematics
MB - Megabyte
Min - minut; minimum
MK - MetaKernel
ML - machine language
MTRW - Matrix Writer
mm/dd/yy - month/day/year format
MSIE - Microsoft Internet Explorer
NMSQT - National Merit Scholar Qualifying Test
MF - Media Formated
NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Aplication
NCTM - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
NOK - not OK
N.SLV - Numeric Solve
NXT - Next
OK - all right
O. Pream. - Ordinis Premonstratensium
PC - Personal Computer
PCT - program comprehension tool
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PDL - program development tool
piLIST - means πLIST
PIM - Personal information manager
PM - private message (in a chat)
PREV - Previous
PSAT- Pre-SAT (see also SAT)
PS - Post Scriptum; after writen
PSDEV - population standard deviation
Psi - pounds per square inches
PST - Pacific Standard Time
PV - principal value
RAM - Random Access Memory
RCL - Racall
RE - Reply; used in front of a replayed mail subject
REV - revision; ex.: revision J
REV. - reverend
RLL - run lenght limited
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPL - Reverse Polish Lisp
Rpm - rotations per minut
RPN - Reverse polish Notation
SAT - Student Aptitude Test
SDEV - sample standard deviation
SigmaDAT - means ∑DAT
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SRPL - system RPL
S.SLV - Symbolic Solve
Sys - system
24h - 24 hours format
2D - two dimensions
3D - three dimensions
2HD - double HD
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDS - Tripod Data System
T/f - true/false
TI - Texas Instruments
TM - trade mark
TTYL- talk to you later
UFL - universal font library
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
USA- United States of America
USD - united states dollar
URPL - user RPL
UTC - Universal Time Coordinate (or Universal Coordinated Time)
UVIC - University of Victoria (Canada)
V - volt
VDD - virtual display device
v.g. - verbi gratia; for example
WWW - world wide web
W3C - world wide web consortium
WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
X - stands for expandable
Y2K - year 2000
Zip file - compressed ZIP file
Time and Date Abbreviations:
CDT - Central Daylight Time
CST - Central Standard Time
DST - Daylight Saving Time
EDT - Eastern Daylight Time
EST - Eastern Standard Time
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
MDT - Mountain Daylight Time
MST - Mountain Standard Time
PDT - Pacific Daylight Time
PST - Pacific Standard Time
UTC - Universal Time Coordinate
2006-08-14 03:23:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
LMAO= laugh my a** off
OMG= oh my god
BRB= be right back
LOL= laugh out loud
ROFL= rolling on the floor laughing
H/O= hold on
BTW= by the way
TTUL= talk to you later
LYLS= love you like a sister
2006-08-14 03:24:46
answer #3
answered by babygirl 4
L.O.L : Laugh Out Loud
L.M.A.O. : Laugh My Ar.se Off
R.O.F.L. : Roll On the Floor Laughing
O.M.G. : Oh My God
R.O.F.L.M.A.O. : Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ar.se Off
T.T.Y.L. : Talk To You Later
B.R.B. : Be Right Back
A.F.K. : Away From Keyboard
F.Y.I. : For Your Information
lol not much point putting any more everybody else has writen them already.. hope it helped anyways.. :)
2006-08-14 03:32:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
LMAO= laughing my a** off
OMG= oh my go*
ROFLMAO=rolling on floor laughing my a** off
BTW= by the way
BRB= be right back
So many others. Check out this link:
2006-08-14 03:23:48
answer #5
answered by shirley_corsini 5
LMAO - Laughing my a s s off
OMG - Oh My god
ROFL - Rolling on the Floor Laughing
2006-08-14 03:23:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Lmao is laughing my a** off and omg is oh my God. Ty is thank you, ttyl is talk to you later. umm what else? hmm sup? is what's up. Roflmao is rolling on teh floor laughing my a** off.
2006-08-14 03:22:15
answer #7
answered by I Am Jack's Wasted Life 5
Im tryint o figure out what IIKEM just posted... anyway...
lmao- laughin my *** off
wtf- what the ****!
rolmao- rolling on the floor laughin my *** off
ttyl- talk to you later
brb-be right back
omg- oh my god
afk- away from keys (meaning keyboard)
jk- just kidding
wb- welcome back
ty- thank you
This should help :)
2006-08-14 03:24:12
answer #8
answered by PG 4
lmao-laughing my *** off
omg- oh my god
rofl-rolling on [the] floor laughing
brb- be right back
lol-laugh out loud
jk-just kidding
ttyl- talk to you later
stfu-shut the f--- up
congrats you're now internet saavy.
2006-08-14 03:25:16
answer #9
answered by captaincoolbeard 3
omg oh my god imao in my absolute opinion
2006-08-14 03:22:50
answer #10
answered by GeeV6 1