yes it will grow back. i broke my finger about two months ago and in doing so i also broke the nail at the bed. i have about a quarter inch of a nail on that finger now. its going to take a long time but it will come back.
2006-08-14 02:10:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Normally yes, but if it's removed they can actually take out the part in the cuticle that the nail grows from and then it wouldn't grow back. They can do this for part of the nail or the whole thing and it is a common practice for ingrown toenails.
2006-08-22 00:55:56
answer #2
answered by Alisha 1
removed finger nail? did your finger nail fall off or something? well yeah it will grow back...but it will take a while...and i know whats its like to have a nail that got pulled out...the sight of it is just YUCK! So it will sure take like a couple weeks or so...idk...its been a long time for me...but it was my little toe nail...on my pinky it took a while. But finger nail it will grow back...well I hope so you have to have a finger nail right?!?! So yeah it will but idk how long it will be there.
2006-08-14 09:11:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I had my right index finger nail completely removed because of an accident.It took a few months, but it grew back perfectly and looks completely normal.
2006-08-20 01:05:58
answer #4
answered by hollyltstarfleet 4
Yes, of course it will grow back. I had to have a thumbnail removed once, and the way it looked after being removed, I wondered too--How could my naiil possibly grow back and be normal again? LOL
It will grow back, and it will seem like it was a miracle. It took several months, so you'll just have to be patient.
2006-08-19 13:32:43
answer #5
answered by Anna 4
You can have your finger nail removed and it grows back.
2006-08-20 21:30:48
answer #6
answered by marie 3
I guess if it's removed entirely from ur finger , it would take a very long time to grow back, that's my opinion
2006-08-14 09:16:44
answer #7
answered by what goes around comes around 3
It will grow back. It will just take time. Lots of time. My son lost a toenail a couple of years ago and it took months to come back.
2006-08-14 09:08:21
answer #8
answered by Jessie P 6
Yes, provided that the nail bed is not damaged. If it does not attach to the nail bed, it will tend to be unstable and break easily.
2006-08-20 22:40:43
answer #9
answered by ValleyViolet 6
I know somebody who had to have their toenail removed three times because it kept growing back.
2006-08-14 09:07:31
answer #10
answered by Velociraptor 5