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I was wondering if anyone knows how to read a dogs actions. My dog stays right at my side all of the time and thinks that if I go anywhere she has to go also, it doesn't matter where I'm going. I have been told that dogs can sense cancer in their owners, but how do they let you know? Can they just tell if something is wrong even if you don't think there is?

2006-08-14 02:04:29 · 22 answers · asked by marilyn w 2 in Health Other - Health

22 answers

I really don't think that there is anything to wory about. I have dogs as well and they also follow me around. They love you and want to be near you. Plus they think that if you go to the kitchen that they may have a chance at getting that scrap of food that falls to the floor. They can detect lots of things that part is true, but just because they walk where you walk doesn't mean that you're sick. Now if you are feeling strange, then go see your dr.

2006-08-14 02:10:04 · answer #1 · answered by Moon 5 · 0 0

No, I don't think so. Again, dogs just do this because they love to spend time with you. My dog does the same thing (which makes going out sometimes annoying). Usually, if dogs are sensing diseases, they usually act differently. They usually bark or something like that. If you still have a concern, go to the doctor's, but personally I think it's just love.

2006-08-14 09:12:05 · answer #2 · answered by risingphoenix421 2 · 0 0

Go to the doctor and go to vetrinarian or dog therapist. Check it out from all angles. Maybe your dog is the one who's sick after all. If you have a reason to think you might have cancer-besides the dog, then you should check it out too.

2006-08-14 10:58:57 · answer #3 · answered by Betty 4 · 0 0

dogs can sense your moods and when you are not feeling well. it is basically a transfer of your energy to them that they are reading. i doubt you have cancer because of your dog following your around. it could be that your dog just loves you more than anything else.

my dog stays with me so much some times i feel like she is right up my caboodle (especially if she knows i am going to be leaving soon). spend time with your dog and watch the dog whisperer on national geographic for a better understanding of your dog's psyche.

p.s. do you have a jack russell terrier? i do and anxiety is one of their traits.

2006-08-14 09:09:11 · answer #4 · answered by annie - rainbow goddess 4 · 1 0

i have 3 dogs who are constantly following me , they sleep in my room , ones sitting with me on my computer chair as we speak and the other two are by my feet under my desk. some dogs (specially smaller ones) like to be loyal and follow u faithfully.
my dogs even race me to the bathroom and sit there till im finished doing what ever. if i go outside they run to the door. i feel like i have 3 shadows all the time lol . im sure your fine u just have a great companion .

2006-08-14 09:15:20 · answer #5 · answered by kikiaboo29 3 · 0 0

When animals are telling you that you're sick, it is not something they do ALL the time. It's more likely your dog has Separation Anxiety, which a lot of animals unfortunately have these days. Or, your pup could just be devoted to you.
[Ask yourself if this constant being with you makes you anxious. If it does, please don't have any children until you can change that! Thanks!] You may just need the stillness of a lot of alone time.

2006-08-14 09:09:40 · answer #6 · answered by Cloud9 2 · 0 0

Some dogs do have a sixth sense for smelling disease in a person. But it sounds to me like your dog is just happy to be with you and enjoys your company.

2006-08-14 09:06:59 · answer #7 · answered by kja63 7 · 0 0

Dont rely on the cues that your dog may be showing, if you sense that something is wrong, I suggest that you go and visit your doctor for a thorough check-up.
I hope you are okay. Good luck.

2006-08-14 09:10:58 · answer #8 · answered by Jinky Winky 3 · 0 0

If this is out of character for your dog, then maybe see a doctor for piece of mind. Get a physical.

Otherwise, you may be overreacting. Dogs want attention.

2006-08-14 09:10:49 · answer #9 · answered by Matt S 2 · 0 0

my dog does this all the time! don't worry, do you give her or him enough attention? like petting her or feeding etc etc. My dog is like an accessory of mine practically lol. No i don't believe you are...but you could go see ur doctor if youare that worried,

2006-08-14 09:06:59 · answer #10 · answered by Stephie 2 · 0 0

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