Yes- that's a major life change and one that I wouldn't want to be blind-sided with. It's not like she got a new hairdo... this is an INFANT we're talking about here, and will change his life forever! Where has he been? Overseas? In the military? If it's a committed relationship, and they've been together a while, then maybe it's not such a big deal, but if this relationship is still new, you may want to forewarn him. And I don't think it's fair to judge an entire future on someone's immediate gut reaction to something- these things need time to digest and think about, and something this big is bound to knock him off his feet.
2006-08-06 18:14:34
answer #1
answered by umicantgetaname 1
Ouch. That's setting him up to fail isnt it? What reaction will be the right one?
Whether you should call Frankly, he should've been called a long time ago. One hand says warn him but the other says what if he's not thrilled and you just set up a confrontation?
Ouch....poor guy just can't win for losing. I sure as hell wouldn't want to find out I was going to be a parent in the middle of an airport....just seems so very wrong.
2006-08-07 01:10:28
answer #2
answered by sarhibar 3
Before I opened this question I thought the additional information would be something along the lines of "even though we just found out he is an axe murderer" or "even though the pregnancy is the result of rape". TELL THE MAN - especially the part about "she will judge their whole future". Not to smear your daughter's character, but that's pretty immature and manipulative. We all react to the unexpected in unexpected ways. If he wants to have a future with your daughter and their child, and she wants the same, please give them all a chance to have it hinge on something more substantive than his facial expression! Sheesh!
2006-08-07 01:11:27
answer #3
answered by Novice restauranteur 3
The phrasing of your question sounds better and judgmental.
Did you use his sperm? Did you decide to carry the child to term?Then he is the father. And as a father, he has the right, the legal obligation, and maybe the desire to be more, more than sperm donner.
What ever you relationship was or is, he has another relationship that you have chosen. Please spare me the religious values, because if you follow the religious conviction, you would not be carrying his child.
So show up at the airport and remember, there are two relations, yours and your baby's.
You have made your bed, now it is time to sleep in it.
2006-08-07 01:18:53
answer #4
answered by J. 7
Yikes! I think you should. I once had a pregnancy scare with my girlfriend and though I was 'relieved' when she wasn't pregnant, I would have also been overjoyed by having a child (once past the whole telling my parents >.<)
Tell him, surprise reactions are NOT a good thing to judge by AT ALL!!!
2006-08-07 01:09:03
answer #5
answered by John R 1
Whoa! Your daughter sounds really mature *sarcasm*. Honestly, your daughter is putting him in a really bad position. I think that she should act like a parent-to-be and tell him instead of letting him find out that way, and "judging their whole future by his reaction". That's really shady. She needs to grow up - and FAST!!!
2006-08-07 01:11:59
answer #6
answered by sugarlovenugget 3
Yes he deserves to know but it should've been from her way before. It should not come from you. Let them work it out. They have many years to deal with each other one way or another from this point forward. If they're meant to work out they will one way or another. May take time, but it's their relationship and future to work out. Plus, the mother will be upset with you if you interfere and that will jeopardize your relationship with your new grandchild.
2006-08-07 01:10:07
answer #7
answered by AB 2
yes,he is the father of the child and has a right to know whatevers going to happen.
2006-08-07 01:08:13
answer #8
answered by ~Devilz~ 4
No warning, stay out of other peoples business, let the cards fall where they may...
2006-08-07 01:08:31
answer #9
answered by Rick 1
Yes...I would say something...maybe not directly though.
You do want to be part of your grandchild's life don't you?
2006-08-07 01:08:36
answer #10
answered by DG 5